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by Roving Reporter, ©2024

(May 23, 2024) — “The Sound of Silence” (2:41)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. Questions about the iridescent armadillos top the inquiries list followed by ‘Where do the stupids come from?’ Now, before we introduce our featured guest, let me say this about our government sending in a hit-squad to take out Trump [“Trump Won” (3:30)] at Mar-a-Lago. Thank God Trump was tipped off and got his family away in time. Had Trump not gotten out of Dodge, I’m afraid, well, let me just say it was a raid that wasn’t justified and those who took part in it deserve to be gulaged [“Justice for All” (2:24)] for the rest of their lives. And that includes the stupid GESTAPO fool at the front gate holding the rifle. I’m telling you this: any fool who follows an illegal order will deserve his just punishment. And that’s about all I’m going to say about that, except that maybe 10% of those in the DOJ and the FBI are honest. The rest? Don’t get me started. Now, to the topic at hand, ‘Where do the fools come from?’ Here to answer the question for us is Professor Zorkophsky. Welcome to ‘Pulse,’ the most-watched information show in its time slot.”

“And so very glad to be here. I’d like to add a comment about that bogus Mar-A-Lago raid, if I may.”

“Sorry, no can do. Subject closed. You agreed to talk about the government’s public education system turning our kids into Communists and Hamas flag-wavers.”

“You mentioned a ‘hit squad.’

“That’s right; they were sent there to trap the family and kill them all, maybe maim the wife but certainly kill the father and the son. Now that we talked it to death…”

“But you didn’t mention ‘Deep State’ or ‘Obama and Biden.’

“Don’t have to; it’s understood that they want Trump gone any way that works.”

“And getting gut-shot and a rush to the ER, all on camera, and then the sad news. All scripted with advance notice to CNN, MSNBC and selected hostesses from ‘The View.’

“But he flew out of there just in time. Fooled them all so they had to make up the baloney about ‘Russia’ and ‘classified documents’ and ‘nuclear codes.’ Bunch of horse hockey, all of it. Merrick Garland and all those agents need to be tarred and feathered, for starters.”

“I’d like to talk about Pelosi and Pence conducting the real insurrection.”

“I’m sorry, you can only talk about how the government’s indoctrination centers are lying through their teeth.”

“Well, then, let me say that the Mar-A-Lago raid was unnecessary except for one.”

“And what would that one be?”

“The assassination of Trump and his son, reminiscent of the Russian Revolution when they murdered the Czar and his family.”

“And no one to blame except for a bunch of goons willing to follow any illegal order that comes down the pike. Disgusting. Wonder if any of them can read and write. Probably meet the same requirements to be a member of the Capitol Police. Shoot, at point blank range, an unarmed female protester in the neck or beat to death another female protester who is unable to crawl away. In my book, that spells ‘real lowlife.’

“Let’s wrap it up.”

“They went in Mar-a-Lago to kill him, plain and simple, and we let them get away with it. I don’t think so. Goodnight.

“Burger time: my treat.”

Waiting For A Train” (2:41)

Roving Reporter

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Robert Laity
Friday, May 24, 2024 2:04 AM

This is the way the GESTAPO AND THE STASI did things. The use of force authorization had no foundation in law. Biden and Garland authorized a shoot out between the FBI and the Secret Service with Trump and his family in the middle. Thank God no one got trigger happy. We’d be having a State funeral in DC.

Thursday, May 23, 2024 1:58 PM

If this Constitutional Republic’s Obama/Binden regime actions are not reined-in, what’s stopping this from happening here in the USA?:

All those under arrest will be held as hostages, and the slightest attempt at counter-revolutionary action in the town will result in the summary execution of the hostages.


Robert Laity
Reply to  Nikita's_UN_Shoe
Monday, May 27, 2024 2:58 AM

In essence, the FBI and DOJ authorized government agents to KILL Trump and his secret service entourage as Trump has recently opined., in regard to a DOCUMENT DISPUTE.