Posted inEditorials

The Quisling at 1600

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2024 (Mar. 29, 2024) — The characterization of Brandon as “the slug at 1600” does not adequately describe him.  A potential better term might be the “quisling slug at 1600.”  Accordingly, a new, abbreviated moniker for the current occupant of the Oval Office is suggested: “the q-slug,” pronounced: “cue-slug.”  The term “quisling” […]

Posted inEditorials

The Insidious Mile-High Frankenstein Brain…, Burp

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2023 (Dec. 22, 2023) — INTRODUCTION Well, faithful P&E readers, buckle up: the Colorado Supreme Court, consisting of seven judges – all appointed by Democrat Colorado governors – has issued an opinion in a case captioned Anderson v. Griswold.  The decision purports to bar President Trump from the Colorado primary ballot, allegedly […]

Posted inEditorials

Foolish Consistency, Little Minds and Hobgoblins

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2023 (Aug. 21, 2023) — As a preface to what follows, noted American author and philosophical thinker Ralph Waldo Emerson once observed: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.”  Stated otherwise, Emerson was contending that pursuit of consistency for the sake of […]

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The LoC Kissing Cousin to the Heritage Guide

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2023 (May 8, 2023) — Introduction In addition to the Heritage Foundation’s digital “Guide to the Constitution,” recently discussed by your humble servant here, a “kissing cousin” to that think tank’s explanation exists.  Specifically, the U.S. Library of Congress (“LoC”) maintains a similar website purporting to “explain” what the Eligibility Clause of […]

Posted inEditorials

Information, Misinformation, Ipse Dixit and Censorship

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2023 (Apr. 22, 2023) — Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley recently posted an article pointing out the draconian censorship path upon which Great Britain is descending.  It is a short, but ominous read.  The censorship of free speech in England is plumbing new depths of lunacy and malevolence…, and yet Hillary (“BleachBit?  […]

Posted inEditorials

The Role of States and “POPE’s” in Presidential Eligibility Determinations

by Joseph DeMaio, ©2023  (Mar. 20, 2023) — Recently there appeared here at The P&E – one of the few remaining viable and non-censored Internet “natural born Citizen” information sources – a particularly relevant and insightful post.  The P&E post reprised the article and substance of a proposal advanced here by one Roger Ogden.  Mr. […]