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ResTOURation of Our Nation

DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE GEARING UP FOR IOWA-CHALLENGED HILLARY CLINTON by Cody Robert Judy, ©2015 (Jun. 7, 2015) — At least one Candidate for President in the Democratic Party is gearing up to head for Iowans’ living rooms, to challenge Hillary Clinton in the first Caucus of the 2016 Presidential Race. The Cody Robert Judy […]

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“A MINORITY OF FOUR SUFFICES” by Cody Robert Judy, ©2015, blogging at CodyJudy (Jun. 3, 2015) — Today the United States Supreme Court announced that the Case Judy v. Obama 14-9396 dealing with Obama’s Ineligibility would indeed go to Conference June 18th, 2015! “Probably the most important thing for people to know”, ’08, ’12 Cody […]

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Senator Cruz, Senator Rubio, and Governor Jindal Should Not Be Allowed to Participate in the Presidential Debates Because They, Like De Facto President Obama, Are All Not Natural Born Citizens and Therefore Not Eligible to Be President

“NATURAL LAW” DEFINES “NATURAL BORN CITIZEN” by Mario Apuzzo, Esq., blogging at Natural Born Citizen, reposted with permission (May 27, 2015) —Soon, we will see various presidential candidates debate each other for the right to win their party’s nomination for President and ultimately to win the people’s and Electoral College’s vote for that Office.  The […]

Posted inNational

The Post & Email Contacts The Dallas Morning News About Challenges to Article II Eligibility

CRUZ’S ELIGIBILITY QUESTIONED, BUT OBAMA’S, DESPITE FORGERIES OF GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS, HAS NOT by Sharon Rondeau (May 24, 2015) — An article in The Dallas Morning News dated Saturday, May 23, 2015 and updated on Sunday morning reported that “Not surprisingly, the GOP presidential debates announced last week will be open only to candidates who can […]

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The Mountain of Communism – Why is the Constitution So Unpopular with Republicans?

“CONSERVATIVE PRINCIPLES” by Cody Robert Judy, ©2015 (May 17, 2015) — Republicans tout a ‘conservative’ stand upon many issues, but what you don’t really hear is Democrats touting how conservative they are on so many issues. What is becoming easier and easier for voters to see is that what they are hearing from the Parties […]

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Remembering Selma Today in Our Struggle for Civil Rights Upon the Ineligibility of Barack Obama in the U.S. Supreme Court

HAS OBAMA TRAMPLED ALL AMERICANS’ CIVIL RIGHTS? by Cody Robert Judy, ©2015, blogging at CodyJudy (May 13, 2015) — Throughout the relatively young history here in the United States of America we have seen many different Civil Rights movements. The nefarious brutality that occurred in this country at Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, happened the […]