Posted inEditorials

The “Notwithstanding” Gambit

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2021  (Dec. 31, 2021) — Now that the Goofball’s multi-trillion-dollar “Bankrupt America by Sundown” bill has itself been “sun-setted,” thanks to the rational statesmanship of Sen. Joe Manchin (D. VA), the Democrat radicals in Congress must focus attention elsewhere. That “elsewhere,” facilitated by a sycophantic mass media, appears to be S.2747, the […]

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The Beltway Blood Sport Arena

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2021 (Dec. 21, 2021) — “In Washington, ruining people is considered sport.”  Those were the words of Vince Foster, one-time law partner with Hillary (“BleachBit?  What BleachBit?”) Clinton and former Assistant White House Counsel during the first few months of the Slick Willie (“Blue dress?  What blue dress?“) Clinton presidency until his “suicide” in July […]

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The Pandemic of the Mendacious

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2021  (Dec. 15, 2021) — The sheer, palpable mendacity of the “Let’s Go Brandon” Goofball at 1600 further metastasizes.  When recently asked by a reporter whether he will continue to resist federal court rulings barring him from imposing certain “get-jabbed-or-else” mandates, the Goof repeated the idiotic and false platitude that the nation […]

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Every…, Single…, Time….

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2021  (Oct. 10, 2021) — The tsunami of outrages flowing from the “Let’s Go Brandon” Goofball Regime just gets deeper and more destructive.  With each passing day, the intentional effort by the Goof’s D.C. cabal and marionette-masters to destroy the foundations of the Republic proceeds largely unabated.  These calamitous actions include, among […]

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by Joseph DeMaio, ©2021  (Sep. 23, 2021) — Earlier this month, your humble servant offered this “out-of-the-box” zinger hypothetical proposal.  It was posited as an alternative to waiting until the 2022 mid-term elections for the GOP to retake the House, as will undoubtedly happen.  But November 8, 2022 is too long to wait for changes […]

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The Surrebuttal

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2021  (Sep. 14, 2021) — Regarding your humble servant’s post here, proposing a “zinger fastball” leading to a swift impeachment of the Goofball-in-Chief, commenter “Hendricks” has offered a “rebuttal” meriting a surrebuttal.  Faithful P&E readers might better appreciate the following offering if they would first read (or re-read) the above-noted “zinger fastball” […]