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by OPOVV, ©2015

The U.S. Department of State continues to admit thousands from Muslim countries as “refugees” who receive local, state and federal benefits paid for by the U.S. taxpayer. Islamic extremism has caused beheadings, shootings, and honor killings within the U.S. at an alarmingly increasing rate.

(Jan. 9, 2015) — “Roving Reporter here, reporting on a breaking news item. Our news headquarters just received a packet that has been marked ‘Top Secret Property of the Department of State.’ What say we open it, right here on live television, shall we?

“Oh, look, it reads ‘Test for Applicants.’ Let’s see what it’s all about.

“Okay, here we are on page 1. We on camera 1 or 2? 2? Zoom on in and we’ll walk though this together.  And, look here, they give multiple choice answers.

“Question #1: ‘Compare the Bali bombing and the murder in Ottawa’

a. There is no known connection.

b. There’s a connection but it cannot be revealed.

c. If you connected the two you will not be hired.

d. If you connected the dots between Bali; Ft. Hood;

“Moore, OK; Brooklyn, NY; Paris, France: we suggest you keep it to yourself.

“Congratulations. We see that you answered question #1 correctly.

“Question #2: Just because Islam has a 1,400-year history of terror attacks, would that mean the statement ‘Islam is a peaceful religion’ is correct?

a. It’s a trick question and cannot be answered.

b. I wouldn’t want to upset anyone by answering.

c. Whatever the Secretary of State says.

d. Connected the dots from 1,400 yrs ago to Ottawa.

“You’ve done very well. Having gotten this far means you’ve a degree from a liberal institution of indoctrination, which has been a requirement for State employment since World War II.

“Question #3: The ‘detainees’ in Gitmo were captured while in the process of killing Americans. If they had a chance, they would kill their guards. And if they were released, we know that they would go back to exactly what they were doing when they were captured. If a hue and cry went up for all the prisoners to be lined up against a wall and executed, what should be our response?

a. ‘Detainees’ are able to operate a ice-cream stands

b. Mistakes have been made

c. They served their time: release them

d. Everyone released is yet another future dot

“That’s it? That’s it: end of test. Well, if any of you ever wondered why the USA’s foreign policy is so convoluted so as not to be recognized as having any cohesion whatsoever, here’s the reason why.

“Obviously, they don’t want anyone who has the ability to connect dots. I don’t think they’re anti-dot, it’s just connecting them.

“There’s been talk about how to avoid getting murdered by Muslims. There’s a really simple solution: 1) Refuse immigration to any Muslim and, 2) Deport Muslims from the borders and territories of the US.

“Well, that’s it for today. I have to say that this employment test for a job at the State Department was disappointing, but when you look back on their track record, giving away billions to our enemies, you can see the reason why: hire stupid people equals stupid results.

“Don’t believe me? Just look at the world as it is, really is, right now, today, and what do you see? Go ahead, walk down the sidewalk without thinking that a Muslim driving a cab is about to run you over, maybe you ending up a quadriplegic and taking your meals through a straw for the rest of your life. And why? So the Department of State can go on failing the American people for yet another day; another year; another decade?

“If we don’t get wise, we’ll never get it. Oh, we’ll get it alright, but we won’t like it, and then it’ll be too damn late.

“This is your Roving Reporter, telling it like it is, and if I’ve offended anyone, better get yourself a copy of the Constitution and the Oath and read it again, and pay particular attention to the part about ‘support and defend,’ which is every citizen’s duty, 24/7. And it’s not as if you have choice: we either get it together or we’ll have Sharia Law shoved down our throats. Thanks for watching. Goodnight.”

Semper Fi


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Stephen Hiller
Saturday, January 10, 2015 8:17 AM

Correct me if I’m mistaken … I think it was Isaac Newton who came up with the Laws of Thermodynamics. I also think the 2nd Law states that all things tend naturally to go from a state of order to a state of disorder. Somewhere in his observations was the idea of “an outside force” to change direction. The State Dept. has been going in this direction since its founding. Wake up America … quit hitting the snooze button … or is it already too late?