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by Roving Reporter, ©2022

(Apr. 23, 2022) — “Ave Maria” (3:57)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. Recently a young woman was savagely attacked in Boston by a group of hate-filled young women for the feeble excuse of ‘wearing braids.’ We have with us today a renowned intellectual who is a bestselling author of psyche textbooks for the armchair psychiatrist. Welcome to ‘Pulse,’ the most-watched information show in its time slot, Professor.”

“Thank you, Roving, for the kind and informative introduction, but I would prefer if you would address me as ‘Zork’ since I feel that it makes for a more relaxing atmosphere.”

“Very well; ‘Zork’ it shall be. So, about the news from Boston: pretty disgusting, don’t you think?”

“In the psychiatric trade the young men are but a manifestation of a warped ‘Id,’ or, put another way, growing up without the ability, desire or the perceived need to ever set foot in a library. The chances of any of them having ever read a book, besides a Golden Book, are so far remote that there isn’t one Las Vegas bookmaker who would give odds. Even though these young men could succeed in life, it isn’t up for discussion; what is obvious is that these people will remain at the bottom of the social order all their sad little lives, I’m sorry to say, and will continue to feed at the trough of tidbits strewn about by their government.”

“So you’re saying, even though they have had every opportunity to make something of themselves, to live a positive life, they have deliberately chosen to take the ‘Obama Road,’ that is to say, a life of Welfare and sloth, relying on government handouts and always checking the box ‘Affirmative Action?’ That they are godless?”

“You nailed it on the head, Roving. I would also like to point out that the victim didn’t have a weapon of some kind, like a gun, which, no doubt, would have diffused the situation immediately. I’ve seen young men gut-shot and it is a terrible sight to behold, immense pain while they bleed out. I just bought my wife a derringer that fires shotgun shells; too bad this lady didn’t have a weapon like that.”

“But Boston has a ‘No Gun Law.’”

“Same with Chicago but Chicago is the ‘Murder-by-Gun Capital-of-the-World.’”

“Oh, I see. Better to be arrested and alive rather than admitted to the emergency room.”

“You catch on quick, Roving.”

“Tell us more about this Obama Road,’ like, what is it paved with?”

“It is paved with Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, Obama’s attorneys general, who were worthless as far as upholding any semblance of Constitutional law but did very well on separating white crime from black crime. Let me give you an example: in black crime you skip jail for voter fraud.”

“So, Eric Holder’s ‘my people’ set the stage for the 2020 fraudulent election?”

“That and what happened on the streets of Boston in broad daylight. Then we add BLM and you have any and all race gains wiped out of existence. Why, if Martin Luther King, Jr. would suddenly appear in South Side Chicago and proclaim that all people should be judged by their character and not by the color of their skin he’d be stoned to death or, in today’s parlance, concrete-blocked to death, sometimes called a ‘Reginald Denny.’”

“So, is there a solution to this madness?”

“Education has always been the key to success; without it you’re just a lost sheep in the wilderness.”

“Thank you, Zork, for being such a great guest. And so, we’re done and, on behalf of Zork, this is your Roving Reporter wishing each and every one of you a goodnight: Goodnight.

“Good show. Look, if you go around unarmed you must live with the consequences of your choice. Better to have a gun and not use it than to need a gun and not have one. Burger time: my treat.”

Walk of Life” (4:02)

Roving Reporter

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Saturday, April 23, 2022 10:16 AM

Obama – the false ‘black’ $profit.