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by Roving Reporter, ©2023

(Sep. 28, 2023) — “Along the Navajo Trail” (2:28)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. Today’s featured guest requested to make a statement, and because he has been darn good for our show, we jumped at the chance. I’m sure we’ll all benefit from his knowledge so as not to prolong it more than I already have, let me introduce to you Henry, the talking frog.”

“Thank you, Roving, for such a kind and in-depth introduction, although I must correct you on one point: all frogs talk, and the language they speak is called ‘Croak,’ not to be confused with ‘he or she croaked’ which is, usually, being flattened by a tire (if you’re a frog), or dying from the ‘Clot Shot’ if you’re human.”

“Got it.”

“What I’d like to speak to is your wacky belief system that seems to fluctuate with your so-called ‘polls.’ You want to talk about a convoluted system to get to the truth, and polling is the least accurate way out there. First, nobody trusts anyone anymore. There used to be a time when the word ‘confidential’ meant privacy, but not these days. These days if you don’t conform, you’re threatened with box time – prison – by one of your incompetent judges who haphazardly violates a citizen’s Constitutional right to live without their thoughts being questioned.”

“That is so true.”

“Which leads us to the belief that just because an idea was accepted in the past doesn’t necessarily make that belief viable today. People once believed that the earth was flat, but we have photographs of the earth not flat. People used to believe that the ‘gods’ required human sacrifice to make it rain, but we have learned that the earth circulates the sun in an elliptical orbit and the earth’s axis is tilted, which explains why there are seasons. We used to believe in the concept of ‘benelovent’ until we learned that people are not so good at heart and the One Who was, The Christ, they crucified.”

“Now isn’t that the truth.”

“The firm ground that we trust with every step is but a veneer floating on lava. That cloud in the distance could house a tornado and that rock beyond Jupiter hurtling towards us at 50,000 mph could hit in the middle of the ocean and create a worldwide tsunami.”

“But those are events that are out of our control.”

“Precisely. Now let’s address the events that we do control. We control our borders. We control how many come in and who they are, their health and their intentions, that is, until Biden. An open border means we have lost control, we have voluntarily given up our belief in a unified country. We have rendered the belief in our country worthless by allowing people to come in who have no intentions whatsoever to assimilate. By ‘assimilate’ I mean accepting the Constitution as the law of the land.

“If I was pressed to name a date on which we started our decline, I’d have to say 9-11. The blame is endless as to who was responsible for allowing those animals to be in our country in the first place. I would not have let them in, and the fact they were in is bad enough; then you add the fact that their visas expired and they weren’t kicked out, which attests to a system that is only in place for show and no go. That’s when the bells and whistles should have sounded long and loud throughout our country, but they didn’t. Not a peep. Not a whistle.

“And still no warnings. Do I need to list them, starting before 9-11? The bombings of our servicemen in Europe, the first Trade Tower bombing and every murder worldwide since then. I mentioned at the beginning that we live on a veneer of earth that floats on top of lava. The people on the continent of Africa have the same lava under them as we had not so long ago. Everyone on earth is on the same boat, and as a frog I know about boats better than most. A senseless murder anywhere affects us all, something we pretty darn quick should start paying attention to.

“Everyone on the planet believes that the 2020 election was the lowest that the USA ever sunk. And the fact that it was done on live TV, broadcasted worldwide, just emphasizes how much disdain the Deep State has for the belief in truth. And then to compound the steal the Deep State concocted the narrative that it wasn’t Mike Pence who was one of the insurrectionists, but a bunch of misguided, well-meaning Patriots who wanted to do something but didn’t know what to do or where to go. Little did they know if they all had stayed home, Nancy Pelosi would’ve hired extras to act like lost souls who would have acted like misguided, well-meaning Patriots who wanted to do something but didn’t know what to do or where to go.

“We’re playing poker with the government and holding a Royal Flush while the government is holding four deuces and a joker. Needless to say, the joker isn’t allowed, but since security, who has been watching the game since the beginning, isn’t doing a darn thing to make sure the rules are being followed, five deuces beat a Royal Flush. The game is being televised and, at 3:00 a.m., one TV camera caught a couple of deuces sneaked out from under the table while another camera caught the government sliding the joker from the left-hand sleeve, all on camera being televised worldwide in real time.

“The following morning the government’s news channels reported that the game was honest as the day is long. Other TV stations showed the clips of the dishonesty and said the game was rigged and the government cheated. Whoopi Goldberg said don’t believe your lying eyes. The Morning Joe crowd said that the election was fair and that’s all there was to it and if anyone disagreed, they were ‘election deniers.’

“Getting back to Nancy Pelosi’s insurrection, she didn’t have to hire actors because the government supplied the ushers to herd the disillusioned into the Capitol, thereby making her tabloid complete. Deaths were prearranged. The Capitol Police wanted to murder hundreds, but Pelosi suggested less than a hundred. The murders were caught on camera, but the murderers were given a free pass to beat to death, or shoot to death, anyone they wanted, when they wanted, and who they wanted.

“There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of documented examples of members of the court and the military following illegal orders, but perhaps the best example is that of the German Waffen SS soldier tossing the baby in the air and catching the baby with the bayonet while the mother, at the soldier’s feet, is begging for her child’s quick death before the mother is pushed into the ditch to be randomly shot to bleed out, perhaps severely suffering for hours prior to death. We have, at this time in the history of the USA, agents of death, and it’s all documented, some of it on film.

“Years ago, inductees into the military were instructed about the Nuremberg Trials following World War II. They were taught that the defense of just ‘following orders’ was not allowed. It is an illegal order to arrest Trump for ‘questioning an election.’  It is illegal to follow a judge’s order to arrest someone for picketing the Capitol or walking on the sidewalk in front of the Capitol an Jan. 6. Those cops or agents are as guilty as are the judges, as are the guards in the Washington, DC gulag for keeping innocent citizens locked up for nothing.

“The belief in a 2020 fair election and in Nancy Pelosi’s ‘insurrection is used only as a tool to further the advancement of the Patriot Act by the DHS, a Johnny-come-lately department that is overshadowing all other departments because it targets Americans and not the enemy; such is the mindset of the Deep State. We have become a nation run by protégés of the Democratic Socialist Party, a name the Dems adopted. The Dems have turned their backs on Israel while giving Iran a green light to continue to construct a nuclear device.

“Our country is run by gangsters who we can only hope will reap their just rewards when Trump gets back in. I want to remind the viewers that I am ready, willing, and able to get our military back on track and it wouldn’t take long, believe me. Give me the opportunity to be the next Secretary of Defense and I’ll have our military shipshape before you can shake a stick at it. And that’s all I wanted to say at this time. Thank you.”

“Your quite welcome, I’m sure.”

“One more thing, if I may. We know who is in our country illegally; we know who is in our country and hates our guts, right?”

“Right; well, some of us do.”

“Okay, here’s the deal: The Muslims will out-birth us, it’s what they do; it’s what they ARE doing. They are out-birthing us for one reason: to get the majority so they can out-vote us and replace the Constitution with Sharia Law. By golly, they’ve been saying it for decades and no one is listening, and it shouldn’t have to take a frog to reveal the truth about Muslim intentions. Anybody listening? Deport them: problem solved. Thank you.”

“Short and sweet, I always say. Goodnight.

“Good show. Burger for me and I ordered fresh fly for you: my treat.”

[Something to tell a Dem: A vote for Biden means a vote for a’ rape tree.’ Close the border and deport all who came across.]

The Cowboy’s Hat” (2:59)

Roving Reporter 

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Friday, September 29, 2023 12:23 AM

Muslims took over America from the inside by getting Barack Hussein Obama elected as America’s president and commander-in-chief of her military. All they had to do was lie, something they are good at and proud of. With Obama effectively in his third term Muslims still have control of America……No one knows for sure how much longer Obama will be in control…….