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by Sharon Rondeau

(Jan. 5, 2024) — On December 31, 2023, seemingly out of nowhere, finance author Zach De Gregorio, founder of the subscription website WolvesandFinance.com, released a 26-minute video and blog post raising the question, “Whatever happened to Obama’s birth certificate?”

In the video, which is available without a subscription and titled, “PROOF Obama’s Birth Certificate is Fake,” De Gregorio summarized the June 2008 internet release of a “short-form” birth certificate image bearing the name “Barack Hussein Obama II”; the eventual release of a purported “long-form” birth certificate by the White House in April 2011; and some of the key points from the five-year criminal investigation authorized by then-Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff Joseph Arpaio into the origins of the long-form image.

The investigation, delegated to the MCSO’s “Cold Case Posse” led by former private investigator and former police detective Michael Zullo, began in August 2011 and concluded on December 15, 2016 with a third and final press conference detailing investigators’ conclusion, and that of two forensic analysts, that the long-form image is a “computer-generated forgery.”

To The Post & Email’s knowledge, De Gregorio is a newcomer to the subject of Obama’s birth certificate. A self-identified accountant, a brief perusal of his YouTube channel shows he has produced 419 videos over a period of months on political issues garnering between 4,200 and 246,000 views each.  As of publication time late Friday afternoon, the “birth certificate” video has 45,000 views.

At 3:32 in the subject video, in speaking about the “short-form” birth certificate image first published by The Daily KOS on June 12, 2008, De Gregorio remarked, “…but wait a minute; the short-form certificate has been changed. This was not the same one they released before.  Do you remember?  It was on the green security paper.  Why would they change the file for the short-form birth certificate?”

On Wednesday, after contacting De Gregorio for comment, The Post & Email spoke with Zullo about De Gregorio’s subject video, beginning with the question of whether he is acquainted with him, to which Zullo responded, “No, I don’t know him at all.”

We asked Zullo about De Gregorio’s characterization of a “change” having been made to the image, to which Zullo replied, “I have no direct knowledge that they changed the file. What I do know is it’s easy to turn the background colors off when you put it into a digital program.  That’s not something that’s overly concerning to me.  When we put the Obama document in, we were taking the background color and turning it on and off.  I don’t think there’s any significance with the short-form; it’s the long-form that matters.”

Beginning at 5:36, De Gregorio shifted to discussing Obama’s purported Social Security number, which he characterized as “strange.”  “We know his Social Security number because it’s on his tax forms,” De Gregorio said, echoing the claim made in 2009 by private investigator Susan Daniels and the late former private investigator Neil Sankey.

In a June 2023 editorial published at American Thinker, Daniels wrote, in part:

Barack Obama has used a stolen Social Security number most of his adult life.  The one he uses was issued on March 28, 1977 to someone living in Connecticut, born in 1890, now long deceased.  Obama was fifteen years old that day, living in Hawaii and playing on the junior varsity basketball team at Punahou.  I uncovered the SSN information and include it in my memoir, The Rubbish Hauler’s Wife versus Barack Obama

Obama is a felon — plain and simple. He should have a Hawaiian Social Security number like his half-sister, Maya, starting with the numbers 575 or 576. He claimed he worked at Baskin-Robbins when he was fifteen. It would have required a Social Security number. Instead, Obama has a number starting with 042, used for the exclusive use of CT residents, and which appeared on his 2009 tax return while he was president. Someone forgot to remove the number.

The Post & Email‘s exclusive 2013 interview with Daniels is here.

“Now you can take any Social Security number and figure out where it was issued,” De Gregorio continued at 6:27. “Obama’s Social Security number is from a batch that was issued in Connecticut in 1977.  That was the year Obama was 15 years old and living in Hawaii.  How in the world could Obama get a Connecticut Social Security number when he never lived in Connecticut?”

Without publishing the entire number, De Gregorio revealed the last four numbers as “4425,” coinciding with Sankey and Daniels’s reports.

Two months after the release of Obama’s “long-form” birth certificate, on June 25, 2011, the Social Security Administration (SSA) announced it had begun “randomizing” the assignment of numbers nationwide.  “The SSA eliminated the geographical significance of the first three digits of the SSN, referred to as the area number, by no longer allocating the area numbers for assignment to individuals in specific states,” the agency explained of the new policy. “The significance of the highest group number (the fourth and fifth digits of the SSN) for validation purposes was eliminated. Randomization also introduced previously unassigned area numbers for assignment excluding area numbers 000, 666 and 900-999.”

Interestingly, approximately two weeks previous to De Gregorio’s video, another finance entity, WallStreetApes.com, posted on “X”:

Full 10 Min Report, Experts CONFIRM Barack Obama Birth Certificate is FAKE

The post contains a partial transcript, with some errors, of a ten-minute segment from the final December 15, 2016 press conference during which Zullo released new information from the long-running birth-certificate probe revealing “nine points of forgery” discovered in the image.

“They COULD NOT clear the document. Much more info in this video if you watch it all,” WSA concluded its post.

“Did your investigation ever confirm that the Social Security number ending in ‘4425’ belongs to Obama?” we asked Zullo.

“We didn’t go anywhere near the Social Security number validation for a number of reasons,” Zullo responded.  “To your point, though, about the tax returns, where the Social Security number is displayed, those tax returns did prove to have gone through the 7655 Xerox copier, with the same operating software and believed to be the same copier that the birth certificate – the phony birth certificate — went through at the White House. As far as the Social Security number, we stayed away from it: we knew that number would have been flagged by the government if we tried to access information through law enforcement databases. All the work that was done on the Social Security number by others, while it’s absolutely intriguing, is unverifiable.  We did attempt verification with the Social Security office; however, they would not verify it because it is assigned to a living individual, so there was no place to go on that. That is something easily done by federal authorities had they had the fortitude to take up the issue, but obviously now, in light of everything, we know why they didn’t.  The work that was done by others was conducted through public databases or private-investigation databases which have disclaimers that you must verify the information; it may not be accurate. This fact just complicated issues.

“When you said, ‘We know why the federal authorities didn’t investigate,’ what did you mean?” we asked.

“If you go back and start to look at the time frame when Sheriff Arpaio commissioned the birth certificate investigation in late 2011, there was no real knowledge or understanding of the Deep State network or the powers that be involved which are basically thwarting the rule of law. They didn’t take up this issue because they didn’t want this issue exposed and could claim ignorance. They didn’t want to find out the truth; they already knew the truth.  It was also relayed to me during the investigation by different sources that it was an ‘open secret’ in the intelligence agencies that Obama was not born in this country and that the birth certificate was manufactured. I’ve heard that repeatedly from people of authority.” 

“I remember you told Carl Gallups that some years back,” we said.

“It has to do with the Deep State actors; just look what’s going on with Trump. If you go back in the birth certificate timeline, that was their first foray into mass gaslighting the entire nation on a scale never seen before: effectively reporting on information, coordinating with once-trusted news outlets and reporters coming out and using declarative words such as ‘debunked’ and pejoratives such as “birther” and “birtherism” when there was no factual evidence they had ‘debunked’ anything of the work product we created.  They just pick up a moniker and run with it as if it’s fact, repeatedly stating the claims across the news spectrum as fact.

“You can look to the J6 Committee now and realize they’ve done the same thing. Look at how they are lambasting and falsely labeling President Trump, twisting evidence and omitting information.  They just say something and expect you to believe it as fact, and a majority of the gullible public will never challenge them. They perfected this using the birth certificate narrative; that was a controlled narrative.” 

In early 2011, then-businessman Donald J. Trump began publicly questioning Obama’s constitutional eligibility to serve, even as Obama sought a second term in the White House. Trump’s objection, he stated, was that Obama had not released a “long-form” birth certificate proving he was born in the United States and therefore presumably eligible as a “natural born Citizen.”

Following the White House’s release of the “long-form” image, Trump expressed doubt as to its authenticity, garnering immediate media pushback.

“Some people say that was not his birth certificate,” Trump told ABC News‘s Jonathan Karl in August 2013. “Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t. I’m saying I don’t know. Nobody knows.”

In a striking turn to the interview, Zullo continued:

I’m going to go one step farther. The long-form birth certificate was obviously manufactured. They went painstakingly through the process of not only manufacturing it but running it through “Preview,” which destroyed the metadata of the electronic file, but they didn’t flatten the document.  That troubled me, and I was always asking myself, ‘Why would they make such a drastic mistake?’ 

I’ve always had a theory – it’s not proved, just a theory — that the long-form birth certificate was utilized as a “control” document in the event Obama, who may not have been born in this country and therefore would not be eligible to be president, it is very possible the very people who put him in power retained leverage, had he not done the bidding of those people. They could then have used that document to literally “out” him and remove him.  So I always thought this could possibly be some type of blackmail or “control” document to fulfill the goals of the people who got him there.

“That begs the question, ‘Who put him power? Who controls the President of the United States and what he does?” The Post & Email asked.

Well, obviously, if you look at what’s transpiring now with the Biden administration and all the issues of money-laundering that’s going on with foreign entities, there has to be an internal group. I don’t know who they are, but it would have to be something along those lines. It would have to be people on the inside. Somebody somewhere is doing something. Just look at the voting; a blind man could see that there’s fraud there.

There was scuttlebutt prior to the Biden election that Michelle Obama was going to run for president, and if I go back to that, all of a sudden the birth certificate issue started to spring up again. Now, there’s scuttlebutt that she’s running again, and what happens?  These things on social media platforms are coming out on the birth certificate. Is it possible that those are warning shots of “We don’t want her to run, and if that happens, we’re going to out him?”

“Another thing Zach said was that birth certificates are ‘created on a typewriter,’” we observed. “To your knowledge, is that true today?”

“No, the short-form was electronic, and now everything is electronic. But that was not the case in 1961.”

“At 13:30 in the video, Zach said the half-inch seal on the birth certificate image is ‘too small.’  Do remember saying that?”

“I don’t recall saying that, but I know that the seal was always a question for us and we don’t believe it to be legitimate,” Zullo replied.

He then told us:

The short-form birth certificate was produced electronically, but they get printed onto safety paper.  The perilous dynamic for the long-form is that in 1961, it would have had to have been typewritten, and that’s when you use the comparison to the Nordykes’. In the typewritten documents, which were presumably typed by the same clerk or even in the same typing pool with the same typewriters, you can see the different spaces because they’re done by hand, and the carriage would have had to move by hand.  So it makes the 1961 birth certificate for Obama that much more difficult to create today, and that’s where the Ah’Nee birth certificate played a critical role because it would be impossible to get documents created either 15 years or 15 days apart, however you want to look at it, to be typewritten and have the same spacing in that word group as another typewritten  document.

Zullo then observed that both De Gregorio’s video and the WSA “X” post with the clip of his press conference remarks “are both finance feeds.”  “Is somebody sending a message?” he asked rhetorically. “That’s my question today. You wouldn’t think this topic would be prominent with anyone investing in stock unless Wall Street is trying to send a message. That goes back to my theory, which I can talk about now because the investigation is over, that it goes back to some type of ‘control’ document. There’s no way you’re going to get around the fact that that’s a manufactured certificate. Our experts proved that.  There’s no way you’re going to get around the fact that the governor of Hawaii could not find the certificate, and there’s no way you’re going to get around the fact that he came right out later and said, ‘Oh, it was in the archives; it wasn’t in the book it was supposed to be in.’ There’s no way you can get around the fact that Alvin Onaka didn’t want to talk to anybody.  There’s no way you can get around the fact that Alvin Onaka, a year after it was reported not to be found, all of a sudden, in an unrelated meeting, cites the page and volume number that it’s in.  You can’t escape the fact that Alvin Onaka took possession of that book and reportedly locked it away in a file cabinet. So all of a sudden, now it appears in a bound volume? (p. 32, bottom left) You can’t escape the fact that we were told by former CIA officers that they were going to do exactly that:  that the book was going to be taken off the shelves and locked in a closet or in a vault away from anyone’s access. And lo and behold, mysteriously now we have it in the book.  There’s no way you can get around everybody on the planet saying Obama produced a birth certificate when at his very own presser, a reporter was saying, ‘But you never showed us the certificate.’ You can’t get around the fact that he never took possession of it and held it up and said, ‘This is mine.’

“You start putting all these things together, and it is the same scenario today: you know there’s voter fraud, but you know what?  There isn’t, because the media says so.  That’s out of the same playbook.”

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Monday, January 15, 2024 4:32 PM

Asked above: “Whatever happened to Obama’s birth certificate?”
NOTHING happened to Barry Soetoro’s REAL birth certificate! After Barry left the fraudulent position he held for 8 years his brother in Kenya posted his REAL birth certificate online. It shows the following information:

Name on certificate: Barack Hussein Obama II
Born: Aug. 4, 1961, 7:24pm
Weight: 7 lbs. 1 oz. – 18″ long
Place of Birth: Coast Province General Hospital, Mombasa British Protectorate of Kenya.

Americans have become so gullible and naive in the past two generations since the end of WW II. The election of someone born in Kenya should never have taken place, but it did twice!

The present individual masquerading as the president is also a FAKE, namely Arthur C. Roberts, 83, (or a body double/clone) who the Deep State put into the “movie” shortly after Donald J. Trump left the REAL White House in 2021. He reports to his dark overlord, Barry Soetoro.

The REAL Joe Biden has never been in the REAL White House and was barred from entering the Pentagon. The present facsimile uses one of three fake white houses: near DC, in greater Atlanta or in Culver City, CA.

The truth about all this will eventually come out for all Americans to hear. It is only the tip of a very large iceberg! But beware: much suffering is on the horizon and will be here sooner than you think!

Thursday, January 11, 2024 9:19 PM

Thank you again for being one of the few that keep this truth delve open.
I remember like yesterday I had the day off, sat down in front of the PC with my coffee. Second story I clicked was the white house issued the long form as a downloadable PDF. The third click it was mine. Within a few minutes I knew it was fake. I worked 30 years in graphics. We went from cut and paste with scissors and wax to click this. As the days and weeks passed watched as the graphic geeks broke it all down.

The type characters are from different fonts and sizes dispersed throughout. As you go check this unique A will appear 5 times another A appears 8 to 9. Can’t do that with a typewriter. Within the document you find spacing kerned. Each character on the type writer takes up a space A space. Kerning moves letters closer than that space and even overlaps into the other letters space. Typesetters and computers kern, machines do not. More was found as time passed.

Pixels vs vector, custom colors, and all the mistakes we have to correct on a daily basis was in there and we all knew. So when the media elites told us it was real we knew it was a lie. When the political elites lied we knew it from day one. All you needed was a graphics expert and the PDF. It is really hard to fool computer geeks on their own ground.

Old habits die hard. I was looking at your header and started proof reading, which my hates when I do it in a store. Look at the spacing between the u and the l in box 7c. This is correct spacing for a typewriter. In box 5a the spacing between u nesting close to the A. This is kerning and doe’s not happen on typed copies. Have fun looking for more.

Jonathan David Mooers
Wednesday, January 10, 2024 11:00 AM

Thank you, Sharon, for your patriotic service to USA via the maintenance of The Post & Email EVERYDAY 08-28-09- TODAY!

If there was a Pulitzer Prize for 15-years of anti-lies, The P&E would be a worthy candidate!

How important is The Post & Email?
ANSWER: Imagine The Post & Email articles and comments and archives completely stopped today and ceased to operate; such a similar empty void immediately occurred when Rush Limbaugh “ceased to operate”, remember?

So, electronically archiving oceans and oceans of some 15 years, and counting, of EVERYDAY P&E “1 and 0 binary-coded 1NF0” for future generations to reference in, say, The U.S. Library of Congress, would be an immense public/patriotic/legacy service to counterbalance the layers upon layers of “cancer culture” and “propaganda press”-narrative-lies housed in “FAKE presIDent Obama’s LIE BARRY LIEBRARY” and in other places.

The U.S. Government still covers-up the full LBJ-CIA-mob-Justice Warren set-up of JFK assassination, for over 60 years now, and it will likely cover-up CIA set-up of FAKE presIDent Obama’s attempted assassination of nbC and USA for decades as well, unless The P&E archives are available to research to dispel those attempted assassination cover-ups.

Finally, so that future researchers herein do not get led astray with false facts, I need to CORRECT my comment to this article, wherein, I say, “TAKE FIVE”…4. From 1789 to 08-28-08, seven U.S. Presidents were Constitutionally “grandfathered”…”, TO READ, “…eight U.S. Presidents…” .

Those EIGHT “nbC-grandfathered/AMERICAN REVOLUTION-ALLEGIANCE-NATURALIZED RENOUNCED-FOREIGN-CITIZENSHIP(S) ORIGINAL SOLE-U.S.-CITIZEN”-U.S. PRESIDENTS who were born before The Declaration of Independence of July 4, 1776 were:

Washington-born in 1732
Adams-b. 1735
Jefferson- b. 1743
Madison- b. 1751
Monroe- b. 1758
(Reportedly highest presidential IQ) JQ Adams- b. 1767
Jackson- b. 1767
Harrison- b. 1773

The first “natural born [sole-U.S.] Citizen”, aka “nbC”, born within and subject to a sole-U.S. jurisdiction [state of New York] to sole-U.S. citizen-parents of renounced-foreign-citizenship(s) from the USA tribe, was Martin Van Buren- b. 1782:

Reply to  Jonathan David Mooers
Wednesday, January 10, 2024 12:58 PM

Dittos! Bravo Zulu to Sharon Rondeau and ThePost&Email newspaper!

CDR Kerchner (Ret)

Foreign Usurper Barry Soetoro
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 11:08 PM

As many American people know, Barry Soetoro, the foreign-born usurper alias “Barack Obama” today operates the POTUS-CIC, DOJ, FBI, and the Executive Branch as he has since Jan. 20, 2021. The career criminal and dementia-stricken usurper Biden is only a placeholder for the foreign-born terrorist usurper Soetoro. Biden makes no government decisions.

The foreign terrorist usurper Soetoro is in his 3rd term WAR on the USA where he continues to loot and money-launder billions of USD to politicians and to U.S. enemies as he is being allowed to do this by corrupt U.S. gov politicians, the U.S. military, and U.S. law enforcement, and by the U.S. people to continue to commit his methodical and deliberate treasons to usurp US gov power, loot, bankrupt, annihilate, spy on, and attempt to overthrow the US gov, USA, and eventually genocide the U.S. people with his desired jihad war on the U.S. people he is planning with the foreign terrorist military armies he is invading the U.S. with today.

The foreign usurper Soetoro is continuing to invadeg the USA with MILLIONS of Criminals, Cartels, Drugs, and Terrorists and Congress or the U.S. military is not stopping his insane maniac power-mad treasons.

Michelle Obama is standing in the globalist democrats political wings for a 2024 POTUS run. It is many Americans opinions that she will try to use the US gov’s and Soros’ rampant voter, ballot, and Dominion machines election crimes and frauds to usurp US gov power in 2024 like the usurper Soetoro did in 2008 and 2012 to stop POTUS Trump, and to give the CIA and Russia’s foreign terrorist usurper Soetoro a 4th and a 5th usurped POTUS term.

The globalist communist traitors in the CIA want to give the traitor Soetoro the ability and direct access to US gov power through a phony Michelle Obama POTUS usurpation to take over all material land and resources of the U.S. and to replace and overthrow the U.S. gov with the globalist communists NWO one world gov’t which will have (I’ve been told) their headquarters on some land the globalist Gates owns and will offer.

The U.S. people must stand up to the traitors in our own US gov and stop the demonic traitor usurpers alias “Obama’s” demonic crimes and treasons.

More great info on the foreign traitor usurper Soetoro alias Obama:
1. People Miss The Urgent Info I’ve Warned For 15 Years About Obama. Wayne Root: Obama was groomed by the Deep State, communist, globalist enemies of USA. He’s a Marxist Tyrant carrying out the Deliberate Destruction Of The USA – https://rootforamerica.com/tucker-is-outing-obama-as-gay/
2. https://rootforamerica.com/this-is-treason-time-to-admit-our-nation-is-being-run-by-domestic-terrorists-and-traitors/
3. https://rootforamerica.com/biden-is-a-suicide-bomber/
4. “Obama” in Russia – https://twitter.com/austerrewyatt1/status/1699896832015397108
5. https://rootforamerica.com/is-satan-in-charge-of-the-democrat-party/
6. More Obama & Biden Info: https://rootforamerica.com/commentary/
7. https://i2i.org/the-feds-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-stop-the-caravan-at-the-border/

Other people have valuable links they shared here. I hope you allow me to share some of my valuable links on the foreign traitor Soetoro alias “Obama” for people to read and to share. Thank you Sharon.

Foreign Born Barry Soetoro
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 9:34 PM

Thank you for writing this article Sharon which has a great deal of compiled information and sources. I want to ask you to do something that can aid your readers.

Sharon, can you please put all of the articles on your website from the many years you and others have been writing about the usurper “Obama’s” fake birth certificate, fake IDs, and everything on your website about “Obama” and his lawless acts, crimes, treasons and frauds in his time of usurpation of the US gov that you and many authors have written that have been posted at The Post Email online into one column and location on your website? Perhaps, separated by the year.

I send people to read the articles you have on “Obama” and many say they can’t find everything I have mentioned to them that I read on your online site. This way, if people want to learn more, they and see everything you have about “Obama’s” lawlessness, usurpation, crimes, treasons, and frauds in one place starting many years ago to the current date. Thank you so greatly, if you can do this, this would aid many, many people to get caught up with detailed information about the trained foreign and domestic terrorist usurper alias “Obama’s” traitorous crimes, treasons, and frauds.

Mr. Zullo stated in the article above, “It was also relayed to me during the investigation by different sources that it was an ‘open secret’ in the intelligence agencies that Obama was not born in this country and that birth certificate was manufactured. I’ve heard that repeatedly from people of authority.”

Sharon, can you please ask Mr. Zullo if he asked any person from the intelligence agencies who happened to mention to him the above information, did they mention what foreign country was the usurper “Obama” born in?

I was told this information by someone very knowledgeable in government intelligence: The foreign-born usurper named alias Barack Hussein Obama II was born outside of the U.S. to a married foreign CIA asset. This foreign CIA-married male asset was asked by a poor foreign man if he could sell his single 15-year-old daughter to him for the weekend for a bribe.

I was told that the married foreign CIA asset accepted the offer, paid for the weekend prostitution services of his young single 15-year-old daughter, and “Obama” was conceived. and born in this foreign country to this young foreign single girl nine months later.

I was also told that the married foreign male CIA asset told the CIA this, and the CIA said they could use the baby and set him up in the USA to overthrow the US gov for the communist globalists in the CIA. The CIA used this baby (now called the usurper alias “Obama”) and the CIA coordinated to make money and sold the offer to Russia who paid to use the planted foreign CIA married man’s baby’s to overthrow the US gov for Russia and the CIA communist globalists.

I was also told that the entire Dunham family in Hawaii: Stanley, Madelyn, and Stanley Ann were all CIA employees and traitors to the U.S. Madelyn aided in money laundering CIA money in the Hawaii bank she worked at, Stanley’s Hawaii furniture store was a front to move CIA drugs and weapons out of, and Stanley Ann acted as a young mother actress to assist the CIA, communists, globalists, and Russia in overthrowing the US gov, incrementally. I was told that Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran, and other foreign countries’ intelligence agencies all know about this.

I will look to see if Mike Zullo’s replies whether the intelligence people he spoke to told him what foreign country the usurper alias “Obama” was born in. If he wasn’t told this information, he could obtain it by his connections to intel against now perhaps.

I am asking this because very knowledgeable and credible intelligence sources told me Joel Gilbert has a film and wrote a book on this subject in which he states “President Obama” was born in Hawaii, and that Frank Marshall Davis and Stanley Ann Dunham are the true biological parents of Obama, however, I was told by my very credible sources, this is not true.

They also told me Barack Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham were not the biological parents of the foreign usurper alias “Obama,” and Obama Sr. did not legally marry Stanley Ann.

The shocking information that very knowledgeable and credible intelligence sources told me is the following: the foreign usurper alias “Obama” went to school in Hawaii as a young boy, and later to college in the U.S. as a foreign Indonesian citizen. He was called by the name “Barry Soetoro” in Hawaii and in college in the U.S. The usurper alias “Obama” did not become a naturalized U.S. citizen, he is a foreign Indonesian citizen today, and he still uses a foreign Indonesian citizen passport today. That is why he sealed all of his personal records.

When he went to Pakistan in college, he was working a drug and weapons trafficking deal for the CIA. He saw his foreign CIA asset biological father in Pakistan. The foreign usurper alias “Obama” did go to the university in Russia at the time he was said to be at Columbia University in NY.

The foreign usurper alias “Obama” was trained in Russia by Russian speech teachers in voice training to practice standing calmly and to use authoritative voice and body mannerisms to specifically deliver confident and authoritative presidential speeches. He was also trained in Russia by Russian intelligence in espionage at the same time where he learned and saw some of their lists of crimes and treasons they wanted him to perform incrementally in the USA for Russia.

Sunday, January 7, 2024 3:44 AM

The root cause of our country’s problems, including the various and sundry attacks on our way of life and constitution, is in large part the CIA! The CIA is a lawless, rogue organization, which is civilian not government in nature. For all practical purposes, it is not accountable to anyone or anything. It has been this way since its inception shortly after WWll. The sick truth of the matter appears to be that our Central Intelligence Agency supported a “4th Reich” and also has been a proponent from the beginning of a “New World Order.” They planted “Manchurian Candidate” Barack Hussein Obama in the White House for eight years. What business is it of theirs to be involved in our country’s politics. They have little or no respect for, or allegiance to, our U.S. Constitution (remember the 51 INTEL/CIA signers of the joint letter to the public in 2020, which interfered in that year’s presidential election and defrauded voters). Obviously, the CIA does not support the eligibility requirements contained in Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5. In my opinion, they should be one of the SUBJECTS OF DISCUSSION in connection with today’s ongoing controversy over “Natural Born Citizenship.” The U.S. Supreme Court and its Chief Justice John Roberts Jr also should be examined. Our republic will not recover its greatness as long as these important matters are disregarded.

Reply to  Thomas Arnold
Sunday, January 7, 2024 10:57 AM

Thank you Tom for that reminder. John Brennan of the CIA is one of the groomers, installers and protectors of the fraud Obama, and Obama appointed Brennan as his CIA director. How about that, a Communist voting CIA Director……………
Read more about Brennan here:
And here:

Saturday, January 6, 2024 9:09 PM

This less than 6 minute video shows exactly how 0bummer’s long-form birth certificate was completely faked in Photoshop/Illustrator:


The entire document is a FRAUD!

Saturday, January 6, 2024 6:37 PM

Since the forged long form Obama birth certificate was released in April 2011 the world seems to forget the forged short form Certification of Life Birth. But remember, it was the 2008 forged short-form birth certification document and gas-lighting the electorate with that forgery that allowed him to get the nomination, get elected, approved by Congress, and sworn in.

Obama benefited more directly and used it personally (and thus is directly criminally liable and has more personal nexus) from the forgery of the short-form put out in June 2008 and used by Obama’s campaign, than the long-form put out in April 2011. IMO, the long form was put out to distract from the illegal and forged short-form. Try a Google search for information about the Obama forged short form birth certification form. The internet has been largely scrubbed and has deep sixed most all discussion about it. Do a YouTube search for videos on it. I saved the links or I would now not be able to find them. Focus on the forged short form put our in June 2008 needs to pursued just as vigorously as the forged long form put our in April 2011. If Obama is ever brought before the bar of justice for criminal identity fraud, the forged short-form Certification of Live Birth is a document he clearly used in his campaign and benefited from. And thus it should always be considered in any discussions of Obama using forged birth record documents … along with other forged documents such as his draft registration card and use of a stolen SSN from CT. See this video for a demonstration of how the foundational forged short-form birth record released to the public in June 2008, and used by Obama and his operatives in the first term 2008 campaign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFAP6TUDgq8

CDR Kerchner (Ret)

Saturday, January 6, 2024 6:05 PM

I posted an excerpt of this “… Why Now?” article at FreeRepublic and on other social media sites with a link back to here. Lots of comments at FR about the article. Read them here: Read more comments about this article here: https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/4208220/posts

CDR Kerchner (Ret)
Author: Natural Born Citizen

Saturday, January 6, 2024 5:21 PM

I believe every member of Congress and others complicit in The Obama Fraud are protecting themselves from possible charges of treason for doing and saying nothing to try the stop The Obama Fraud…..

Everything but the kitchen sink is being thrown at Donald Trump by those complicit in The Obama Fraud in an effort to protect Obama and themselves by preventing Obama’s nemesis, Donald Trump, from being president again. No candidate for president from either party, other than Donald Trump, poses a threat to reveal the biggest act of treason in American history by both political parties. Doing nothing to stop Obama from being sworn-in was and is giving America’s government and her military to her enemies by ignoring the Constitutions requirement that America’s president be a natural born citizen. As some have pointed out, it has also opened the doors to others who are not eligible to occupy positions requiring a NBC. A reason that treason has no statute of limitations is to protect America from being taken over from within. That takeover has happened, and now America’s future depends on exposing and appropriately punishing all complicit in The Obama Fraud. IMO the obvious fear of both parties is that another term of Donald Trump will expose and act on their being found complicit, including the stealing of the 2020 election and the penalties for the treason they know they committed when they did nothing to try to stop The Obama Fraud. This fear is revealed by the treatment the complicit have given to Donald Trump, his family and his associates, and even some who just openly support Trump. It is past time to reveal and act on the truth about Barry, and save the America we love…………

Vote for Trump 2024!! America’s last chance……

Saturday, January 6, 2024 2:32 PM

It’s back now because Trump and his lawless supporters are throwing everything they can up against the wall and hoping something sticks. Their hope is to flood the zone with nonsense, so Trump can point and claim “they did it too.”

Reply to  SkippingDog
Saturday, January 6, 2024 9:10 PM


Download from whitehouse.gov website yourself, open it in Photoshop and expand the layers. Then open your eyes!

Jonathan David Mooers
Saturday, January 6, 2024 11:13 AM



The three greatest natural weapons to lift off layers upon layers of nationally syndicated "President Obama" lies is education, education, and education, which The Post & Email leads EVERYDAY 08-28-09- TODAY.

Our entire U.S. Government department heads are frightened into an omerta-like silence about "outing" FAKE presIDent Obama while fully incriminating themselves at the same time.

This fear of having to admit that Obama was always known by higher-ups to be a U.S. Government-protected-FAKE-presIDent is the leading motivator for ganging up on President Trump, who is the one human on planet Earth, with a potential following of some 74,000,000 U.S. voters, who could out Obama and his U.S. Government cover-up treason-contributors; TRUMP IS THEIR MOST FEARED ANTAGONIST BECAUSE THEY CANNOT CONTROL TRUMP.

Reply to  Jonathan David Mooers
Saturday, January 6, 2024 3:08 PM

Thank you Jonathan. I agree completely…….

Ken Holden
Saturday, January 6, 2024 4:52 AM

I heard Zack say his mom was not married to his father and that the local newspapers didn’t publish the births of unmarried mothers, but from what I know, his parents were married and divorced a few years later.

The MSM shows us two different local newspapers that list his birth, but don’t say he was born in Hawaii, his mom was a resident in Honolulu, Hawaii so that may be the reason Obama’s birth was announced in the local papers.

Information I used to read on the internet, but can’t find anymore, had read that Obama was born in Kenya, his mom Ann Dunham tried to fly back to Hawaii before Obama was born, but Delta Airlines wouldn’t allow her to fly for being about nine months pregnant.

Delta Airlines was the only Airlines that flew to Hawaii from Kenya at that time and there were no direct flights, so she flew back four days after Obama was born using connecting flights.

Saturday, January 6, 2024 1:56 AM

Watch this video to see how the short-form forged birth document was made. “Expert reconstructs Obama’s forged short-form birth certificate”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFAP6TUDgq8

Remember, it was the 2008 forged short-form birth certification document and gas-lighting the electorate with that forgery that allowed him to get the nomination, get elected, approved by Congress, and sworn in.

CDR Kerchner (Ret)

Saturday, January 6, 2024 1:45 AM

This can’t be a coincidence or some random need for attention. As Mike Zullo states in this article the media wrote the narrative and play book making us look like fools. Most of the info is still on my web site along with press conferences from Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Mike Zullo and evidence. And don’t forget at that time every member of Congress was hand delivered a copy of the evidence.

Geir Smith
Reply to  Mike Volin
Saturday, January 6, 2024 7:09 PM

Look at the bigger picture: Obama’s a Biblical demonic figure.
Carl Gallups made a video called:

Obama The Lottery and 666 You have GOT TO SEE THIS! What are the CHANCES Is he the Antichrist

It’s hair-raising as hell, and you’ve got to talk about it and reveal it.

There are three other videos just like that talking about the 666 lottery which is a historical fact from the Bible and the Apocalypse that’s now unfolding.

On another subject: Mike there’s still one other lady called Linda Joy Adams that made a blog saying she’s Obamas second cousin and his real name is Barry Parks, the son of Jim T. Parks and that his father was assassinated by racist KKK types in Kansas when Obamas mother was pregnant with Barry. I don’t understand that the so-called “birthers” won’t even talk about it. Why?

Saturday, January 6, 2024 12:48 AM

A Blast From the Past From Dr. Ron Polland’s Research and Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRVfvI6RFxA

For more of his videos on Obama’s birth documents fraud (the Jun 2008 short form first put up by Daily Kos, the 2010 short form forgery put up by FactCheck.org, and the 2011 long form put out by the White House) see: http://www.youtube.com/@TheDrRJP

CDR Kerchner (Ret)

Friday, January 5, 2024 10:19 PM

Blast from the Past #2: Obama Short-Form (COLB) ‘released to/foisted on’ public in June 2008 also was FORGED!: https://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/2014/06/01/blast-from-the-past-2-obama-short-form-colb-released-tofoisted-on-public-in-june-2008-also-was-forged/

CDR Kerchner (Ret)

Reply to  Sharon Rondeau
Saturday, January 6, 2024 12:15 PM

Sharon the P&E website does a tremendous public service it would be interesting if The P&E asked Congress why they certified an election with a candidate who didn’t meet the criteria they detailed in Resolution 511.
They said McCain was eligible because his parents were Americans but neither of Harris’s parents were citizens when she was born.
The courts have long stated that citizenship is whatever Congress says it is.
Can’t have it both ways either the citizenship of one’s parents matters or it doesn’t and with Resolution 511 they went to great lengths to say it does matter.

Friday, January 5, 2024 9:59 PM

Lest us not forget, the “Short-Form” Certification of Live Birth form was also forged. Many tend to forget that. See the series of videos by Ron Polland, PhD, aka Dr. Polarik: https://www.youtube.com/@TheDrRJP He demonstrated in one of them exactly how the short-form BC was created. And two versions were created. One by Daily-Kos (on the west coast) connected persons in June 2008. And another by FactCheck.org connected people in Chicago IL in 2010. And then of course there is the digital version online that Dr. Ron Polland created, which sometimes the people on the left have actually circulated as the original one, which it is of course is not. Ron Polland has his ID’d in his workup so he can tell which is his. There are indeed multiple versions of the short-form BC that were circulated by Obama supporters to muddy and confuse anyone following the forged short-form BC thread. People if they want to work/research the short-form forgery need to get a mint copy of the June 2008 version put out by the Daily Kos and then a mint copy of the one put out by FactCheck.org in Chicago.

I’ve been in the efforts to expose the fraud of Obama 16 years of so, and I have at times noticed that as the latest/newest fraudulent act of Obama and/or forged document is introduced, many people tend to forget the prior forgeries and fraudulent acts. I think that is part of the far-left gas-lighting tactics. Introduce something new to distract researchers away from a prior forgery or fraudulent act.

And another tidbit regarding the Obama forged BC documents, the use of a birth record number with many peculiarities about it, likely stolen from a deceased new born infant to be used to create the short-form document, which anomaly was also briefly brought up in the recent YouTube video, let us not forget this, “Yes Virginia, There is a Usurper in the White House”: https://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/2011/05/15/yes-virginia-there-is-a-usurper-in-the-white-house-obama-long-form-birth-certificate-is-a-forgery/

Many more issues regarding Obama’s document frauds and early life narrative changes and deceptions over time can be found here: https://www.scribd.com/user/52640192/protectourliberty/lists

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)

Friday, January 5, 2024 9:34 PM

The birth certificate in my opinion was a diversion the real issue is dual citizenship. In what world would the founders have permitted a British subject to be President? That seems to be the very thing they were concerned about.
One finds it odd that they said they couldn’t locate the birth certificate then when polls come out where Americans doubt his eligibility then poof it magically is located.
Unfortunately it doesn’t matter if one came out and said yeah it’s phony. How would they unravel 8 years of an ineligible person. They’re not going to undo the acts taken and act like those 8 years never happened.

Ken Holden
Reply to  Ted
Saturday, January 6, 2024 5:19 AM

Obama’s mom Ann Dunham had remarried Lolo Soetoro who lived in Indonesia.

At the age of six, Obama moved to Indonesia with his mom and was adopted by his stepfather Lolo Soetoro and his name was then changed to Barry Soetoro.

The law in Indonesia is you need to be an Indonesian citizen to be allowed to attend school there.

Indonesia doesn’t allow dual citizenship so he would have lost any citizenship of any other country that he was once a citizen of.

Reply to  Ken Holden
Saturday, January 6, 2024 12:08 PM

It’s mind blowing he was elected, remember a news outlet asked 400 people at Columbia if they remember him and no one remembers him. Now one might not remember the exact name but surely someone would see his face and say yeah I went to college with him, nada!

Jonathan David Mooers
Reply to  Ted
Saturday, January 6, 2024 1:22 PM

1. The U.S. Constitution is the only supreme law of The United States of America 1789- TODAY. All legal U.S. citizens can either follow it, or amend it; to behave otherwise in willful non-compliance may render voidable or punishable actions, or treasonous actions possibly subject to death by hanging.

2. “We the People”, the first three words of The U.S. Constitution, meaning, all legal United States citizens, are ultimately responsible for the condition of all properties and for all behaviors within all sovereign U.S. borders; not Congress, not The White House, not The U.S. Supreme Court, not the U.S. military, et al, but We the private U.S. citizens on Main Street USA.

3. “natural born Citizen”, another three words within The U.S. Constitution, are the only supreme law of The United States to qualify U.S. Presidents 1789- TODAY and U.S. Vice Presidents 1804- TODAY.

4. From 1789 to 08-28-08, seven U.S. Presidents were Constitutionally “grandfathered” from being qualified as a “natural born Citizen” because their behaviors during The Revolutionary War revealed them to be loyal “original citizens” to The United States of America and not loyal to the King of England or other foreign governments. Up until 08-28-08, all remaining precedential U.S. Presidents, except deceitful Chester Arthur, were understood by previous U.S. generations to be qualified as a “natural born Citizen”, evidently meaning to all those previous U.S. generations, “born within and subject to a sole-U.S.-jurisdiction of sole-allegiance-U.S.-citizen-parents from the U.S. tribe”: https://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/ >>> https://www.scribd.com/doc/48856102/All-U-S-Presidents-Eligibility-Grandfather-Clause-Natural-Born-Citizen-Clause-or-Seated-by-Fraud

5. On 08-28-08, U.S. Speaker of The U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro-Pelosi, secretly and willfully behaved defiant non-compliant against all previous U.S. generations evidentiary understanding of the intentionally restrictive “natural born Citizen” U.S. President qualification clause:
This treasonous un-Constitutional act by Nancy Pelosi was discovered some six months after the DNC Nomination of Obama by JB Williams:
Nancy Pelosi covered-up her 08-28-08 treasonous misdeed by commissioning the Congressional Research Service to “prove” Obama is “a natural born Citizen” and all U.S. government agencies were to adhere to this false narrative, or else face the consequences:
Nancy Pelosi allowed “Trojan Horse” Obama to enter The White House to knowingly harm USA with his/their unaccounted “fundamental transformation” of USA: Obama’s True Legacy
Fear of Nancy Pelosi’s consequences led/leads all U.S. government agencies to 100% refuse to prosecute and investigate Obama’s known Constitutional ineligibility and, instead, fully submit to the mind-slavery of Obama’s “black male blackmail” :

Reply to  Ted
Sunday, January 7, 2024 12:42 PM

He, Obama, was attending Patrice Lumumba (sp?) University, on the CIA’s dime (our dime!), in Moscow at the time. Don’t let Wayne Allyn Root or anybody else try to fool you. Thanks, Tom Arnold.