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Zullo: “They Used the Wrong Statute” to Charge Arpaio

“POLITICAL RETRIBUTION” by Sharon Rondeau (Apr. 22, 2017) — In the final segment of an interview of Obama birth certificate investigator Mike Zullo on the “Freedom Friday” radio show last night, Zullo revealed a significant new development in the criminal case filed by the Department of Justice last October against former Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff […]

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Zullo: “The Media Won’t Even Discuss the Findings” on Obama Birth Certificate

“VINDICATED” by Sharon Rondeau (Apr. 21, 2017) — Shortly after 5:00 p.m. EDT, criminal investigator Mike Zullo appeared on Carl Gallups’s “Freedom Friday” to discuss both information released previously and new developments in the 5+-year saga involving Barack Hussein Obama’s long-form birth certificate. During his introduction, Gallups asserted that anyone who had doubted the authenticity […]

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The “Birth Certificate” Arises Again

“I WANT TO SEE HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE” by Sharon Rondeau (Apr. 19, 2017) — On Fox News Channel’s Wednesday edition of “The Five” at approximately 5:22 p.m. EDT, co-anchor Greg Gutfeld said he wanted to see Georgia congressional candidate Jon Ossof’s “birth certificate” after Ossof was compared to Barack Obama. “He’s a 30-year-old Barack Obama,” […]

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Obama Birth Certificate Investigator: Government Spying “Very Deep, Very Bad”

“IT’S VERY ANTI-AMERICAN” by Sharon Rondeau (Mar. 12, 2017) — On Friday, Obama birth certificate investigator Mike Zullo was Carl Gallups’s guest on his “Freedom Friday” radio show to discuss revelations made approximately two years ago about extensive government surveillance of U.S. citizens by a former NSA and CIA contractor. The show can be heard […]

Posted inUS Government Corruption

Obama Birth Certificate Investigator: “We Were Aware of the Spying”

“DEEP AND DARK” EXPLAINED by Sharon Rondeau (Mar. 4, 2017) — Following revelations made by President Trump early on Saturday morning that he believes his phones were “wiretapped” by the Obama regime, The Post & Email spoke with Mike Zullo, who led the 5+-year criminal probe into the image posted on the White House website […]

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New Video Reveals Real-Time, Unbiased Reporting on Obama Birth Certificate Investigation

“SHE GOT IT!” by Sharon Rondeau (Jan. 28, 2017) — A video released by radio show host Carl Gallups on Saturday contains a reporter’s live news feed occurring as investigator Mike Zullo and then-Maricopa County Sheriff Joseph Arpaio gave their final press conference on the Obama birth certificate investigation. The third and final presser on […]

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Donald John Trump Becomes the 45th President of the United States

OBAMA LONG-FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE IMAGE ARCHIVED by Sharon Rondeau (Jan. 20, 2017) — Following the inauguration of Vice President Michael R. Pence and President Donald John Trump on Friday, the website reflects the shift from the Obama regime to the Trump administration. Under the “Issues” tab are reflected the new administration’s positions on energy, […]

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Arizona Republic Misrepresents Birth Certificate Investigation

MEDIA CONTINUES TO OBSCURE THE ISSUE OF FORGERY by Sharon Rondeau (Jan. 19, 2017) — In an article on Thursday detailing Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone‘s “100-Days Plan,” The Arizona Republic reported that Penzone, who was sworn in on January 1, will disband the Cold Case Posse which investigated the authenticity of the long-form birth […]

Posted inWorld

Report: People of Israel Keenly Interested in Obama Birth Certificate Forgery

“WE BELIEVE IT’S GOING TO BE ON THE ISRAELI NEWS” by Sharon Rondeau (Jan. 8, 2017) — On Friday evening, Brandon Gallups hosted “Freedom Friday” in place of his father and regular host, Carl Gallups, interviewing Rabbi Zev Porat of Messiah of Israel Ministries during the first half-hour of the show. Gallups began by briefly […]

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Why Did Electors Not Ask for “Briefing” Before Casting Votes for Obama?

NO EVIDENCE OF ELIGIBILITY PRESENTED; FORGERIES UNADDRESSED by Sharon Rondeau (Dec. 13, 2016) — On Tuesday’s edition of “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson and a Democrat strategist said that a number of presidential electors calling for a “briefing” on alleged Russian hacking allegations before casting their votes as members […]

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Atty. Larry Klayman: DNI Resignation “Likely” Spurred by Former NSA Contractor Dennis Montgomery

“THE POTENTIAL FOR COERCION AND BLACKMAIL” by Sharon Rondeau (Nov. 17, 2016) — In an email notification to subscribers and a post on his “Freedom Watch” website on Thursday, former Justice Department prosecutor Larry Klayman stated that the resignation of Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper Wednesday evening is “likely” connected to former NSA […]

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Is it Not an “Outrage” that the Forgery on the White House Website Has Not Been Investigated?

“NO CONSEQUENCES FOR DEFRAUDING THE LEGISLATURE” by Sharon Rondeau (Nov. 12, 2016) — In an email dated July 31, 2009 released by WikiLeaks, Ilyse G. Hogue, then-Director of Political Advocacy and Communications at the George Soros-funded, forwarded a solicitation to “NBerning” (Nick Berning) at Friends of the Earth (FOE) generated by Justin Ruben of […]