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by Roving Reporter, ©2023

(Oct. 17, 2023) — “Soulful Strut” (3:07)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation, the place to hear it here first. A couple of years ago, I wrote that the United Nations was nothing but a ‘Muslim Admiration Society’ and that the roadblocks they manned were letting in ‘uninspected’ trucks carrying missiles into areas surrounding Israel. And when Barry Soetoro, aka Obama, was nominated by the ‘Democratic Socialist Party of America,’ I wrote that ‘Barrack Husain’ was a Muslim and having any Muslim in our country was a very, very bad idea. The Department of Homeland Security, an oxymoron if there ever was one, and the State Department have been compromised by disillusioned pro-Muslim idiots. 9-11 is the date when the floodgates were opened for a Muslim invasion, not by tanks and troops storming the beaches of Florida and California, but by invitation into Kennedy and O’Hare Airports. With us today is Bishop Dunkin, our featured guest.”

“Bless you, my son. Let us pray.

“Dear Lord, please give us the wisdom to reach the conclusion that the DHS is a corrupt arm of our criminal government, a government that is ripe with theft, kickbacks, payoffs, lies and staffed with a lot of just plain dumb and greedy people who really hate the USA with a passion, akin to Hamas’s belief in ‘No Jew between me and the sea.’”

“And Lord, as long as we’re on the subject of dumb people, please see if you could give our politicians the insight to learn that when bad people tell you what to expect, expect it. The Quran, with no ambiguity whatsoever, is an instruction manual on who to kill (unbelievers-infidels), where to kill (wherever they may be, even in a mosque), when to kill (anytime, even if it interferes with prayer time; you can make it up later). Our politicians and bureaucrats need to know the difference between right and wrong as of yesterday, and if we know anything about the 1,600-year history of Islam, if you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.

“And Lord, we need to deport the enemies of our Constitution ASAP, but we don’t have anyone who will do it. All we see is more and more of our enemies arriving, every hour of every day, as more and more of our Veterans are eating a bullet. Our Veterans know the truth, can read the writing on the wall, and know what’s around the corner: Sharia, which is just another word for slavery. Deport Omar and Tlaib.

“The Left, the Dems, the people who support human trafficking, rape trees, Fentanyl and all the other Republic-destroying policies, are aligned with antisemitism which, in real-world language, is synonymous with anti-Judeo-Christian ethics, which mean anti-Constitution.

“You want a taste of propaganda, then try this on for size: Islam is ‘One of the Great Religions of the World,’ a PR stunt that’s lasted over a hundred years. Islam isn’t a religion but a cult of death, because if you take away murdering the Jews and Christians, what the heck is left?”

“Dear Lord, please prepare the ignorant for the random knifings in the streets of our country that are sure to come. Line the beaches with the National Guard to protect beach-goers; post guards with machine guns in every mall, for what has transpired in other parts of the world has come to our shores. Women will be raped at an alarming rate; it’s just around the corner. Daughters will be violated and, as far as Sharia Law goes, the rapists are well within their rights and will go unpunished; trust me, for most of our judges worthless; we even have one on our Supreme Court who can’t define what a woman is.

“And Lord, we thank you for Henry, the founder of the Hopping Mad Political Partywhich advocates for the deportation of the illegal immigrants, Muslims and ‘Anchor Babies.’”

“We thank Thee for ‘Pulse,’ her contributors and for The P&E for posting the transcripts of the most popular information show in its time slot. We thank Thee for giving us the time to save our country if only we would get a leader with enough backbone to stay the course and do what must be done: deport those who would wish us harm. Muslims will not assimilate.

“Dear Lord, excuse me, not to be a bore, but allow me to repeat my last: help us deport the Muslims; give us a leader who will do the right thing. We believe in free speech and equal rights for all. And let’s not forget those innocent civilians locked up in the Washington, DC gulag for protesting the criminal actions of VP Mike ‘Judas’ Pence on Jan. 6 when he accepted the fraudulent election returns that put Obama’s puppet, Biden, in the White House. Amen.”

“You finished?”

“I think I may be.”

“I think we’ll take a short break.”

Mendelssohn ‘Spring Song’ Op. 62, #6” (3:25)

“And we’re back with Bishop Dunkin, who took a long-winded prayer as his opening statement.”

“We need a leader, and we need a leader now. The border has been open for over 2½ years, which is 2½ years too long. End it yesterday. Obama is hell-bent on destroying America, as are Governors Gavin Newsom of California, Kathy Hochul of New York, and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan.”

“And we couldn’t agree more. What else?”

“First things first: close the border, don’t take any flu shots, trash the masks, and ‘IF YOU LOOT, WE SHOOT.’ Like to see AG Merrick Garland in the DC gulag for the rest of his life, likewise everyone else involved with the sham of an ’insurrection,’ a joke if there ever was one. The only people who agree are those on The View,’ ‘Morning Joe,’ and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, losers one and all, in charge of ‘wokeness, diversity and inclusion.’

“Okay, will do. And that’ll do it for us and so this is your Roving Reporter, along with Bishop Dunkin, wishing all of you a goodnight: Goodnight.”


“Pardon me?”

“I’m saying they almost got away with it.”

“Who and what?”

“Toppling statues and carrying Hamas flags. You see, we’re a very ignorant species in that each of us believes that we’re alone, and we don’t realize that our actions, our beliefs, even our thoughts guide our speech, and our speech reveals not only who we are, but what we are.”

“This time in English, please.”

“Very well. The Hamas flag represents one thing and one thing only: pure unadulterated stupidity that points to a one-way path straight to h***. If not them, then it’s the Khmer Rouge or the NAZIs. But here’s the thing: what some may do to others they themselves may end up on the short end of the stick. In other words, do unto others as you would expect done unto you. I say lock up the statue-topplers and Hamas flag-waving supporters. It’s not rocket science. You end it or it’ll never end.”

“I think we can all agree on that point.”

“The Hamas flag represents the Holocaust; not the Holocaust of NAZI Germany, but the current Holocaust going on now. Those Hamas flag-wavers, deal with them. Stop the horror by stopping those who will not stop it.”

“Well said, Bishop, well said. Shut down CAIR by deporting them today, because the longer we don’t act the weaker we become. We’re approaching the point where we can’t act, and then it’ll be too late. Thank you for your insight, Bishop Dunkin. And so, this is your Roving Reporter, along with Bishop Dunkin, wishing you all a goodnight: Goodnight.

“Good show. Maybe Israel will go after the head of the snake, Iran, the kingpin of terrorism. Burger time: my treat.”

And the Angels Sing” (3:09)

Roving Reporter

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Wednesday, October 18, 2023 12:15 AM

If you don’t want one “Muslim” in our country, HOW IS IT THAT YOU APPARENTLY ACCEPTED THE PRESIDENCY OF BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA (2009-2017)? Also, he still resides in the United States and is having a SKY-SCRAPER, OMINOUS-LOOKING, MONUMENT TO HIMSELF built in Chicago to remind him and everybody else who sees it of his deity (NOT!). Is he the soon-to-be leader of the NWO? Some of us think so. How about a DEMON or SATAN himself? That’s also a possibility!

Roving Reporter
Reply to  Thomas Arnold
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 8:51 AM

If ‘accepting the presidency of Barry Soetoro (aka Obama) means sending him to GITMO to spend the rest of his worthless life locked in a cage for usurping the presidency, then, in that specific scenario, I did accept him as our defacto president.
In 2011 I ran as a write-in president and part of my platform was to deport the Muslims AND place Obama in a cage at GITMO, which quite aptly proves that my position on Obama and the rest (read ALL) of the Muslim Brotherhood/Muslims be deported as of yesterday has not changed by one word.
And, thank you, Sharon Rondeau, editor of The P&E, for helping to set the record straight.

Roving Reporter

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 9:26 PM

“I Don’t Know About You, But I Don’t Want One Muslim In My Country (RR)”

Especially if it is Barack Hussein Obama……….

Jonathan David Mooers
Tuesday, October 17, 2023 12:52 PM

I agree with this script!

While all humans are designed identically (around 9 months gestation, two eyes for sight sensations, one brain, two kidneys for processing waste, breathe the same air covering planet Earth, et al), the thinking of fully sensitized adult humans can be violently different.

The differences in human thinking are found in the differences in life-acquired sensations of humanity’s five senses, being, sight-sound-smell-taste-touch.


Christ never molested or killed any other human being while Mohamed was an illiterate, murdering pedophile.

Christ thoughts versus Mohamed thoughts, there’s the principle difference!

An idle mind is devil’s workshop; a muslim mind is a devil’s sanctuary!

BULLETS FOR murder-sensitized BULLIES!