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by Sharon Rondeau

(Jan. 27, 2018) — During the second and third hours of The Hagmann Report radio show on Friday, “Freedom Friday” host Carl Gallups and Obama birth certificate lead investigator Mike Zullo were the guests of the father-and-son team, Joe and Doug Hagmann, to speak about the “deep state” and connections to the “computer-generated forgery” posted at whitehouse.gov nearly seven years ago.

The first hour consisted of a discussion between the two hosts of a number of topics, including the four-page classified “FISA memo” authored by the House Permanent Subcommittee on Intelligence; the significance of allegiance to the U.S. for members of the military; the judge’s decision and comments in the case of former U.S. Olympic physician Dr. Larry Nassar; and a report that Donald Trump intended to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, III last June.

As lead investigator of the Obama long-form birth certificate image said to be a scan of a certified copy of his original birth record from the state of Hawaii, Zullo spent more than five years interviewing, traveling to Washington, DC, and preparing detailed reports for three press conferences to inform the public of his finding that the image is fraudulent and made public “with the intent to deceive.”

Conducted under the authority of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) and commissioned by then-Sheriff Joseph Arpaio, the investigation began in August 2011, four months after the image was posted, and concluded in December 2016 as Arpaio was leaving office after six consecutive terms.

Just after the one-hour mark, the elder Hagmann raised the topic about which Gallups and Zullo would be speaking, which included his view that Obama’s eight years in the Oval Office led to “an infiltration inside the White House” connected to the birth certificate forgery and the corruption of high-level members of the U.S. intelligence community.

At 1:05:10, Hagmann commented, “Look at what Obama did” in relation to the destabilization of the Middle East, to include the now-seven-year-old Syrian civil war which has displaced and killed hundreds of thousands.  The younger Hagmann opined that Hillary Clinton and others “should have been indicted” in regard to the removal from power and murder of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

Gallups was brought on just after the 1:08:00 mark and Zullo a minute or so later.  Gallups said that “most of the people want to hear mainly from Mike Zullo” in regard to the birth certificate investigation.  However, Gallups provided background on Zullo’s activity while conducting the probe, which included interacting with the Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH) and with two reputable forensic analysts; analyzing data provided by a former NSA/CIA employee and whistleblower, Dennis Montgomery, having to do with illegal surveillance of U.S. citizens; and the media, which Gallups characterized as sympathetic to “communists and subversives.”

Gallups recounted that Donald Trump was the first vocal high-profile person to question Obama’s legitimacy in early 2011.  “He knew what was going on with this birth certificate,” Gallups said.  “We have the forensic evidence…that it was built from the ground up from a blank template.”

“He’s fighting his wars with the ‘Deep State’ but he’s making court appointments, cleaning house…” Gallups said of Trump today.  “Things are shaping up; we’ve got the midterms coming…”

“We knew years ago that three-letter agencies were involved in this obfuscation of the birth certificate,” Gallups continued.  “We knew that there was a piece of software that the CIA had invented…to hammer in to election agencies of various states…”

At 1:17:01, Zullo was brought on to speak about the investigation.

He recounted that at a final presser in December 2016, he revealed he approached a “court-recognized expert” from Hawaii and an Italian forensics firm which trains law-enforcement officers and both agreed that the long-form birth certificate is not genuine.  “That press conference was televised; we were made aware that Fox national was watching it…” Zullo commented, but that the media “made no mention of the findings.”

“No one will put the findings out there,” Zullo said.

Gallups added that during that presser, Zullo had explained, along with the presentation of a video, that a number of items were “lifted” from a genuine Hawaii birth certificate and “placed perfectly” on a “blank template” which became the Obama long-form birth certificate image.

“All Mike Zullo and Sheriff Arpaio have ever asked for is for Congress to investigate it, prove me wrong,” Gallups said.

Carl Gallups hosts “Freedom Friday” every week from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET

“No court will hear it; no Congress has heard it; no three-letter federal law enforcement agency has heard it…no major media outlet has laid out the evidence…” Gallups commented.  He then connected the corruption currently being uncovered within the U.S. Justice Department and FBI with the maintaining of the forgery on whitehouse.gov as authentic.

Zullo said that “obfuscation” and “outright lying” about the birth certificate image were purveyed on the internet prior to his involvement which negatively affected the credibility of investigation and the “hard forensic evidence” provided by the two analysts Zullo consulted.

As he has previously, Zullo raised the fact that then-Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie said he “could not find” Obama’s original birth certificate within the HDOH or its “archives” after vowing to put the matter to rest prior to the 2012 presidential election.

Zullo said that in 2008, the administrators of Hawaii hospitals held meetings to determine whether or not their facilities possessed records of Obama’s birth and that all concluded they had no such records.

He reminded the audience of the claims of Abercrombie friend and celebrity journalist Mike Evans, who claimed that Abercrombie told him that no original birth certificate for Obama existed, then “walked back” his statements within 24 hours.

Zullo also said that when he and a sheriff’s deputy went to the HDOH to speak with registrar Alvin Onaka, the latter “locked himself in his office” and refused to see them.

“Somebody got to him,” Gallups offered about Evans’s swift about-face.

At 1:35:00, the elder Hagmann said that the law firm of Perkins Coie not only defended Obama during numerous eligibility challenges, but also was the pass-through for the procuring of the “Trump dossier” believed to have been misrepresented to the FISA court as credible evidence that Trump “colluded” with the Kremlin to win the 2016 election.

Gallups reminded the listeners that the Hawaii document examiner he consulted, Reed Hayes, was an Obama supporter who had been contracted by Perkins Coie to perform document analyses for legal purposes.

Hagmann’s engineer then played the Evans radio clips on cue as Zullo and Gallups commented on each.

Zullo said that the long-form birth certificate image was “sequestered” such that no journalist or analyst could “see it,” with the exception of NBC’s Savannah Guthrie.

Mike Zullo at the first birth certificate presser on March 1, 2012

As had had on the WOBC radio show on January 15, 2018, Zullo said that at age of “four or five,” when Abercrombie reportedly watched Obama playing T-ball or another similar sport, Obama was “off in Indonesia,” contrary to Obama’s public life narrative which claims that he went to Indonesia with his mother at age 6.

At 2:04:00, Zullo reminded listeners that Obama’s birth certificate was allegedly “half-typed and half-handwritten.”  Zullo then shared new information:  that he is in possession of a 1960 Hawaii birth certificate that meets that description.  However, he said that it “does not have the child’s name typed on the document…it is hand-written in.  Other information was handwritten in.”

He explained that another field asks for “an explanation of any alteration” that might have occurred to the certificate.  He said that in 1964, a field for the name was added. “The acceptance dates on this 1960 birth certificate…didn’t occur until 1968.  So that tells you that half-typed, half-written documents were not complete; they were missing information and couldn’t be filed properly.”

He suggested that once the missing information is completed, a new birth certificate is issued which “becomes the original birth certificate” in a de facto way.

Zullo stressed that at the press conference held on April 27, 2011 following the release of the birth certificate image, Obama never held up a paper document as his own, likely giving rise to “plausible deniability.”

Zullo said that he places no value on “Verifications” produced by the HDOH to the states of Kansas and Arizona confirming that the information on the long-form birth certificate matched that which is allegedly in their files.  A similar Verification was provided to the Mississippi Democratic Party in a 2012 eligibility lawsuit brought by Atty. Orly Taitz.

He pointed out that no judge requested to see the original document or a certified copy.

Later, Zullo revealed that Montgomery provided information about the birth certificate forgery when he testified to the FBI in December 2015 about surveillance abuses to then-FBI General Counsel James Baker.

The entire show can be heard here:  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hagmannreport/2018/01/27/birth-certificate-to-deep-state-mike-zullo-carl-gallups-connect-the-dots














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Monday, January 29, 2018 4:57 PM

I’ve been saying this for a LONG time:


Jeffrey Harrison
Sunday, January 28, 2018 7:08 PM

Thanks to The Post & Email for their faithful effort in covering the issue of Obama’s highly
questionable credentials. Additional, I am grateful that links are included in the articles.
This aids me in covering this issue. Further, I do make copies of articles to study,review and
keep on hand for future reference.

Sunday, January 28, 2018 12:39 PM

Great Video on Obama I.D Fraud

#OBAMA #IDFRAUD #MAGA #Birther #SCOTUS #Utpol #Cover #FBI #CIA @realDonaldTrump @ABC2020 @NBCNews
@CBSEveningNews @FoxNews
@maureendowd @nypost
@WSJLawNews @nytimes
#WhiteHouse #POTUS @USSupremeCourt @DRUDGE
@HouseJudiciary @HouseFloor




Saturday, January 27, 2018 12:43 PM

FORENSIC EVIDENCE ☜ #ObamaBirthCertificate #Forgery #HagmannReport] Denying #ForensicEvidence akin2 #crime #Covering4ARapist @HouseFloor @realDonaldTrump #MAGA #Birther #Utpol @ABC2020 #Democrats #DNC #MeToo
@CBSNews @NBCNews @FoxNews #SCOTUS #149396
