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by OPOVV, ©2019

Franz Kafka’s writings are associated with a sense of surreal or impending danger

(Oct. 27, 2019) — “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ where we’re broadcasting from the bookstore across the street from our empty baseball stadium. We’re waiting for Madam Shylock to hawk her new book, ‘The Past, Present and Future of Socialism; a Fairy Tale for Adults.’”

“Excuse me, Roving, but you can’t say that on TV.”

“Can’t say what?”

“You can’t say the word ‘fairy,’ that’s what.”

“Why not?

“Because the fairies will think you’re talking about them, that’s why.”

“That makes as much sense as a same-sex ‘marriage,’ as if a boy duck and a boy duck can have ducklings. And look who just walked in:  Madam Shylock from Cassadaga, FL.”

“Hello Roving and crew, sorry I’m late, but I forgot to set my watch ahead.”

“But then you should be an hour early instead of an hour late.”

“But by inclination I’m an hour late anyway.”

“I guess that makes sense. Tell us about your new book.”

“Be glad to. So I tell fortunes all day to women who ask who they should marry, and I always answer ‘Don’t marry a Socialist.’

“Now why would you say that? Bernie has a number of houses, even one that has lakefront property.”

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about: as long as it’s good for him and the heck with the rest of us, see?”

“Yes, I see, but do the Obots?”

“No, they will never see. Government education has made it so. The Teachers’ Union has seen to it that home-schooling is an invite to Child Protective Services and made Charter Schools illegal. Government intrusion has become so intrusive that a child raised as a patriot comes home from university a flaming liberal.”

“Yes. You send your kid to school to learn to think and they come home reciting Marx and Mao.”

“And still believing Hillary and her Russian Collusion Hoax, imagine that? And the Deep State is no joke; make note of that. It is not idle talk when Americans talk against the Constitution. Here’s an example: the very people who were against the Vietnam War calling ‘Baby Killer!’ are the same people who vote for abortion. Talk about being a hypocrite.”

“You have a chapter titled ‘Same-Page Reality.’  What’s that all about?”

“It is what makes our Veterans commit suicide, for one. Look, it’s like this: our military is ostensibly overseas to protect us, right? Meanwhile we have sanctuary cities that refuse to work with ICE who want to deport people who wish us harm. So what is it? How come we’re not on the same page? Aren’t our police and mayors supposed to protect us? Well, it’s not happening; look what happened to Kate Steinle.”

“Could you make that a wee bit clearer?”

“Will do. There are bad guys everywhere, thanks to our very own DHS which, sad to say, whines about having their hands tied. Me? Shoot any member of MS-13 on sight; same with members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Look at it this way: the enemy is Islam and we have Mega Mosques and 22+ Islamovilles and our troops come home to a country that doesn’t, in truth, give a hoot.”

“That bad?”

Professor Zorkophsky has written many papers addressing PTSD and has pointed-out the sad fact that the Democrats supporting murder, abortion, and sanctuary cities – protecting child molesters, rapists and murderers – doesn’t fit the truth, the facts, the reality.”

“And what is the reality?”

“The reality is that America isn’t on the same page, that’s what. We’re in the Middle East fighting Muslims and importing them at the same time, and I don’t want to hear any of this Bill O’Reilly’s ‘moderate Muslim’ lie that we’re all sick of.”

“Getting rid of Al-Baghdadi was a good thing, for sure.”

“Yes, killing the head of ISIS was a very good PR move, but just as important is to get the money man, the CFO. Killing the head of the snake is good, but killing the person who feeds the snake is about as good. And now, if you’ll excuse me, please, I’ve got some books to sign. You all buy the book, you hear? Bye.”

“Bye and thank you; good luck with your book. Okay, that’ll do it for us, and so, on behalf of the crew, I’ll be wishing you all a goodnight; Goodnight.

“Good show. Burger time; my treat.”

[The good news that there as no “Islamic burial” for the scum Al-Baghdadi, as Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama, and the US NAVY did for Osama bin Laden in 2011.]

Monster Mash” (3:13)


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