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by Joseph DeMaio, ©2022

(May 8, 2022) — Last week, your humble servant offered a post addressing the new documentary by Dinesh D’Souza, “2000 Mules.” The title of the documentary refers to the over 2000 “mules” – midnight (and also broad daylight) ballot-box traffickers and stuffers – depicted in the film.  The website for the film is not particularly user-friendly, but if you persist, you will succeed.  And persist you should, because the full revelations contained in the film are compelling.   

Not just persuasive: compelling.  And not only because of D’Souza’s contribution, but significantly because of the work of True The Vote.  TTV’s petabyte stash of smoking howitzer video and cellphone “pinging” data documenting widespread ballot box stuffing graphically documents the fraud which fatally infected the “most secure election in American history.”   Right… and if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Full disclosure (as if more were needed): your humble servant thinks that the Goofball at 1600 will go down in the history of the Republic as the worst – and by that is meant not even close to mediocre – chief executive since 1789.  He is addled; he is incompetent; he gives new meaning to the term “clown;” and until Dr. Jill explained it to him, he had not a clue as to what “Let’s Go Brandon” meant.   

Seriously?  And we’re supposed to be comfortable with him being in the same room with the nuclear football after what the Second Usurper in Chief (“SUC”), Barack Obama said about him?   

Not only should he never have been elected in the first place – and the D’Souza documentary supports the conclusion that, but for illegal ballot box stuffing and “trafficking” in but five of the fifty states, the Goof would have lost – he should be removed from office either by resignation, invocation of the 25th Amendment or impeachment

But I digress. 

Naturally, the Left has already begun dismissing the documentary as yet another fevered conspiracy theory marketed by the Trump-pardoned felon from India, labeling the film as another manifestation of the “Big Lie,” which term they usually capitalize in order to give it the patina of a formal, recognized “doctrine” such as here and here.  Prior to the release of 2000 Mules, the Associated Press ratified the election as essentially fraud-free. After the release this week of the documentary, the AP doubled down, attacking the film as based on “faulty assumptions.”

Ummm… memo to the AP: what, exactly, is “faulty” about state government-supplied ballot drop-box security surveillance video taken in the middle of the night where persons – wearing disposable surgical gloves to mask fingerprints – are shown cramming ballot envelopes into the boxes?  All told over time, thousands and thousands of them?  I’ll wait. 

World War II Wellington bomber (Wikimedia Commons, from Flickr, CC by 2.0)

World War II B-17 pilots flying bombing missions over Nazi Germany originated the phrase: “If you are taking flak, you are over the target.”  2000 Mules is starting to take a ton of flak…, yet it remains aloft.  Is the First Amendment a good thing, or what? 

Memo to P&E readers: decide for yourselves whether to stream or purchase the movie on DVD, then arrive at your own conclusions.  But if you do decide to invest in the effort, pay close attention to the video beginning at the 48:30 point.  There, D’Souza and TTV reveal statistical data bearing on whether the magnitude of the ballot stuffing in the “swing states” of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin was enough to impact the final popular “vote” count and “tip the balance” from President Trump – leading when we went to bed on “election” night – over to the Goof.   

The answer: take a guess.  Take a wild guess. 

If “free” elections are not also “fraud-free,” they are not elections at all.  They are installations.  They are the illegitimate offspring of the tryst that Soviet Union dictator Joseph Stalin spoke about: “Those who cast the votes determine nothing; those who count the votes determine everything.” Much like a broken clock is correct twice a day, murderous dictators can on occasion speak the truth. 

And remember, Virginia, that an anatomical “mule” is the sterile offspring of a female horse and a male donkey, with apologies for referencing actual gender identifiers.  Recalling as well that the mascot or “face” of the Democrat Party is a donkey, the question becomes: who is the mare?  Just askin’. 

Is there really time to waste until the mid-term elections in November?  Really?

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The 2020 election was as secure as a screen door on a submarine.

Those two others, of course, failed to explain away the hundreds of individuals tracked by cell-phone GPS data and videoed by security cameras going to and dropping handfuls of ballots into multiple drop boxes, multiple times…especially/specifically during overnight hours.

The articles actually did explain there’s no evidence in the movie of anyone voting illegally or illegally depositing multiple ballots.

More criticism: https://twitter.com/mattsheffield/status/1523792529962938369

So you don’t disagree with my comment above. Thank you.

Neither of those articles explained away the evidence in the movie that mules were paid to pickup mail-in ballots at left-wing NGOs and deposit them in mail-in ballot drop boxes. While ballot harvesting is legal in some states, being paid to do it is not legal in any state. That makes every one of those ballots illegal.

“There are many reasons why a person could be in proximity to ballot dropboxes & multiple left-wing groups.

Here’s 1: Mail carriers are required by law to collect ballots. Sometimes they put them in dropboxes. D’Souza wants you to think that making up hypotheticals is journalism.”
— Matt Sheffield

When on the job, USPS mail carriers are required to wear USPS uniforms. I don’t recall seeing uniformed USPS mail carriers in 2000 Mules. Matt Sheffield wants you believe that his hypothetical debunks 2000 Mules.

Stating that the articles actually explained how of the movie didn’t prove its claims was in fact disagreement.

That uniformed mail carriers didn’t appear in the movie doesn’t mean no mail carrier ever was near a ballot dropbox. It only means the movie was selective with the data it chose to present.

And obviously no official agreed with the assertion that anyone was paid to harvest ballots. True the Vote, as it does, refused to provide any competent evidence to support this claim.

Watch now. Dinesh D’ Souza’s “2000 Mules”:


From the excellent article:
“If “free” elections are not also “fraud-free,” they are not elections at all. They are installations.”

That sounds like what happened in 2008 when the Soros funded, Brennan and the CIA created total fraud Barack Hussein Obama was installed. However, in the case of Obama the “installation” was going to happen even if there had been zero voter fraud because the candidate himself was and is a total and complete fraud. The installers of Obama knew they would need an after Obama cover president knowledgeable of Obama’s usurpation, but willing to follow Obama as the much needed after Obama cover president. Why not Hillary Clinton, who had to be stopped from fully revealing what she said she knew about Obama’s ineligibility? Rather than Arkancide, IMO Hillary was made an offer to drop out of the 2008 primary to insure an Obama victory. Her reward would be the after Obama cover presidency and a cabinet position in Obama’s regime. Refusing would be “unhealthy”. Both parties feared being called racist if they suggested Obama should be vetted or if they said anything negative about him. Obama was sworn-in by John Roberts in 2009 and again in 2013, and both parties stayed busy covering for Obama because they had effectively given America’s government and her military to her enemies. They had to cover for Obama to cover for themselves and today, they still are…..

Hillary was not supposed to lose, and especially not to Obama’s nemesis, Donald Trump. Apparently a crime too big to prosecute was committed when Obama was allowed to be sworn-in, and so-far the many guilty in The Obama Fraud are still walking free while the wheels of justice turn at a pace which allows those guilty of very serious crimes, up to and including treason, to live the life of luxury they have stolen with their many crimes………. This means endless delays and only a few low-level people being charged with anything………..is the Durham investigation more of the same?

Don’t forget Harris was Obama’s pick for VP. Biden has no free choice when he is beholden to the puppet master and of course, China. Best to keep having more unconstitutional candidates to cover up your own usurpation and install malleable, unprincipled morons to facilitate your fundamental transformation of America. BTW, there should be millions in the street demanding the removal of these traitors who stole the election and defile the Constitution daily! Where is the outrage?

Exactly Gary, and thanks for mentioning that…..