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by Roving Reporter, ©2023

(Oct. 10, 2023) — “Justice for All” (2:24)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. Back by an overwhelming deluge of requests, our favorite General will, once again, be our featured guest. Welcome back to ‘Pulse,’ the most-watched information show in its time slot.”

“And glad to be back. And I see you got a trim and are in shipshape. I’d say you’re ‘squared away’; about time. I know why I’m back; it’s because of the heinous crimes in Israel, isn’t that right?”

“You said ‘crimes’; is that right?”

“That’s right, because there are two ways to approach the misdeeds of the young Muslim men who carried out the atrocities. You can treat any one action as breaking the law or you can treat the incursion as an invasion of an opposing army.”

“And what did you conclude?”

“My professional conclusion is this: the brutality was due to following illegal orders, plain and simple. The guilty parties are those who issued the orders and those who carried out the orders. Those who carried out the orders should have refused and, since they didn’t, are guilty of murder and kidnapping, both capital offenses.”

“And the penalty for a capital offense?”

“Death penalty.”

“And those who issued the orders?”

“Death penalty.”

“That’s pretty clear. What about those who cheered them on; what about them?”

“The fact of life is this: an accessory to a crime is punishable the same as doing the crime; an enabler to a crime is just as culpable as the one doing the crime; and those who supported and cheered the wrongdoers on are as guilty as all the others. Bottom line? That crazed mob in the street of Gaza beating an Israeli captive in the back of a SUV and a pickup truck were ripe for a cluster bomb. Those members of the Iranian Parliament chanting ‘Death to the Jews!’ were a prime target for a 500-lb. bomb dropped from an F-16.”

“There were parades and rallies cheering the attack; what about those people?”

“The foreigners, deport them; the rest 30 days in the slammer; give them time to think about the consequences of cheering murderers.”

“Do you honestly think that’ll do any good?”

“It’s a start.”

“What about CAIR?”

“Shut them down, once and for all. If there was any terrorist organization, they’re it.”

“When would you propose?”


“And the Muslim Representatives, Omar and Tlaib?”

“Throw them out with the rest of the trash.”

“You don’t mince words, do you, General?”

“That’s what makes me a General.”

“Right on. Well, that’s it for this show: Goodnight.

“Good show. Burger time: my treat.”

Trump Won” (3:30)

Roving Reporter

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