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by Joseph DeMaio, ©2024


(Jan. 17, 2024) — Introduction

Well, the insightful comments (and questions) on the nbC eligibility issue just keep coming.  One particularly interesting and thought-provoking question now comes from reader Mooers.  He focuses on your humble servant’s assertion in the post that “an nbC was a person born here to two U.S. citizen parents who possessed undivided allegiance to the United States alone….”  While the intent was to convey that the “undivided allegiance” of the parents could arise from either (a) their own births as nbC’s, or (b) the taking of the strict U.S. allegiance naturalization oath when seeking to become themselves U.S. citizens, it is acknowledged that some ambiguity could arise.

Mooers then asks the interesting question as to whether this means that an nbC candidate for president/vice-president can have dual citizen parents.  Very interesting.

As a prefatory point prior to what follows, P&E readers must understand that your humble servant’s views on the nbC issue are his and his alone.  He has attempted to research the history, etymology and meaning of the term from various sources, including, of course, the 1758 treatise by Swiss attorney, jurist and scholar Emer de Vattel, “The Law of Nations” and, in particular, § 212, Book 1, Ch. 19 of that treatise. 

That said, he concedes that other arguments regarding the topic exist – some even by learned attorneys once in the U.S. Office of the Solicitor General – which might, your servant’s opinions to the contrary, ultimately be held by the U.S. Supreme Court (“USSC”) to be “correct” or at minimum “pragmatic” or “politically expedient.” 


That would be an unfortunate outcome, of course, but it would be naïve to believe that such a result was out of the question.  Recall what happened when the Court held that the word “penalty” actually meant “tax” in a completely unprincipled linguistic gyration to rescue “Obamacare” from a well-deserved death.  An expedient or pragmatic outcome is also particularly possible in light of the Court’s persistent actions to “evade” the nbC issue.  It should stop doing that.

Nonetheless, the following observations in response to the Mooers comment and question must be viewed against the foundational precept upon which your servant bases virtually the entirety of his position.  That precept is that the Founders intended to erect the highest available barrier to the potential for insinuation of “foreign influence” into their new Republic by adopting both the term – and its associated definition under the nomenclature of the day – of “natural born Citizen” as set out in de Vattel’s § 212.  Furthermore, that precept will not change unless and until compelling evidence to the contrary is presented, whether or not that evidence comes in the form of a binding “on the merits” decision of the USSC or otherwise.


Turning, therefore, to the Mooers comment and question, your humble servant’s initial response is: what would the Founders have thought about that situation?  Assuming, as your servant has contended for years, that the Founders relied upon the teachings and principles set out in the de Vattel treatise when drafting the Constitution, it occurred that an answer might be found there.  In § 212, de Vattel defines the word “citizen” thusly: “The citizens are the members of the civil society: bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages.”  There is nothing apparent in this definition that either prohibits or acknowledges dual or multiple “memberships” in more than one “civil society.”


Seeking more information, your servant performed a word search of the full text of the treatise.  That search revealed no instance of the words “dual” or “shared” or “multiple” or even, surprisingly, the words “citizenship” or “nationality.” 

However, as discussed here, under a strict analysis of the words of Congressman John Bingham (R. OH) when commenting on the 14th Amendment on March 9, 1866, he posited that if a child is to be acknowledged as an nbC, he/she must have been born to parents “not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty….” (Emphasis added)  His words were offered in support of your servant’s position that the author of the 14th Amendment acknowledged and differentiated between mere “native-born or naturalized” citizens and nbC’s, thus undercutting the narrative that if one is merely a “citizen at/by birth” under the amendment, one is purportedly, ipso facto, an nbC.

Under the Bingham view, if the parents had been born in the United States, that would have qualified them as nbC’s too, just like their offspring.  That interpretation would raise the barrier against the potential for the insinuation of foreign influence into the new Republic’s “chief magistracy” – the presidency – even higher.

On the other hand, however, that stricter interpretation could result in eviscerating the nbC restriction itself, swallowing it in an internal conundrum and thus neutering it altogether.  That is likely not a result that the Founders would have intended or favored.

Specifically, if the analysis were to require the parents to be nbC’s themselves, since there were no parental nbC’s as defined by de Vattel in existence in 1787 – because there was no “United States” prior to 1776 – the inclusion of the “citizen-grandfather” nbC exception would have made no sense.  This is because its application was limited to the children of citizen parents, not the parents themselves.  If there were no nbC parents, it is difficult to see how there could have been nbC children, at least consistent with Congressman Bingham’s statement made nearly 80 years after the Constitution was drafted.

What did the Framers mean by the term “natural born Citizen”?

The more likely interpretation, and arguably a more palatable one to the USSC, might be that, reading the provisions of Art. 2, § 1, Cl. 5 as a whole, the Founders likely intended to restrict the direct application of the nbC term to those who would aspire to be president rather than extend it as well to those who would be that person’s parents lest that interpretation destroy the conceptual basis of the primary nbC presidential eligibility restriction.

If the parents were mere “citizens,” as that term was meant when used in the “citizen-grandfather” clause, the Founders’ underlying objective – insulating the presidency itself from the insinuation of “foreign influence” – would still be met, albeit at a slightly lower level.  Clearly, the Founders conceptually differentiated between a “citizen” and a “natural born Citizen” in the Eligibility Clause by providing the narrow, time-limited “citizen-grandfather” exception to the otherwise controlling nbC restriction on the president.

Fast-forwarding to the present, the Mooers question remains: if a presidential (or 12th Amendment vice-presidential) candidate is the offspring of two parents, one or both of whom are “dual citizens” or “dual-nationals” of the United States and a foreign nation, will that be a disqualifying event?

In all candor, your humble servant cannot give a categorical answer, primarily because – news flash: – he is not a Hah-vahdh constitutional law professor or a USSC justice.  Frankly, an answer to the Mooers question may remain elusive unless and until either a binding “on the merits” decision of the USSC is handed down or a constitutional amendment is proposed, passed and ratified clarifying the issue. 

As to the latter constitutional amendment process, while it has been successfully completed 27 times thus far – reaching such fundamental issues as whether alcoholic beverages can be manufactured, transported or sold in the United States…, and then repealing that prohibition – the process is not easy.  Guess what: the Founders intended that the process be more than a simple task.  They intended the Constitution to last indefinitely, but understood that, as times change, perhaps the Constitution would need to be amended.  That is why they included Article 5.

The Larger Question


The larger question beyond the one posed in the Mooers comment is this: apart from the nbC bona fides of Vivek Ramaswamy – who has ended his campaign and endorsed President Trump – there remains the eligibility issue regarding Nikki Haley (still in the race) and, of compelling concern, the purported nbC status of Kamala Harris. 

That’s right, Virginia, the same nbC questions which have been simmering following President Trump’s post casting doubt on Nikki Haley’s eligibility and which have been the topic of much discussion here at The P&E lately are rapidly coming to a boil with regard to the person residing at One Observatory Circle in Washington, D.C. 

Indeed, the issue is of even greater import as to Kamala Harris: Nikki Haley is merely aspiring to the presidency while Kamala Harris – if she is shown to be constitutionally ineligible – is presently usurping the vice-presidency and is aspiring to continue usurping it if she and Brandon win the general election in November.  And insofar as the Mooers question is relevant, there is no “dual citizenship” question presented as to Kamala Harris’s parents: neither of them were U.S. citizens – dual or naturalized – when she was born in Oakland, California.  Under the § 212 definition, therefore, she is not an nbC.

That being the case, but again reserving any answer to the important question posed by Mr. Mooers, the greatest service that Mr. Ramaswamy could perform (joined potentially by Nikki Haley as well in a month or two) would be to (a) research and understand the nbC issue and thereafter hopefully (b) articulate agreement with the theory that, in order to be an nbC, one must fit the de Vattel § 212 definition.  Then he, with or without Nikki Haley, could (c) campaign like gangbusters to undercut the rote narrative that Harris is an nbC eligible to be Vice-President now or (perish the thought) President tomorrow if Brandon takes another serious or fatal fall and cracks his head open.

Hey…, there may even be a few Democrats who would welcome that gambit, as it could improve, at least in their minds, their chances in November by ridding the Democrat ticket – whoever might finally be on it – from a “word-salad queen” who has become as much of a political anchor as Brandon himself.    

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Rob Laity
Sunday, January 21, 2024 2:22 AM

Parents who are Naturalized take a sworn oath as mandated by US law which goes back to the Nationalization Act of 179o. Every foreigner wanting to become a US citizen takes an Oath of Allegiance to the United States and to support the U.S. Constitution.

The Naturalization Act of 1795 made it a requirement that a foreign applicant for U.S. citizenship first declare an intention to become a U.S. Citizen and that upon such Naturalization that he/she would be required to take an Oath of Allegiance to support the Constitution as well as to RENOUNCE AND ABJURE ALL allegiances to a foreign Prince,Potentate, State, Sovereignty, Title of Royalty or order of nobility.

Those who take an Oath such as this have renounced ANY foreign dual citizenship. Those who have not RENOUNCED their foreign citizenship are therefore in non-compliance with the long established Oath of Allegiance to the United States and by virtue of this non-renouncement CANNOT BE NATURALIZED and therefore cannot be a US Citizen.

In respect to dual citizenship in the United States strangely, the Supreme Court has ruled that a Naturalized Citizen can retain his/her foreign citizenship. However, if he/she actively applies for citizenship in a foreign country his status as a naturalized US citizenship can be lost.

Insofar as Naturalized parents who are U.S. citizens meet the Article II standard as “U.S. Citizen Parents”. They themselves do not have to be Natural Born Citizens in order to produce a child who is an NBC as long as that child is born in the United States.

Source: US Citizenship and Immigration Services

Joe Leland
Thursday, January 18, 2024 5:15 PM

Author – “the inclusion of the “citizen-grandfather” nbC exception would have made no sense.”

Makes sense if as Justice Joseph Story indicated it was meant for those who were not native to the colonies but had fought on the side of Americans. Or as James Wilson pointed out in the Convention, he and other non-native Framers would be shut out of the very government they were helping to form.

Author – “Congressman John Bingham (R. OH) when commenting on the 14th Amendment on March 9, 1866”

This is incorrect. Bingham’s March 9th, 1866 statement was about the Civil Rights Act of 1866 not the 14th Amendment.

Bingham’s 1862 statement on the Confiscation Act acknowledges only two types of citizens – naturalized and natural born (“All from other lands, who, by the terms of your laws and a compliance with their provisions become naturalized, are adopted citizens of the United States; all other persons born within the Republic, of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty, are natural-born citizens.”). His belief at that time would appear to be that children born in the US to alien parents needed to be naturalized.

Are there any records indicating that a child born in the US to alien parents had to go through the naturalization process to become a US citizen?

Of course the Mooers Conundrum goes away if the natural born Citizen clause was based on the English Common Law concept of the natural born subject.

Joe Leland
Reply to  Sharon Rondeau
Friday, January 19, 2024 1:34 PM

Author – ‘Regarding the commenter’s remark about the likely purpose of the “citizen-grandfather” clause, …It is that simple.”

Yes, it is that simple if we ignore the August 9th, 1787 and August 13th, 1787 debates in the Convention. At that time it was proposed that only natives be eligible to be members of Congress. And non-native Framers objected. And where Gouverneur Morris proposed to grandfather in person who were currently Citizens to avoid the 7 year citizenship limitation.

Does the author agree with Vattel that natives require two citizen parents (“The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens.” de Vattel, Law of Nations)?

Did the subjects of Great Britain become the citizens of the United States on July 4th, 1776?

“On that day, Mrs. Shanks was found under allegiance to the State of South Carolina as a natural born citizen to a community” Justice William Johnson in his dissent in Shanks v Dupont (1833)


Author – “whether referencing S. 61, the 1866 Civil Rights Act or the 14th Amendment”

It does matter which he is referring to as the citizenship clauses are different.

“Who does not know that every person born within the limits of the Republic is, in the language of the Constitution, a natural-born citizen.” Rep. Bingham, March, 1868

This position is different from his previous statements and comes after the 14th Amendment had been sent to the states for ratification.

Author – “That English common law?”

I mean the English Common Law include in state constitutions and added to the state laws by their legislatures.

“By an act of the state passed in 1712, the common law of Great Britain was incorporated into the jurisprudence of South Carolina. In the year 1782, …it was the law of the land” Justice William Johnson in his dissent in Shanks v Dupont (1833)

“The Common Law of England is obligatory in this state by immediate usage, and content, so far as it corresponds to our circumstances and situation.” Zephaniah Swift in “A System of the Laws of the State of Connecticut” 1795

“The children of aliens, born in this state, are considered as natural born subjects, and have the same rights with the rest of the citizens.” Zephaniah Swift in “A System of the Laws of the State of Connecticut” 1795


Author – “Founders adopted the higher…”

“It is an established maxim that birth is a criterion of allegiance. Birth however derives its force sometimes from place and sometimes from parentage, but in general place is the most certain criterion; it is what applies in the United States” James Madison May 22nd, 1788


Rob Laity
Reply to  Joe Leland
Sunday, January 21, 2024 2:33 AM

The Naturalization Act of 1790 spoke of certain persons who were “Considered” to be NBCs. That “consider[ation]” was REPEALED in 1795.

In any event, to be “considered” as an NBC doesn’t make the one considered as one, an actual NBC.

There WAS a provision “consider[ing]” persons born beyond seas to American Parents as NBCs. That was unconstitutional. Subsequently, it was repealed just (5) years later.

Reply to  Joe Leland
Sunday, January 21, 2024 1:21 PM

Here is a link to download a copy of the 1817 report of PA Supreme Court decisions which included who was a “natural born Citizen”: http://www.kerchner.com/protectourliberty/A-Digest-of-Select-British-Statutes-Still-in-Force-in-PA+in-1817-by-Samuel-Roberts.pdf

See page 26 of the court decision where in a decision of the PA Supreme Court the court informed Atty William Rawle that British Common Law on who is a “natural born Subject” when born does not apply to who is a “natural born Citizen” when born. The PA Supreme Court on page 26, footnote 12 cites Vattel and the Laws of Nature as the authority on citizenship, not British Law.

William Rawle never gave up on his pushing the English Common Law on being a “natural born Subject” at birth applied in the USA as to who was a “natural born Citizen” at Birth. He even published that in his much later book, “Views of the Constitution of the U.S.” in 1829. But his views were not those of the vast majority of the founders and framers. And in the holding in the 1874 SCOTUS decision in Minor v Happersett, the U.S. Supreme Court clearly pointed out that the children of U.S. Citizens born in the USA are the citizens who are a “natural born Citizen”, without any doubt per the common law in the USA at that time created over time since the Revolution by the founders and framers views and ideas, sourced from Vattel, not British Common Law.

Regarding granting even basic citizenship at birth, not until the 14th Amendment was passed in 1868, which was done to grant the freed slaves U.S. Citizenship and they then in turn could procreate “natural born Citizen” children, did being born in the USA subject to its jurisdiction grant basic Citizenship at birth. Note the 14th Amendment did not grant a “natural born Citizen” status at birth since the 14th Amendment is a man-made amendment and law of the nation, which our Constitution is. Only the Laws of Nature can create a “natural born Citizen” by being born in the country to parents who were both Citizens (born or naturalized Citizens) when their child was born in the USA.

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Lehigh Valley PA USA
Author: Natural Born Citizen

Reply to  Joe Leland
Sunday, January 21, 2024 3:07 PM

The citizenship of the parents, and in particular the father since via the concept of marital fusion of citizenship the wife automatically gained the citizenship of the husband when they married, was the key factor in many of the former colonies. See, “A Digest of Select British Statutes, Comprising Those Which According to the Report of the Judges of the Supreme Court, Made to the Legislature, Appear to Be in Force, in Pennsylvania, with Some Others. With Notes and Illustrations.” by Samuel Roberts, published in 1817.

In the section of that report of PA Suupreme Court decisions titled “Alien” on page 26 is says, “The children of aliens, born within the U.S. are aliens; they do not acquire citizenship by birth; [cites footnote 12 in which says our laws on are different than English laws and it cites Vattel for U.S. citizenship] but remain in the condition of their parents … ”

The above decision of the PA Supreme Court was in a case put forward by Atty William Rawle [often cited by the Progressive/Marxist far left in their efforts to change the original intent and understanding meaning of the “natural born Citizen”term] who was trying to get enforced English Common Law that merely being born in PA and the USA granted the person Citizenship at/by Birth. Rawle kept pushing that idea and he included it in his View of the Constitution of the U.S. But, he lost whenever he tried to sell that idea to the courts in Pennsylvania. The citizenship of the parents was the governing factor in Pennsylvania in 1817, when many of the founders and framers were still living and influential on such matters.

As the PA Supreme Court also said in their decision in that footnote 12 when they cited Vattel, “… our laws differ from the English laws; but are more consistent with reason and the laws of nature. … ”

Vattel’s treatise on the Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law was the authority on Citizenship in Pennsylvania in 1817. So see this for what Vattel’s treatise says about “natural born Citizen” [a natural law term] found in Vol.1, Chapter 19, Section 212: https://lonang.com/library/reference/vattel-law-of-nations/vatt-119/

All new here: Read my White Paper for more on the WHY of the “natural born Citizen” term in our U.S. Constitution: http://www.kerchner.com/protectourliberty/naturalborncitizen/TheWhoWhatWhenWhereWhyandHowofNBC-WhitePaper.pdf

CDR Kerchner (Ret)
Author: Natural Born Citizen

Reply to  Joe Leland
Sunday, January 21, 2024 3:41 PM

Vattel very, very clearly and succinctly stated in the relevant sentence what he meant by the term “natives” when he used that word in that sentence. He defined what he meant by it in the very sentence he used it in. And it meant in the latter half of the 18th Century in his treatise words what he said he meant and said it meant, not what you say he meant here in the 21st Century, or other Progressives (that change the original intent meaning of words and terms in a living Constitution agenda manner) have said he meant in some writings in the 20th or 21st centuries. Read the sentence in total. It says exactly what he meant in the very sentence he wrote it. See: http://www.kerchner.com/images/protectourliberty/vattel-section212-french+english-sidebyside.jpg

And the sentence in the original French is even clearer, especially when more properly translated to English as it was in the 1797 edition. Remember most of the founders and framers were fluent in French which was the diplomatic language of the day. And per letters by Benjamin Franklin they had several copies of the new 1775 French edition of Vattel’s treatise in hand. And Franklin said they will be in put to good use by his fellow revolutionaries and founders: https://puzo1.blogspot.com/2010/04/benjamin-franklin-in-1775-thanks.html

Read my article on that key sentence in Vol.1, Chapter 19, Section 212 of Vattel’s Law of Nations of Principles of Natural Law: https://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com/2023/04/15/my-translation-of-a-key-sentence-in-emer-de-vattels-1758-treatise-on-natural-law-in-section-212-des-citoyens-et-naturels/

CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret)
Author: Natural Born Citizen

Thursday, January 18, 2024 12:44 PM

Dual-Citizenship status for U.S. Citizens in the USA should not be allowed. Divided loyalties is not good for any nation in the long run and leads to all kinds of concerns regarding the loyalty of said Citizens, and of course the potential dual-citizenship status of their children at/by birth. Allowing dual-Citizenship does not serve the nation well in the long term. Many countries don’t allow it. Indonesia is one when Obama was living there and going to school, for example.

As I think someone said a long time ago, “Man cannot serve two Kings” without ultimately problems being caused by said divided loyalties. It is just another New World Order progressive tactic to undermine the culture and politics of the USA. We are seeing those problems right now in the USA in our culture and politics.

At one time, and for most of our nation’s history, dual-citizenship was not permitted in the USA. Does anyone know the exact date and law that changed it to allow it? And when push comes to shove for persons holding dual-Citizenship, will they stand and fight for America or skip out to their country of other citizenship? We certainly don’t need a Commander-in-Chief with dual-Citizenship and divided loyalties. Obama has proved that.

For more on the WHY we don’t need dual-Citizens as our President and Commander-in-Chief per the founders and framers original intent, see: http://www.kerchner.com/protectourliberty/naturalborncitizen/TheWhoWhatWhenWhereWhyandHowofNBC-WhitePaper.pdf

CDR Kerchner (Ret)

Jonathan David Mooers
Reply to  Charles Kerchner
Thursday, January 18, 2024 1:53 PM

I agree, Charles.

Note that I unconsciously misspelled “dual”-citizenship as “duel”-citizenship herein, but maybe that’s OK because dual-, or two-citizenships, may constantly cause a competing mind-duel with each other throughout one’s life in order to determine which citizenship is the living “master” and which citizenship is the dying “slave”!

Rob Laity
Reply to  Charles Kerchner
Sunday, January 21, 2024 2:48 AM

See: Kawakita v. United States, 343 U.S., 717 (1952)


Jonathan David Mooers
Thursday, January 18, 2024 11:35 AM

Thank you, P&E and Atty DeMaio, for addressing this nbC query of a dual citizenship parent(s) of a presidential child born in USA.

Upon further reflection, it seems that the simplest verifiable non-contestable intention of John Jay, the “inventor and promoter” of “natural born Citizen” (nbC), and my having read the recent John Jay biography by Walter Stahr https://walterstahr.com/books/john-jay/, the “natural born Citizen” U.S. PRESIDENTIAL RESTRICTION (1788-TODAY) and VICE PRESIDENTIAL RESTRICTION (1804- TODAY) mandates, as a supreme law of U.S land, “born within and subject to a sole-U.S. jurisdiction to sole-U.S.-citizen-parents at time of child’s birth”, like me, and reportedly like some 85% of the U.S. population as well.

John Jay factually intended this sole-U.S. “natural birth pedigree” (my words) to best insure a sole-U.S. “natural brain philosophy” (my words) childhood and adulthood of any U.S. President via (FACT 1) his letter to George Washington dated July 25, 1787 AND (FACT 2) his vote-approved New York ratification proposal, on July 25, 1788, that all U.S. Presidents and U.S. Vice Presidents and U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives will be U.S.-landowners (“freeholders”) and a “natural born Citizen” as free as possible from any foreign allegiances, foreign influences and foreign obligations.

The family unit is the first government; an incubator for a growing child’s values and affections. – JD Mooers

Nature Rules! and human nature follows. – JD Mooers

Therefore, it is only natural that a dependent child who grows up influenced by a non-U.S./foreign-citizenship parent(s) or a naturalized-U.S./non-renounced-foreign-citizenship-parent(s) (i.e., a duel-citizenship/duel-allegiance-parent(s)) will grow up with inescapable ingrained, and with possibly proud, foreign sensitization-sympathies, such as naturally-India-affectionate India-favoring India-influenced Nimarata Nikki Randhawa-Haley, Vivek Ganapathy Ramaswamy and Piyush Jindal.

Did Nancy Pelosi’s Italy-born mother ever become a U.S. citizen AND renounce her Italian-citizenship before Nancy was born in 1940? Did Donald Trump’s Scotland-born mother renounce her Scottish-citizenship when she became a naturalized-U.S.-citizen prior to Donald’s birth in 1946?

Also, I presently believe that the “precedential presidential” selections-elections of Martin Van Buren to George Walker Bush factually and sufficiently settle the meaning of “natural born Citizen”, being the same as defined above https://www.scribd.com/doc/48856102/All-U-S-Presidents-Eligibility-Grandfather-Clause-Natural-Born-Citizen-Clause-or-Seated-by-Fraud , and, therefore, there is no need to seek/risk an nbC interpretation from today’s politically-saturated “diversity-inclusion-equity”-influenced Supreme Court https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/biographies.aspx

Finally, I presently believe that the foreign-citizenship-influenced parents of both Nancy Pelosi (U.S.-Italy) and exotic “citizen of the world” Barack Obama (narrative U.S.-British Kenya-Indonesia) parentally-influenced their secret, and treasonous, agreement to deviate together from said “precedential presidential” nbC selections and elections, on 08-28-08, even when The Democratic Party of Hawaii refused to certify Obama as Constitutionally-eligible to be a U.S. President (since no non-contestable Hawaii birth certificate for Obama can be found):

Reply to  Jonathan David Mooers
Thursday, January 18, 2024 1:15 PM

Donald J. Trump’s mother naturalized four years before he was born. See the last entry in this list of U.S. Presidents: https://www.scribd.com/doc/48856102/All-U-S-Presidents-Eligibility-Grandfather-Clause-Natural-Born-Citizen-Clause-or-Seated-by-Fraud

CDR Kerchner (Ret)

Joe Leland
Reply to  Charles Kerchner
Thursday, January 18, 2024 4:42 PM

Could Trump get British citizenship by descent?

“Her [Trump’s mother] loyalty to Scotland was incredible,” he [Trump] said. “She respected and loved the Queen.”


Rob Laity
Reply to  Joe Leland
Sunday, January 21, 2024 2:59 AM

Trump is a Natural Born Citizen born of two US Citizen Parents in Jamaica, New York.

Speaking of British Citizenship by descent, Harris, Cruz, Haley and Obama are all covered under the British Nationality Act and can claim subjecthood in the UK.

Jamaica, Kenya, India, Canada are covered under the BNA of 1947 and have retained ties to the British Commonwealth of Nations.

The U.S. renounced such links in 1776.

Noteworthy is the fact that the BNA of 1947 has a provision in it that allows persons born in Hawaii (Obama claims to have been born there) to apply for British Citizenship because Hawaii used to be under British control and his purported father Barry, Sr. was BRITISH.

One fact that people also forget is that Hawaii continues to claim to this day that it was illegally annexed by the USA. Something that both President Cleveland and President Clinton Apologized for,

The Kingdom of Hawaii still has a consulate in NY State.

See: The Apology to Hawaii for the illegal annexation of Hawaii by the United States. Public Law 103-150, enacted November 23, 1993

Rob Laity
Reply to  Charles Kerchner
Sunday, January 21, 2024 2:53 AM

Obama’s BC is a proven forgery. He should have been dq’d from the Presidency based on that alone. Stanley may not even BE his real Mother.

His birth history may not even include Stanley or Barry, Sr.

Secondly, His purported Father Barry never naturalized as a US Citizen.