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by Roving Reporter, ©2023 

(May 29, 2023) — “Justice for All” (2:24)

Today we honor the memory of the fallen, and we do so with the solemn understanding that they did not die in vain, which begs the question had they known what a disaster Obama, Hillary, and Biden have wrought upon our country, would they have second thoughts about dying for nothing?

Open borders, welcoming Muslims, human trafficking, and drugs is not what the dead signed up for.

Will the fraudulent governor’s election in Arizona be allowed to stand for one more day?

And how long can we tolerate incompetent and dishonest judges who throw innocent citizens in the Washington, DC, gulag?

And how long can the Judas of our time, Mike Pence, be allowed to do anything?

Beneath every marker in our national cemeteries there is a soul turning in distress; can’t you feel the betrayal?

I may not visit any hallowed ground today for being ashamed of what our country has become.

Will Trump deport the Muslims? Will the Joint Chiefs of Staff honor their Oath? Will pigs fly?

Trump Won” (3:30)

Roving Reporter

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Rob Laity
Thursday, June 1, 2023 8:29 AM

Our deceased service members died for their country fighting for reasons which were contemporaneously in defense of our freedom. Today, those of us living are also called to take up arms against tyranny, domestic or foreign, just as they did.

They did not “die for nothing”. They died for America, a nation worthy of saving and preserving. It is true that the dead did not sign up for the issues you cited but they did sign up to fight against the problems the USA faced at the time they sacrificed their lives.

OUR contemporaneous issues involve the issues that you mentioned and others. Those problems are for us to resolve. The torch has been passed down to us living now. Every generation is obligated by our civic duty and responsible for preserving, defending and upholding the Blessings of Liberty and the Constitution that our founders enshrined in that sacred document.

Our deceased service members do not “Turn in distress”. They are at peace in the bosom of our creator, God of the Bible. Do not deny the reverence our dead soldiers and sailors warrant by their ultimate sacrifice, based on being “ashamed of what our country has become” rather act accordingly to rectify the corruption and anti-American activities being manifested by the deep state Biden administration today.

One might add that not many people would have thought that the United States could devolve into the deep state abuses “We the People” currently suffer under the hands of the Biden criminal Presidency. Many people thought that the US would never fall so far as it has, that it would happen only when pigs flew. One of the epidemics this country has already suffered, along with Covid, was Swine Flu.