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by OPOVV, ©2014

Is anything about government “easy,” such as inflation and high prices of consumables?

(Apr. 23, 2014) — Same size box, half full, same old price. I don’t know about you, but when I see an Obot at the gas station, I always ask, “How’s that hope and change working out for you, with the price of gas doubled since Obama became the de facto president?” Silence. I want to ask, “What’s wrong, cat got your tongue?” but I don’t. I used to, but what’s the point?

Been to the grocery store lately? Used to be prices crept up slowly, but in these truly troubled times prices skyrocket overnight.  Why, just the other day I bought some peanut butter and experienced “peanut butter sticker shock” right there in the brightly fluorescent-lit aisle, and if it weren’t for hanging on to the grocery cart I’d have fallen to the floor, no doubt yelling, “Victim of peanut butter sticker shock!” which would’ve been completely understood by my fellow shoppers, but not by our politicians who, all of them, mind you, suffer from a very strange phenomenon that prevents them from articulating the phrase “Birth Certificate” and the word “inflation.” Go figure.

Maybe the brain of a politician is wired differently from yours or mine. Maybe they think that if they don’t say it we won’t know it. Maybe if they say a lie enough times they think that we’re too stupid to know we’re being lied to. Obamacare is a good example of what they’ve said and what is real. Some “healthcare,” huh?

Now we come to the horrible truth: Obamacare and inflation are cause and effect. Here’s another one: gas goes up a couple of cents a gallon, and not three hours later the price at the pumps is higher, even though the gas in the tanks was purchased at the previous lower price. Talk about gouging; I mean, inflation.

Now some economists will say that “a little inflation is good;” no doubt they’re the same ones who preach that “a little debt is good.” Not so. What inflation really means is that your money has been devalued, which means you’re not worth as much as you were three hours ago, or five years ago, to be more truthful. You see, since Obama, with that $1.70 or so that you spent for a gallon of gas under Bush, you can get only half a gallon or a little less under Obama. That would be okay, I suppose, if, during the last five years, your paycheck doubled. The likelihood of our paychecks having doubled during the past five years is unlikely, so forget about it. Bottom line: everything costs more because our money is worth less.

But it gets worse, much worse. If we all lived on farms; if we all had a “Victory Garden;” if we all had food and energy and money for the taxman for the next 20 years, now that’s another story, but we don’t: the system that we live under is by design.  Some would say it’s a product of “mass hysteria” or a product of conniving people who have fun playing games with people’s lives, but the end result is the same. We have been forced to rely on too many people running too many systems with way too much prying by a government that sustains itself by enforcing rules and regulations that, for the most part, have no actual basis in fact or reason.

This is how it works: a law, or regulation, is agreed upon by people who just sit around and make up work so as to appear “busy” (Congress?). Let’s say the new rule states that windows can be opened 7”, no more. So a huge government department grows out of nothing to enforce nothing. Some cite “cross-ventilation needs,” while others claim “an opening more than 7” might hurt barn owls.” Power of the whole Federal Government at their disposal. Sounds like the Department of Education or the Department of Homeland Security, worthless entities that have the full backing of the Federal Government.

Government departments with thousands of employees and billion-dollar budgets, and it keeps growing, feeding upon itself, day after day.

Meanwhile, back to reality, the value of the dollar decreases while the Arabs’ (read “Muslim,” please) hold over the US energy requirements is as a constrictor squeezing the life out of us: all we’re left to give the next generation is higher taxes and overwhelming debt. Nice going, everyone (me included). We’ve been bought off; we’ve been taken for a ride; we’re ending up paying for our own destruction; we are actually funding our takeover by paying exorbitant gasoline prices to people who really do want us dead.

Yes, INFLATION STRIKES, just as if we were hit with a missile. We’re going down because we’re going broke.

[NOTE: for the past five years this has been exactly the case that I, and others, have been writing about. Do you see any changes? Obama and the nation’s top law enforcement officer, Eric Holder, the Attorney General, is still exactly where they were five years ago: in power destroying America a little bit more each and every day.]


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