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by Roving Reporter, ©2023

(Jan. 11, 2023) — “Driftin’ Blues” (4:57)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first.  Before we listen to Dunkin’s first sermon as a Bishop, Professor Zorkophsky would like to say a few words.”

“Thank you, Roving, for giving me this opportunity to say a few words to our combat-stressed Veterans out there. There’s a lot of talk about the suicides but none about the other kind, the prolonged kind of suicide: divorce.

“There are many contributing factors involved when two people decide to kill a marriage, but the number one reason why marriages break up is lack of communication. Many a time all a person has to do is to say the three magic words – ‘I love you’ – and all would be well, the marriage survives and two people get to travel through life together.

“But if one has PTSD, sometimes he is incapable of saying the magic words and the marriage dissolves, and that’s really sad. In my capacity as a professional shrink treating combat-related PTSD patients, I’d have to say that in every case of my divorced patients, the lack of communication was the root cause of a lifetime of regret.  

“There: I think I said it as plain as I can make it. As far as my divorce goes, there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t wish I had had the courage to tell her I loved her and the heck with the consequences.”

“Well, Professor, that was rather a blunt confession. I’m sure there are some Veterans out there who may very well take your advice rather than just calling it quits. At least maybe they’ll at least give it one more try.

“And one more thing. If, heaven forbid, I ever have to face a ‘jury of my peers,’ I will request one made up of unhappy divorcees that are ‘vax-free.’ It’s been a thrill. Good day to you, sir.”

“Okay, Zork, I’m sure there’ll be some out there you’ll be helping. I guess better late than never. We’ll break for a commercial and then go hear Bishop Dunkin’s sermon. Don’t you go anywhere.”

Any Way You Want It” (2:29)

“The Bishop is approaching the pulpit, so let’s listen in.”

“Hallelujah, one and all, and may His blessings shine on our country. ‘Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and institute new government…(Thomas Jefferson).’

“That time is now, folks. Our government has become destructive, and there’s no better example than the Jan. 6 Committee. Think of all the illegal shenanigans that brought about such an aberration. Multiple agencies with thousands of bureaucrats who turned their backs on the Constitution had to be in lockstep to do what has been done.

“Not one department or agency is responsible: the whole government is corrupt. Used to be if you saw a terrorist threat you’d call the FBI, but no longer because more than likely the terrorist threat you’re witnessing is, in fact, an ongoing FBI operation and you’ll end up in the gulag or dead.

“Once upon a time we could make an anonymous tip about a drug deal going down, but we don’t do that anymore because most likely it’s the government doing the deal.

“In the past if you exposed corruption you were rewarded; now you’ll be taking your life in your own hands.

“It is quite amazing how the titles of many departments mean the opposite, with the DOJ heading the list as the headquarters of dishonesty and the DHS the biggest importer of terrorists and illegals. I contend that maybe 10% of government employees are honest and hardworking Patriots; all the others need to take a flying leap.

“I urge you to be always armed. It is the responsibility of every father to arm your daughter and every husband to arm your wife. In 2012 there was a presidential candidate, OPOVV, who, to attend one of his political rallies you had to show a gun to gain admittance, and the candidate we are backing – Henry — for president in 2024 is implementing that same requirement: you must be armed to be any use to yourself and to us.

“Now please contemplate the goons coming for you to take you to a gulag where you’ll be beaten, starved, denied medical care, and stripped of your rights, just what the Jan. 6 Committee stands for. Ask any of the gulag prisoners and they’ll tell you had they the opportunity to defend themselves from government employees who follow illegal orders from corrupt judges, they would have. And so, unlike them, do not be caught unprepared to protect yourselves.

“Let us now contemplate what I just said while we listen to a piece written by Mozart.”

Sonata in C, K 545, Allegro” (3:32)

“That was nice. Please stand while you turn to page 143 of the hymnal and sing along.”

Swing Down Sweet Chariot” (2:32)

“Thank you. Please be seated. I don’t have to tell you that the human race is at the precipice of extinction through pure stupidity. We have complete idiots in charge of our government, military, financial institutions – Federal Reserve, medical, CDC, education, Affirmative Action – well, the list is endless, as we all know way too well: just look at the Biden-Harris dimwitted comedy tag team. Except they’re not funny.

“Jan. 6 is a day the United States government fabricated a cover-up for hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes, with VP Mike Pence, aka ‘Judas,’ sweeping it under the rug and declaring Joe Biden the next president.

“We have witnessed ‘no red wave’ during the last election because, once again, the election was a sham, one big embarrassing sham for all the world to see how far our brand of Democracy is nothing but crooks running the show.

“Our court system is so far out of whack that if you fly the American flag, you can be put in jail for ‘offending’ someone. Yes, we hold certain truths to be self-evident, and one of those truths is to recognize that our government is out to censor us if we don’t drink the ’Kool-Aid,’ if we don’t buy into the ‘vax lie’ and if we continue to support our Constitution.

“And therein lies the key: the Constitution. Nothing else matters but the use of overwhelming force in the defense of our country.

“If we continue to allow our enemies to squat on our land, then no matter what we say, we’ll fail to pass down the baton of freedom to the next generation.

“Folks, as a country that once stood for freedom and justice we are dying, and some of us can see what the death will look like not many years down the road.

“If, on the other hand, we put our full support behind a presidential candidate such as Henry, who will deport each and every Muslim and illegal immigrant, we’ll have a snowball’s chance. Be armed and be ready because our government goons, those who prefer a paycheck over freedom, are a dime a dozen these days, and if the actions of this rogue government don’t convince you of that fact, nothing will.

“In closing I just want to state Henry’s campaign slogan: ‘Be Ready by Being Armed.’ And we could add: ’Don’t Allow Yourself to be Taken Unaware Like the Jan, 6-ers.’ Because we know the goon squads are out there, arresting our fellow Patriots at any time of the day because we are not fighting back.

“Think about it. Ask any of those prisoners languishing in the gulag had they the means to defend themselves, would they fight to protect their freedoms, or would they willingly become sacrificial lambs?

“Please stand and sing along with the choir as we walk out the door. Refreshments are served in the basement: it’ll be my treat.”

Battle Hymn of the Republic” (4:50)

“Good show: Goodnight.”

Shenandoah” (5:15)

Roving Reporter

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