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by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

Can the U.S. Constitution be re-established as the foundation of our Republic after what Obama and members of his regime have done?

(Nov. 9, 2011) — We live in perilous times. Sometime in the past, the two-party political system in America merged into an insatiable beast that has devoured treaties, laws, common sense, and sold the Constitution down the river: the Judiciary has ruled against citizen’s rights, the Congress has not heeded the demands of its constituents to investigate Obama’s fake birth certificates and/or bogus Social Security number, let alone false information in registering for the Selective Service, and the Presidency has overstepped its bounds since the first day of this administration by sealing all records; a violation of trust if there ever was one.

To top it off, the Joint Chiefs of Staff have remained mute on numerous vital milestone occasions from the LTC Lakin Affair to the Rules of Engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan to being Iran’s patsy by paving the way for Al Qaeda to rule over Libya.

The United States military has been compromised and therefore weakened by allowing Muslims within all of the ranks. Also, the U.S. government, as well as state and local governments, have hired Muslims in all types of positions, from the F.B.I. to the local library. The proposed defense budget cuts are yet another indication that our military will be further weakened.

All of the above, one Criminal Political Party, aided by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has resulted in crippling the United States on the world stage, a planned exercise that will leave the Constitution remembered as a flawed document that couldn’t stand the test of time, when, in fact, the Constitution couldn’t withstand the traitors within the system, judges, politicians, and members of the military and the government turning their backs on the Oath that they took.

Even the most ardent Obama supporter by this time should know that the charlatan has done more harm to America than could ever have been anticipated. It is actually quite unbelievable that Obama has lasted more than six months, but since members of Congress and the press have given Obama carte blanche on everything he has said or done, irrespective of the legality, it should not be a total surprise that he will run for a second term, unbelievable as that may seem.

In order to save America, and assuming the elections of 2012 are honest, the next President must have a firm grasp of foreign policy and be able to make it stick. The next President must be well-versed in all matters of the military and have experience of what the reality of combat is all about: the limitations of what can be accomplished are equally important of what cannot be accomplished.

The next President must know world history: not only how we got ourselves into the mess we’re in today, but also how to get us out of this mess tomorrow. In addition, the next President must be a Patriot of the highest degree imaginable, to have taken the Oath to defend and protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic, and to prove that he has a track record of WILLING TO GIVE UP HIS LIFE FOR THE CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.


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  1. I remember Audie Murphy.. that dates me, too.

    How do you publicize your candidacy to the
    U.S. citizens? This is the first I have read about
    your entry and without anyone knowing about you,
    it would be futile to even think about it.

    I admit, your writings indicate you’d be a
    great commander-in-chief… the good guys/gals
    would be rejoicing that someone with integrity,
    courage, and intelligence would be willing to
    go to bat for America’s values and morals.

    The bad guys.. well, we outnumber them.
    They would not be so joyful.

    So, how do you make this known to the
    populace? Not everyone reads blogs.

    1. Dear Jan,
      Thank you for your kind words. Actually, as I informed phrowt, my paln ‘A’ was to, somehow, maybe devine inspiration, I don’t know, come up with the magic words that would spread like wildfire and I’d be invited to the GOP debates where I would get to say
      “WAKE UP! FOR GOD AND COUNTRY WAKE UP! This country is THIS CLOSE (I’d put thumb and index finger about a quarter inch apart) from loosing it forever, DON’T YOU GET IT?!!!”
      And then I’d say all this debate about health care, and jobs, and Social Security, and this, and that, WON’T BE WORTH A HILL OF BEANS IF WE”RE ALL DEAD!
      Like we are actually just a little OVER the brink. The day that the fake Muslim Obama became the de facto president, that’s when things started to go down hill in a handbasket, real quick. Why Congress let him get away with it, I suppose the Federal Reserve Bank waved a bunch of carrots and they all gave up their souls, honor, and country.
      We are either going to get it right, or we really are going to see the end of the Constitution, there will be no half measures. Once the Constitution is abolished, say Goodbye to Civil and Equal Rights. Say Goodbye to Freedom, because, like the man said, “This ain’t America no more”.
      I’m serious: if we don’t do it right the first time around, 2012, that may be our last time. No more America. Respect Islam. Welcome to the world of hate and despair. Watch as Israel is annihilated, and the Jews are hunted and butchered, and then maybe next they’ll go after the Buddhists, maybe the Christians: they’ll deal with all Infidels, sooner or later.
      Muslims preach that they will make the U.S. a Caliphate, an Islamic State, ruled by Sharia Law. Watch the movie “FITNA”. They are telling us EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO.
      I’d pay attention, if I were you, and I hope to God our next President has what it’ll take to save our Constitution, our country, and us.

      1. Actually, we all agree with your foretelling of the future of America
        and of the entire global community… especially so when many
        of us are familiar with biblical prophecy and see the ‘writing on
        the wall’ regarding Ezekiel 38, 39, and many other books that
        tell of what is to come down the pike.

        Whether or not God is going to set all of the prophecies into
        play now… or later… only He knows. If Obama is allowed
        to continue his abominations of desolation, (so to speak), then
        we know where we are at and where God is in His agenda
        for these times.

        My opinion, along with countless other born-again Christians,
        is that this counterfeit is the ‘man of lawlessness’ foretold
        in our Bible. If that is indeed the case, then much of what
        is going to occur is out of our mortal hands. What will be
        will be.

        That isn’t to say that we should not continue to remove
        this cancer from our government. There could be another
        ‘man of lawlessness’ waiting in the wings to take the stage
        for the final 7 years. We can only speculate at this time.

        Should the usurper sustain a head wound, … that is the

        Meanwhile, the statements by Laura Roth, who is putting
        her bonnet in the ring, gives us hope for sanity again,
        but…. she is an unknown, and too many citizens ignore
        unknowns and go for the brass rings… i.e. Cain, Romney,
        Gingrich, ad nauseum. That is a huge mistake and one
        which will be our final ‘nail in the coffin’ should any one of
        the present contenders be on the ballot for consideration.

        A Vietnam veteran and a radio hostess, true patriots
        and ideal for the VP and presidency of the U.S.

        Hmmm………I know I am in a parallel world.

  2. As Further comment to my Post:
    I OFFER A OPEN CHALLENGE TO ANY OFFICER or Enlisted-Man to have the COURAGE to Offer Themselves as a TRUE, Lawful Candidate for “President of the United States of America!!
    E’ Pluribus, UNUM
    SEMPRE FI !!!

  3. Thank you!
    “In addition, the next President must be a Patriot of the highest degree imaginable, to have taken the Oath to defend and protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic, and to prove that he has a track record of WILLING TO GIVE UP HIS LIFE FOR THE CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.”

    I whole heartily agree! And thank you Post & Email for your wonderful site.

    1. Wrong. I am a registered candidate for the President of the United States in the election of 2012. The Federal Election Commission, on September 27, 2011, issued me my CANDIDATE ID NUMBER: P20003463.
      My original plan would be to write some magic words that would make everyone take notice.
      Well, that hasn’t happed but it sure as heck isn’t for lack of trying.
      Maybe one of these times I’ll get it right, but until then I’ll keep on trying to convince anyone who’ll listen that we better get our act together, and I mean like NOW, or we’re going to loose our country, it’s that serious.
      Looking back on my life, I’m ready to do whatever it takes to save our Constitution.
      So you’re wrong, I DO have a track record of willing to give up my life for my country. Remember now, Audie Murphy was my hero growing up. Enough said.

  4. “I SAY, AGAIN!! There are NO Presidential Candidates among the “Bat-Cave” of these TRAITORS that call themselves “Candidates”, not ONE has Guts enough to step from the ranks and DEMAND that “O” and his “Gang of Thugs” be Arrested and Imprisoned in regards to their Treason, High Crimes and Misdemeanors against the Citizens of the “Republic!!” They are ALL Guilty of Misprison of Treason against the Constitution for knowingly “Aiding and Abeting” the Disalusionment of the Judicial, Military and our Constitution!!
    There is NOT 56 Good Men, willing to give their “Lives, Fortunes and Honor” for the good of America!!
    Can, therefore; be found Men of Honor that have Sworn and Attested to “The OATH”, that have GUTS to enter this Political Debacle and Claim Candidacy for the good of “GOD and Country??”
    I would gladly Vett and Support a “TRUE PATRIOT”, that has “Proved his Metel” in “Preserving, Protecting and Defending the “Constitution of the United States of America!”
    WHAT SAY YOU, Defenders of the Faith, will not ONE “Step Forward and Accept the Mantel of “Guardian of the Constitution??!!”