Posted inEditorials

Wanted: Morally Alive Congress Member

BUT CAN ONE BE FOUND? by Gary Stevens (Mar. 27, 2012) — A moral virus has devastated and contaminated the entire government structure. A quarantine of political sorts has been in effect for a long time. The effects of complete moral decay in Washington, D.C. have not been contained. The safeguards of containment are broken. […]

Posted inEditorials

USA Under Siege: Congress and Obama Vote in Secret to End Bill of Rights and other Atrocities

OBAMA’S AMERICA IS RULED, NOT GOVERNED by Sher Zieve, ©2012 (March 26, 2012) — America, we have an enormous problem.  And, it’s a quickly expanding one.  Fueled by the palpable fear of We-the-People that is now observably apparent from arrogant elected members of both the Executive and Legislative branches of the US government, Orwellian bills […]

Posted inBlog of the Day

Why Obama is Ineligible Regardless of Where he was Born

“AN ILLEGAL PRESIDENT” by Don Fredrick, ©2012, blogging at The Obama Timeline (Mar. 4, 2012) — In Phoenix, Arizona on March 1, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s “cold case posse” held a news conference to report on its investigation of Obama’s birth certificate and Selective Service registration. The investigation concluded that there is “probable cause” […]

Posted inNational

New Hampshire Representative Recaps Press Conference of January 3

WILL MEET WITH SPEAKER ON JANUARY 6 by Sharon Rondeau (Jan. 5, 2011) —The following is an interview conducted with New Hampshire Rep. Harry Accornero (R-Laconia), who helped to organize a press conference in Concord with the purpose of informing the public that Barack Hussein Obama might not be constitutionally eligible to serve as president.  […]

Posted inEditorials

If Ye Love Wealth Better Than Liberty, the Tranquility of Servitude Better Than the Animating Contest of Freedom…

OTHERWISE GO TO WWW.OBAMABALLOTCHALLENGE.COM‏ by Neil Turner (Dec. 3, 2011) —  Every one of our ‘politicos’ – whether in office, just leaving office (don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Barney), or running for the highest Office in the land – knows beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we have a […]

Posted inStates

Responses From New Hampshire State Representatives Defy Their Oaths of Office

WHY AREN’T THESE PUBLIC SERVANTS SEEKING THE TRUTH? November 25, 2011 From:  Neil Turner Sent:  Fri 11/25/11 4:08 PM To: Shawn Jasper Deputy Majority Leader NH House of Representatives (Hillsborough 27th) Bcc: All members of the NH General Court. Dear Mr. Jasper; I have received a copy of your ugly, uninformed, and irresponsible reply […]

Posted inNational

Letter to WA State Sheriff Calls for Obama Election Fraud Investigation

WILL THESE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS RESPOND AS SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO HAS? November 10, 2011 Dear Editor: The following letter was sent to Okanogan County, WA Sheriff Frank Rogers; Sheriff M. L. Kline of Adams County; Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich of Spokane County; Sheriff Sue Rahr of King County, and Sheriff Daniel Kimball of Thurston County on November […]

Posted inEditorials

Unlawful Orders

NUREMBERG TRIALS, 1945-1946, NUREMBERG, GERMANY by Neil Turner (Nov. 5, 2011) — IT IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE that everyone who takes the Oath to uphold and defend the Constitution also swears, indirectly, considering the Preamble (i.e., the Declaration), Articles, and Amendments to the Constitution, to not follow unlawful or immoral orders or orders given by unlawfully-acting […]