Posted inHawaii

Live Report from Miki Booth in Hawaii, Part 1

“THIS IS NOT A LONG-FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE!” by Sharon Rondeau (Sep. 17, 2011) — Miki Booth, who has written a book about her constitutional activism, life in Hawaii and involvement in solving the Obama eligibility question, recently visited the island of Oahu, accompanying Dean Haskins, Executive Director of The Birther Summit, to acquire information from […]

Posted inNational

“Tacit Admission” of Obama’s Ineligibility Filed with Federal Court in Florida

“NOW THERE’S A RECORD OF IT” by Sharon Rondeau (Sep. 7, 2011) — On August 29, 2011, a Motion for Summary Judgment was filed with the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida regarding a Tacit Admission of Ineligibility which had its origins in an unanswered letter sent to Barack Hussein Obama on […]

Posted inEditorials

To America….The Country We Love

OBAMA’S GREATEST FEAR…THE TRUTH by Robert Quinn (Aug. 25, 2011) — On September 14, 2011, inside a Hawaiian Federal Courthouse, Barack Obama’s transparency will be severely tested due to an historic event which took place on August 8.  On that date, Dr. Orly Taitz, a steadfast attorney challenging Obama’s Presidential eligibility, previously had a court-ordered […]

Posted inNational

Update: Citizens’ Grand Jury Trial Scheduled for October on Obama Birth Certificate

ORIGINATOR OF COLUMBIA SEDITION TRIAL TO HOLD BIRTH CERTIFICATE TRIBUNAL by Sharon Rondeau (Aug. 7, 2011) — Dr. James David Manning, who convened a citizens’ grand jury trial in Harlem, New York in May 2010 on Obama’s background and specifically, whether or not he attended Columbia University as he has claimed, will hold a similar […]

Posted inNational

Second Update: The Post & Email Speaks with Douglas Vogt, Typesetting Expert, About His Letters to Congress Regarding Birth Certificate Forgery

WHAT EXCUSE CAN ANYONE MAKE FOR OBAMA NOW? by Sharon Rondeau (Jul. 22, 2011) — Mr. Douglas Vogt, owner of Vector Associates and Archive Index Systems, has sent letters to officials in Hawaii and will be sending them to all members of Congress with his report on why he believes the image released by the […]