Posted inEditorials

The Path to Critical Mass

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2022 (May 20, 2022) — In the jargon of thermonuclear physics, the term “critical mass” means that point at which a specific volume of fissile material – such as uranium-235 or Plutonium – will sustain a nuclear chain reaction.  Once the chain reaction begins and races ahead uncontrolled, a hyper-violent nuclear explosion […]

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The Sussmann Trial

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2022 (May 16, 2022) — Today, the criminal trial of former Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussmann begins with the selection and empaneling of a jury.   Sussmann is charged with lying to the FBI back in 2016, claiming that, as a “concerned citizen,” he was presenting “evidence” (also known as “lies”) to a […]

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Hamilton Fish Lives!

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2022 (May 15, 2022) — Recently, a post appeared at The P&E addressing the truly remarkable documentary, “2000 Mules” released by Dinesh D’Souza in collaborative partnership with True the Vote. That post was preceded by one from your humble servant reaching essentially the same conclusion: the film documents what is almost certainly […]

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The Coin of the Realm

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2022 (May 13, 2022) — Well, whatta ya know: crack pipes for junkies were, after all, included in the “safe smoking kits” distributed by the Goofball Regime.  This, of course, after the regime’s termites – including scarlet-coiffed, soon-to-be-ex press flak Jen Psaki – assured everyone that no such thing was planned or […]

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Buckle up: Here We Go

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2022 (May 1, 2022) — Finally, we will shortly see the hard evidence that, in fact and reality – as opposed to the concocted fantasy that the 2020 general election was “the most fair and secure in history” – that the 2020 election was rigged and, beyond any reasonable doubt…, stolen.  Hijacked.  […]

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The Greene Deal

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2022 (Apr. 23, 2022) — No, Virginia, nothing related to “climate change.”  U.S. District Court Judge Amy Totenberg – appointed to the federal bench by the Second Usurper in Chief (“SUC”) Barack Obama in 2011 – has recently issued a ruling that a lawsuit seeking to remove from the Georgia primary election […]

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The Musk-Twitter Tsunami

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2022 (Apr. 15, 2022) — Every now and then, there appears on that stellar platform of free speech, Twitter – just kidding, Virginia – a “tweet” that says it all.  The tweet comes from Vernon Jones, Trump-endorsed African-American GOP candidate for Congress in Georgia’s 10th Congressional District.  The tweet was in response […]

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Of Conciliation Agreements and Rounding Errors

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2022 (Apr. 1, 2022) — The Federal Election Commission (“FEC”) has entered into two “Conciliation Agreements” with the 2016 “Hillary for America” (“HFA”) Presidential Campaign and the Democratic [sic] National Committee (“DNC”).  The two agreements – one for HFA, the other for the DNC – purport to resolve and settle “probable cause […]

Posted inEditorials

The Jackson Nomination

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2022  (Mar. 2, 2022) — Essentially all you need to know about the Goofball-in-Chief’s nomination of a replacement for retiring Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer – one Ketanji Brown Jackson – is that her selection is enthusiastically supported by a leftist “dark-money” organization, Arabella Advisors, and its affiliated outfit, the Sixteen Thirty […]