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by Roving Reporter, ©2024

(Mar. 25, 2024) — “Shane Theme” (2:35)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. Our featured guest is perhaps our most flamboyant and verbal, none other than Henry, a frog of many talents. Welcome back to ‘Pulse,’ the most popular information show in its time slot. What have you got to say?”

“First thing I must say is that the people who are the legal citizens of this country are either nuts or blind; there is no middle ground. Nuts for putting up with Joe Biden and blind for not rising over the open border or, to be blunt, invasion. Meanwhile the woke military is sitting up in the catbird’s seat reaping in all kinds of cash on the barrel head, as they say. Munition manufacturers are flush with campaign contributions, the parties in the swamp are fabulous, and no one is going to jail for fixing the election of 2020.”

“I have a sneaky suspicion there’s a ‘but’ coming; am I right?”

“You are right, Mr. Roving. But now is not the time for political moderation.”

“Care to elaborate?”

“With pleasure. Simply put, there are but two political parties in the United States: Demlicans* (dem-lick-an: Democrats + Republicans) and the MAGAs. The Demlicans care not for the Republic. They say they do, but remember the adage: do not do what I say but do what I do. The Demlicans say they want a safe place in which to live but allow an open border; the Demlicans send money to Ukraine but receive kickbacks; the Demlicans push the mRNA COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ when all they’re pushing is the ‘Clot Shot,’ an accelerated path to get myocarditis AND be genetically modified. Imagine a baby, a young child, a high school athlete dying of a heart attack, and you’ll get the picture. Think ANTIFA: they say they’re anti-Socialism but that’s exactly what they are, Socialists.”

“Interesting. We’ll pause for a short commercial break.”

I’ll Hold You in My Heart (Till I Can Hold You In My Arms)” (4:33)

“And we’re back with Henry who has more to say. The floor is yours.”

“Thank you, Roving. BLM is funded by the CCP. George Floyd was an excuse used by the government to prolong Obama’s ‘race’ war which, incidentally, has succeeded beyond the Demlicans’ expectations.”

“How do you mean?”

“Well, now, you have the informed vs. Liz Cheney and her pretend fake insurrection. And then you have the Washington, DC, gulag [“Justice for All” (2:24)] with the guard-goons.”

“Excuse me, please, but what’s a ‘guard-goon?’

“Stupid people who, someday, will have to pay the price following illegal orders.”

“Does that include judges?”

“Starts with judges then goes down the chain of command to attorneys and guards.”

“No escape? No using the excuse of, ‘I was only following orders?’

“No, I’m afraid not. Same with those guilty of voter fraud: prison.”

“What about Israel?”

“Our government ought to let Israel defend herself because what goes down in Israel will someday visit our shore; there’s no question about it. Either we deal with the reality of having millions of Obama’s Muslims or suffer the consequences which will, I’m afraid to say, be enormous, much more so than what Hamas did on Oct. 7.”

“Any advice?”

“Arm up and vote for Trump [“Trump Won” (3:30)]. I mean for real. And all you women out there, get a gun and practice. Best shot is one between the eyes. And that’s all I’ve got to say. This open border is nothing but death to freedom-loving Americans. These invaders don’t respect our laws, our country and surely don’t respect us. And they don’t respect any ‘death penalty’; trust me. They’ll just get deported and come back for more, thanks to our 100% WORTHLESS Department of Homeland Security. Get rid of the Patriot Act, quit the UN and act like responsible adults. Thanks for letting me spout. Bye.”

“Wait; Madam Shylock sent over some fresh grubs. This is your Roving Reporter, along with Henry, wishing each of you a goodnight: Goodnight.

“Good show. Here’s the worms and a burger for me.”

[*Demlican: A Democrat is a Demlican, so, too, a Republican if they are not 100% behind Trump. A Republican who is 100% behind Trump is MAGA.]

Chicago Blues” (2:50)

Roving Reporter

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Monday, March 25, 2024 8:46 PM

I admire Henry for speaking out and not giving-up. Henry gets it right and should not stop until he croaks. He often mentions Obama, and I hate to say this but Obama was a perfect choice to destroy America from the inside. Obama was immediately race protected, and to millions of people that meant he must not be criticized lest they be called racist. Obama is still riding the race card, but since 2009 he has had something even more effective, the ineligibility card. The ineligibility card is the fact that both parties of Congress did nothing to stop Obama in spite of knowing Obama is a Muslim plant. Obama was untouchable before he was sworn-in, and even more untouchable afterward because both political parties had given America’s government and her military to her enemies at the highest level of her government. IMO this was transparent and easy to see as each step of surrendering America to her enemies, while lying and hiding the fact Obama is ineligible, unfolded. My congratulations go to Soros, Brennan and others who understood how useful Obama would be (and still is) to implement their hate and their plan to destroy America without having to deal with America’s military. Instead they would control it. You could call this a “perfect” crime, proven by the condition of America today and the irrational fear of the one person these criminals believe might reveal and act on the high level treason of all complicit in The Obama Fraud, President Donald Trump……

Both those who are trying to finish the fundamental change they are implementing, and those who are trying to save our Constitutional Republic understand the significance of Trump being president again and if you are one those who wants to save America or at least put up a fight, hopefully without an actual war, please pray and vote for Donald J. Trump in 2024……..For one person to be so significant to America’s future is something that should never happen…..but it was made necessary by people who swore they would never let that happen, (our so-called Representatives). Instead they lied and are protecting themselves, which is more important to them than any sworn-oath to protect America…………

If Congress had done what they swore they would do to protect America, none of this insanity would have happened………………

Roving Reporter
Reply to  Bob68+
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 11:30 AM

Dear Bob68,
I forwarded your comment to Henry down on his pad in the pond in FL.
This is his response:

Hey Bob, how ya doin’? I want to take the time to thank you for writing what I didn’t say.
Barry Soetoro (aka Obama) is the kingpin of the whole sordid attempt to overthrow our Republic. Expose/take-down the cheap suit and send him to spend the rest of his worthless life down in GITMO is what I’ll do if Trump has me as his Secretary of Defense.
I will also trash the DHS and make Mayorkas Obama’s neighbor down in GITMO.
I will, furthermore, trash the “Patriot Act”.
Thank you for your truthful comment. We frogs only speak the truth and greatly appreciate others who do likewise.

Us frogs always use the salutation of, May your next hop be a safe one.
Trump’s future Secretary of Defense (hopefully),

Well, there you have it.


Reply to  Roving Reporter
Tuesday, March 26, 2024 12:10 PM

Tell Henry I did not expect, but very much appreciate his reply. Never give up or be concerned about being repetitive when you know you are right. Why waste time talking about what our enemies want us to talk about when we already know the truth about Barry, and all complicit in The Obama Fraud? State safe and may your pad be blessed ….Secretary of Defense sounds appropriate to me………….