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by Roving Reporter, ©2023 

(Nov. 2, 2023) — “By the Time I Get to Phoenix” (2:44)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. The last we saw Henry, he jumped off a cart, spread his cape and glided to safety onto a trolley car, jumped on a cab going to the airport, hopped on a plane flying east and ended up in the Swamp. He is now at a neighborhood watering hole in Salisbury, Maryland, to join forces with the Little People. What do you say we join Henry and see what’s up by listening in on what the locals are talking about?”

“I’m tellin’ ya, it just ain’t the same. There was no Jew-bashing, and the only place there was was to be found in them history books at the library: you know, NAZI Germany in the 1930s.”

“That’s right, isn’t it? And then came Obama and his Muslim-lovin’ sidekick, Eric Holder. Two peas in a pod if there ever was one. Hate America, did they.”

“Don’t be forgettin’ Hillary and that Huma Abedin; Muslim Brotherhood through and through.”

“Didn’t Egypt outlaw them Brotherhoods, called them a ‘terrorist organization?’

“By golly, that they did. So, how bad do they have to be if a Muslim country outlaws a Muslim group?”

“I’d have to say pretty darn bad.”

“So how come they’re allowed to be here, in our country? Obama had ‘em in the White House, and I think that’s what the Muslim group, CAIR, is, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know; to me they’re all one and the same. Blow up anything, kill anybody, anywhere at any time.”

“So, what is it between the Jews and the Muslims anyway? I mean, let’s say some sort of feud started over a thousand years ago; by God, man, give it a rest, right? So, these Hamas losers kill defenseless human beings…”

’Apes and pigs’; that’s what they say.”

“As I was saying, these Hamas losers kill defenseless human beings, people they never even saw before, ever, just for the sake of killing.”

“Hate is one strong emotion.”

“For sure, but to what end? Those so-called Palestinians could’ve had the most desirable land on the planet — I mean, all the money they received.  They could have built the best research centers, could have outdone MIT and Fermi Labs put together, could have done a Mayo Clinic, could have built something good, something to be proud of, but all they did was build a slum and foster hate. Kind-of difficult to feel sorry for people who hate you for no reason. That Yasser Arafat didn’t build one school, clinic or daycare center with all those millions that the United States gave him.”

“No, he bought tunnel-digging equipment and rockets instead.”

“Getting back to the here and now, what we have is some bad news going around. I mean, these pro-Hamas demonstrations and Jew-bashing are really pathetic, and I don’t like it one darn bit.”

“Well, we have an Attorney General who is the living definition of the word pathetic.”

“That’s right, isn’t it? I guess that’s why the cops stand around and watch the parade march by as Hamas flags are waved in their faces. That’s a hate crime, isn’t it?”

“That’s right: hate speech. The District Attorneys and the politicians talk the talk – hate speech — but they sure don’t walk the walk, now, do they?”

“No, they do not.”

“Every one of those pro-Hamas idiots should have been deported or sent to prison for a very, very long time.”

“But none were or will be and not even the next time, the next big rally where they burn a synagogue – while the cops stand around and watch – will anyone be detained, just as when our statues were toppled, as history was erased from our collective national conscience.”

“No, and none were.”

“Or will be; count on it.”

“So, whose side are they on?”

“Sure as heck not on our side, that’s for sure.”

“Do cops think?”

“They used to, but not anymore; all they do now is follow orders without question.”

“Like the raid on Roger Stone. Why didn’t they pick up the phone and ask him to meet them at the Federal Building in Miami the next morning?”

“They wanted a CNN moment, that’s why.”

“There’s a CNN moment I’d like to see.”

“Really? What’s that?”

“See one of those crooked judges perp-walked, is what, straight into the slammer, and then throw away the key.”

“Retribution; I like that.”

“So do we all.”

“Closing time.”

“All say fare the well.”

“Wait! Don’t lock Henry in! Hurry, Henry, to the door! Will Henry make it out in time? I sure hope so, and to find out, watch the next episode of ‘Henry, Secret Agent Mole!’

“That’s it. Oh, let’s get rid of Mitch McConnell while we’re at it; perp-walk him with the judges; that’d be a sight I’d like see. And I heard on the news this morning the phrase, ‘American Muslim,’ which, to tell the truth, shocked me. I guess that means we’re supposed to accept the slow demise of the Constitution: out-birthed/out-voted. It’s like saying ‘Murderer/Serial Killer’ or ‘Rapists/Hates Women.

“I can’t stress this enough. We can’t allow Muslims in our country. The mindset of those who committed the atrocities in Israel on October 7 is all around us. These ‘American Muslims’ will be after the Jews, the Christians and all the other ‘infidels’ with equal fervor. No one is safe anymore; the cat is out of the bag; the horror has been exposed. Either we accept the reality of the depravity of our enemy and get serious about winning at any cost or we’ll lose and leave nothing but a memory of freedom for future generations, a generation bereft of statues, books, music and the concept that women have the same rights as men and all men are equal under the law. Good show. Goodnight.”

[About that song, ‘By the Time I Get to Phoenix,’ what does a woman expect a man to do if she cheats on him? I’ve often wondered about that. Now, in the song, the man left a note and said he’s leaving, for good, for all time. Case closed. She did something, or maybe not enough; we’ll never know. I left my wife because she cheated. Life with her was fun; since then, not so much.]

[Something to ponder: I’m saying this with the assumption that 10% of government employees are hard-working and honest. If the Deep State knows that cops will mindlessly follow illegal orders, and that there’ll be an endless supply of applicants to the police academy who are just as brain-dead as those who stood around and watched their cities burn, what’s to stop the Deep State from going from house to house confiscating legally-owned guns?]

You Belong to Me” (2:50)

Roving Reporter

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Saturday, November 4, 2023 6:17 PM

Excellent article.
I understand that the Biden/Obama administration is starting a new program to fight Islamophobia. Maybe they would like to explain why it is a “phobia” to fear people who want everyone who is not a Muslim dead?