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by OPOVV, ©2020

“The Sermon on the Mount,” Carl Bloch, public domain

(May 13, 2020) — “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation.’ Hello, my name is Roving Reporter (RR) responding from an invite from Rook Dunkin down on his church on Hawthorn Street. The sermon is about to start so do you what say we sit back and enjoy the show.

I Will Follow Him” (4:18)

“Thank you, choir and orchestra. You may be seated. Today we are being broadcast on ‘Pulse’ TV, which is fitting, because today I wish to share with everyone what it means to be one with humanity, and there’s no better way than the Golden Rule and there’s no better teacher than Jesus Christ.

“Jesus said that He lived ‘an examined life,’ which means there was no fault in everything He thought or did. He was without fault, but He was astute enough to realize that He was the exception; that He, and He alone, was to bear the burden of those who lacked the courage in acting correctly by taking the easy way out.

“We may think that expediency is a fine price to pay for immediate gratification, but His teachings show us that honesty is the best reward and that theft robs the soul. There are many in prison that have time to contemplate that each of us has our own path to navigate through life, and that the worst cancer a person can have is avarice, which is nothing more than selfish greed at the expense of everyone else.

“An adulteress is a person who stole trust; a student who cheats only cheats himself; a liar just has to look in the mirror to see the reflection of what he has become. Unfortunately, it is true that there are many who really don’t care, never have cared, and never will care about anything except themselves and we see them everyday, pontificating through the halls of Congress or as pundits on TV, telling us what’s better for us than what we know ourselves.

We have witnessed our country slide downhill with the introduction of Affirmative Action, which is nothing more than the lowering of previously-accepted standards. We have seen many unqualified people rewarded by employment in unrewarding jobs, yet they remain satisfied collecting their pay, resulting in yet another unfulfilled life. We have rewarded failure to the point where people believe that the world owes them something which they didn’t earn. It is we, therefore, who have failed them as much as they have failed themselves.

“Where once the church stood as the foundation of the community, today it’s the latest distraction on the news that rules the roost. ‘He who cries the loudest’ has become the most rewarded, even though all the others may have done the work. Here’s an example: a group of cars are traveling 90 mph and come up behind a car doing 70, the speed limit, and the cop gives the ticket to the car who was at the head of the line. It happens.

“Our country has many problems, and to deliberately introduce additional problems is not the way to solve any. Today there is no talk of deporting the unlawful and unwanted ‘immigrants’ from within our borders. It seems as if we have acquiesced in accepting second, third and fourth best when we should be demanding first class. We have allowed our own laws to do us in, as exemplified by the call to Muslim prayer being broadcasted in different parts of our land.

“It isn’t feasible to give food to an able-bodied person who refuses to work: it’s an unsustainable model, as is Socialism. And after all the protests and marches, after all the rhetoric and speeches, and after all the posters and banners have been swept away into the trash bin, the fish has to be caught, the cow slaughtered, and the seed planted and harvested: food must be produced and make its way to the table.

“We have many enemies, but the most duplicitous are our homegrown ones, and not just the Beltway Sniper. We have Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi and a host of RINOs to contend with. We have public schools and universities that are nothing more than government indoctrination centers and camps (camps if the students stay overnight, as in a dorm).

“And in closing I must add that the end of our country may be one election away. For if we are to allow felons to vote, if we are to allow the unregistered to vote, if we are to allow non-citizens to vote, and if we accept mail-in ballots, then Trump will lose the next election and we will have lost our country. This church will be closed and I will be censored, ‘Pulse’ will go off the air, and The P&E  will disappear forever.

“Please stand and sing along and remember where’s there’s hope there’s always a chance, but it won’t happen unless we make it happen. Amen.”

Oh Happy Day” (5:55)

“Okay, I guess that’ll do it. Couldn’t have said it any better myself. And so, on behalf of the crew, I’ll be wishing you all a goodnight: Goodnight.

“Good show. Burger time: my treat.”

My Sweet Lord” (4:40)


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