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by Cody Robert Judy, ©2017

(Jan. 16, 2017) — Tweet of mine-
Dream @HillaryClinton last night. She rec Lawyer I didn’t have $s4 Lawyer she had no clue how poor I or people are


In my dream they asked me what I wanted. I wanted to be heard in SCOTUS 14-9396 which was dismissed unjustly on a Forma Pauperis Motion that was Denied. It cost about $4,500.00 printing 40 Booklets  plus $300 for Filing Fees unless it’s waived. I did not have the money.

Even with a waiver 11 copies + 3 cost about $100.00 which I covered.

I fear rather seriously now Republicans are in charge and control that the [natural born Citizen] requirement is lost forever as the confirmation of Nature and Nature’s God -Born in the U.S. to Citizen Parents.

Dems may have rallied against the Qualification of [natural born Citizen](NBC) for Obama, but Republicans will never let us forget it, or repeal the Corruption or mired qualification with Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John McCain and others in the way with a much deeper bench of ineligible Presidential Candidates.

The Executive Office of the President has been breached and without Judy v. Obama 14-9396 being heard , the highest office of the Land has been usurped by foreign inherited citizenship by soil and parent.

I think Trump, as he did in the Primaries, will not push legally for Order against the Bully of the Office. He will say it’s over. Perhaps he will say it’s settled.  Our Republic then will forever be without the Law. Democrats have Lost forever.

They Democrats were used and abused and then while in Office failed our Civil Rights with corruption and a unconstitutional immorality that a illegal Usurper in the Office of President represented.

What a CRUSHING HEARTBREAK!!! on this Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday?

Democrats should be weeping and howling. Twas the folly of our Elected Leaders, their lack of courage or cowardice for Civil Rights which has destroyed our Republic. The only sane thing between individual Civil Rights we find in a Constitution Republic v. Might-Is Right Democracies.

Carnage now will replace Civil Argument. Rape and Murder shall replace Restoration and Marriage. All Hell shall be literally lit up for the Breach the U.S. Supreme Court failed.

Of course you will say, Cody, you talk in extremes and no such thing is connected to the breach of the Office of President and I will say as President John Adams said, ” Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Moral and Religious People? If you think that means going to Church please show me the importance of that mentioned in the 10 Commandments. Surely, if going to Church made moral and religious people we will find in the Big 10 “Thou Shalt not fail to go to Church”?

You know what? It’s just not there.  Shall we visit ALL the Churches and ask ALL the People in them how many gave a Donation to Cody Robert Judy, who is and was the ONLY Candidate for President with a case against Republicans and Democrats Taking A Stand for the [natural born Citizen] Principle Post of the Executive Branch of our Government?

Why do you suppose Cody had no money if the Morality and Religious Qualities were in and with the People found in Church?

Did I not raise my voice enough? Was I silent? Did my FB Page, my Twitter Page, my Blog, my Website, my Federal Court Record, my Press Releases to over 300 outlets usually bi-weekly fail?

Well, yes.. I am crushed! Tears are flowing down my face now  But it is not because any of those things failed. It is because all of those failed to make a difference.

There was only one consolation in my dream last night with Hillary Clinton. She, and another very bright Lawyer were also in a Federal Prison with me. That is the best place to be for me to talk some sense into them.

Read the rest here.

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