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by Professor Zorkophsky, ©2021

(Jul. 7, 2021) — “Speedo” (2:19)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. With us today is Dr. Chan Zit, a nanotechnologist who used to work next-door to a lab in China; isn’t that correct, Dr. Zit?”

“Yes, that is quite correct, Professor Zorkophsky, but please address me as Brad, if you could.”

“Will do, Brad, as long as you reciprocate by addressing me as ‘Zork’ as I feel that it makes for a more relaxing atmosphere. So how about starting by explaining this ‘nano’ business?”

“Will do, Zork; no problem. The for-real accepted scientific definition of nano is ‘pretty-doggone-small.’ But that’s not the most amazing property about it, no, not by a long shot.”

“Excuse me, Brad, but we have to take a short break; be right back with Brad’s answer.”

Land Down Under” (3:28)

“Okay, Brad, take it away and make your trenchant point.”

“The point is that they can place a nano-clock in the virus that can activate all kinds of stuff, and none of it good.”

“You’re kidding.”

“I am not kidding; I kid you not; no, I am telling you the truth: do not, under your skin or any other circumstances, trust the Chinese about anything at any time anywhere.”

“Well, I guess that’s plain enough for even a Democrat to understand. And that’ll do it for us but before we sign off, I got a note saying that I’m supposed to make a shout-out to President Trump: OPOVV will be glad to fulfill the positions of Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security for free; no paycheck required, that he promises to fix the problems, and here I quote, ‘forthwith.’ And now, on behalf of Brad, I’ll wish you all a goodnight: Goodnight.

“Good show. Burger time: my treat.”

[Little People update: After a rousing speech by The General on the 4th, everyone enjoyed the parachutists jumping from 5,000 feet holding sparklers of different colors forming Old Glory to great applause and enjoyment. The group is now at Denton, Maryland, camping out at Pigg Point on the Choptank River. Stop by to say hello and bring some lighter fluid to refuel the planes, if you could, please.]

Another Brick In The Wall” (3:49)

Professor “Trash the masks” Zorkophsky

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Thursday, July 8, 2021 9:38 AM

Interesting extract from Marilyn Williams at: https://marilynjwilliams.com/how-current-events-relate-to-end-times/

Is it possible to ‘catch a virus’?
A virus is nothing more than a solvent.  These are created within the cells of the body.  You cannot catch them as they are created cellularly. The body can create hundreds of thousands of different viruses at any given time.
So why does a cell need to create a virus?  It is in response the build-up of toxicity within our body.  Toxicity is caused through all the junk we continually put into our body, from foods to environmental chemicals etc.
So, what is the flu?
Flu is a viral detoxification or cleansing. 
In the most part, what needs to be cleansed out of the body is environmental toxins… heavy metals, etc including the chemicals you use to cleanse your home, etc.
A virus does not attack cell tissue.  The virus, which is actually a solvent, breaks down the toxicity within the cell and creates a toxic waste.  This is why you feel so awful when you have a viral infection.  If there is a lot there, it can cause cell damage and even cell death.
A virus is specific to specific areas in the body.  For example, if you have hepatitis, which affects the liver, it doesn’t affect the heart, or lungs etc.  Likewise, a virus that affects the lungs will not affect the kidneys. A virus is not a living entity!
Therefore… if a virus is not transmissible within the body, it should make perfect sense that it’s not transmissible between people! 
It’s especially impossible for a virus to make the jump between species.  You cannot get a swine flu, a bird flu, a bat flu or monkey flu etc.
When someone has a cold in your home, does everyone get a cold?  No!  Even despite the fact that a bacterial infection can be infectious because it is a living thing. 
A body knows when it is a good time to undergo a cleansing.  It can be caused by the environment and climatic conditions.  This is why it can happen to people together at the same time, in the same area.  This is an intelligence that runs through all of life.  It’s similar to several menstruating women living in the same house… it will tend to happen to them all at the same time.
But, does everyone get a viral infection at the same time?  No!  It only happens when bodies know they need to be cleansed.  Many people are healthy, and their bodies know they don’t need to undergo a viral detoxification at that time.