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Zullo: “The Media Won’t Even Discuss the Findings” on Obama Birth Certificate

“VINDICATED” by Sharon Rondeau (Apr. 21, 2017) — Shortly after 5:00 p.m. EDT, criminal investigator Mike Zullo appeared on Carl Gallups’s “Freedom Friday” to discuss both information released previously and new developments in the 5+-year saga involving Barack Hussein Obama’s long-form birth certificate. During his introduction, Gallups asserted that anyone who had doubted the authenticity […]

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Obama Birth Certificate Investigator: Government Spying “Very Deep, Very Bad”

“IT’S VERY ANTI-AMERICAN” by Sharon Rondeau (Mar. 12, 2017) — On Friday, Obama birth certificate investigator Mike Zullo was Carl Gallups’s guest on his “Freedom Friday” radio show to discuss revelations made approximately two years ago about extensive government surveillance of U.S. citizens by a former NSA and CIA contractor. The show can be heard […]

Posted inUS Government Corruption

Obama Birth Certificate Investigator: “We Were Aware of the Spying”

“DEEP AND DARK” EXPLAINED by Sharon Rondeau (Mar. 4, 2017) — Following revelations made by President Trump early on Saturday morning that he believes his phones were “wiretapped” by the Obama regime, The Post & Email spoke with Mike Zullo, who led the 5+-year criminal probe into the image posted on the White House website […]

Posted inWorld

Report: People of Israel Keenly Interested in Obama Birth Certificate Forgery

“WE BELIEVE IT’S GOING TO BE ON THE ISRAELI NEWS” by Sharon Rondeau (Jan. 8, 2017) — On Friday evening, Brandon Gallups hosted “Freedom Friday” in place of his father and regular host, Carl Gallups, interviewing Rabbi Zev Porat of Messiah of Israel Ministries during the first half-hour of the show. Gallups began by briefly […]

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Disingenuous Mainstream Media Fails to Cite “Evidence” Pointing to 2007 Clinton Campaign, Obama Birth Certificate Forgery

ARE THEY TO BE TRUSTED? by Sharon Rondeau (Sep. 16, 2016) — Over more than two weeks, mainstream media including MSN, ABC News, and The Washington Post drilled Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his surrogates as to why Trump had not yet said publicly that Barack Hussein Obama was “born in the United States.” […]

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Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator to Appear on “Freedom Friday” July 1

TOPIC:  OBAMA’S SELECTIVE SERVICE REGISTRATION FORM by Sharon Rondeau (Jun. 30, 2016) — Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse lead investigator Michael Zullo will be a guest on Carl Gallups‘s “Freedom Friday” tomorrow beginning at 5:00 p.m. EDT/2:00 p.m. PDT to expound further on his conclusions about the purported Selective Service registration form of Barack […]

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WOBC Founder Mike Volin Details Obama Fraud Presentations to Members of Congress

SELECTIVE SERVICE COMPONENT “ALWAYS INCLUDED” by Sharon Rondeau (Jun. 30, 2016) — In a follow-on to The Post & Email’s Tuesday interview of Maricopa County Cold Case Posse lead investigator Michael Zullo concerning the four-year investigation into Barack Hussein Obama’s documentation and specifically, his Selective Service registration, the founder of (WOBC), Mike Volin, told […]

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WOBC to Host Cold Case Posse Lead Investigator and Well-Known “Freedom Friday” Radio Host

TOPIC:  PRESIDENTIAL ELIGIBILITY OF TED CRUZ, BARACK OBAMA by Sharon Rondeau (Apr. 7, 2016) — On Friday night, the WOBC radio show will host “Freedom Friday” host and pastor Carl Gallups along with Maricopa County Cold Case Posse lead investigator Michael Zullo beginning at 8:00 p.m. EDT. For a number of years, Gallups has covered […]

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Investigator: Ted Cruz Should Be Truthful With the American People

BY RELEASING ALL DOCUMENTATION FROM CANADA AND THE U.S. by Sharon Rondeau (Mar. 25, 2016) — In recent weeks, Maricopa County, AZ Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo has appeared on Carl Gallups’s “Freedom Friday” radio show speaking about the questionable presidential eligibility of Sen. Ted Cruz, who has been running in second place […]

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Carl Gallups Describes Two-Hour, “Closed-Door” Meeting with Arpaio on Obama Document Forgery Investigation

“BRAND NEW REVELATIONS” by Sharon Rondeau (Mar. 13, 2016) — On the March 11 edition of “Freedom Friday,” host Carl Gallups described his recent trip to meet with Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio “behind closed doors” with Maricopa County Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo “talking about the Obama birth certificate fraud […]

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Sheriff Joseph Arpaio Interview with Carl Gallups on Obama Birth Certificate Investigation

“WAITING FOR INTERNATIONAL RESULTS” by Sharon Rondeau (Mar. 12, 2016) — Between late Wednesday and early Thursday, radio host and pastor Carl Gallups tweeted that he had met with Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio, who commissioned a criminal investigation into the long-form birth certificate image posted on the White House website in April […]

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Breaking: Carl Gallups to Detail Recent Visit with Sheriff Arpaio on Obama Document Forgery Investigation

TUNE IN AT 5:00 P.M.! by Sharon Rondeau (Mar. 11, 2016) — “Freedom Friday” radio show host Carl Gallups has announced that he will be elaborating on his meeting on Wednesday with Maricopa County Sheriff Joseph M. Arpaio, who commissioned one of his volunteer posses to investigate the long-form birth certificate image posted on the […]