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August 17, 2010

Dear Editor,

If Obama is a usurper, will we ever see justice served and adequate punishment carried out?

The Obama “Presidency” is nonexistent. The media refers to Barack Obama as “President Obama.”  I have said it many times in the past and will reiterate it now:

Barack Obama has never been the President of the United States of America.  Under the U.S. Constitution, one has to be a “natural born Citizen,” which means born in the U.S., of parents, both of whom are American Citizens, in order to become President of the United States.

Given the facts and circumstances of Barack Obama’s birth, Obama had only one American citizen parent. Obama’s father, Barack Obama, Sr., was a British citizen. There is some talk that Obama may actually be the son of Malcolm X. Who really knows who Barack Obama is and if that is his real name?  His entire past has been purposely obfuscated.

Obama just fired his “transparency Czar.” I suppose that he will be looking for an “Obfuscation czar.” After all, Obama paid his lawyers to help him “evade” the constitutional “natural born Citizen” requirement. Indeed, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas laughingly told the U.S. Congress that the Supreme Court was also “evading that issue.” John Paul Jones, American Revolutionary Naval Hero, once referred to England as a “country of illegitimate corruption.” Has the United States arrived at that same juncture?

Obama is a criminal, a radical Islamist supremacist. Two hundred and thirty four years after declaring independence from Britain, a British-born citizen rules the U.S. This is the second Brit to do so. The other was Chester A. Arthur. Arthur had his staff salute the British flag. Obama waved the Red Chinese flag over the South Lawn of the White House in 2009.

Obama has a very dark side.  He is a quisling, a traitor to the United States of America. I am of the opinion that he should be arrested and tried and if convicted, executed by firing squad (See 18 USC, Part 1, Chapter 115, Sec. 2381).

As reported by the BBC, Obama went to Kenya and while having owed allegiance to the United States, campaigned for Raila Odinga, a known enemy of the United States, giving Odinga aid and comfort. It was Odinga who wanted to be President of Kenya. He ran against President Mwai Kibaki, a Roman Catholic. Kibaki was/is an ally of the U.S. Obama campaigned against Kibaki and for Odinga. Obama has given a great deal of money to Odinga and has helped him lead Kenya down a billabong (Obama is ‘leading” the U.S. down the same billabong). Currently, the U.S. State Department is downplaying Obama’s activities in Kenya and his having sent taxpayer money there. Odinga instituted Sharia law in Kenya and collaborated with the same Muslim groups which bombed two U.S. embassies. Obama interjected his support of these activities. By campaigning for Odinga, Obama became a traitor to the U.S.

It is important to note that Hillary Clinton, an Obama cohort and accomplice to fraud in the 2008 presidential election here in the USA, is the current Secretary of State. The U.S. is having mid-term elections in November. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is making plans to run as Obama’s Vice-President in 2012.

The adage “O, what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive” is appropos here. Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and many others in the same cabal have failed to take said adage seriously. This writer is a co-charging party in an International Criminal Court investigation of the Kenyan Election violence. I have submitted numerous documents to the ICC regarding Obama’s activities.

Obama’s name will go down in infamy in the history books. The names “Benedict Arnold” and “Barack Obama” are synonymous.  The terms “traitor” and “quisling” will have, as an addition, the term “obama.” “You are an ‘Obama'” will be heard to describe one who has betrayed his duty to America.

Robert C. Laity
Founding President
Society for the Preservation of Democracy
and Human Rights


Editor’s Note: This letter was sent to whitehouse@autoresponder.govdelivery.com on Sunday, August 29, 2010, and received the following response:

Due to the high volume of messages received at this address, the White House is unable to process the email you just sent. To contact the White House, please visit:


Thank you.


The same letter was sent to Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s office on September 1, 2010, and received the following response:

We have received your e-mail.

Your message will be routed to the appropriate person.  Someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

All the best,

Sheriff Joe Arpaio & the staff of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office

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Rob Laity
Sunday, July 9, 2023 3:47 AM

Discussion with Microsoft Artificial Intelligence on the topic of Obama’s ineligibility from the onset of his faux “terms” to be President:


Rob Laity
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 6:34 AM

Obama still walking around free after (14) years. The Justice system needs attention. It isn’t working properly to say the least.

Robert Laity
Saturday, May 29, 2021 9:17 AM
Saturday, January 23, 2021 9:29 AM

Just after Obama went in office in 2009 I wrote my senators asking why the Senate held a special meeting to question John McCain but declined to question Barack Obama. They gave the same answer; he was ‘investigated’ and is eligible. I wrote them back asking where they had found that information and why wasn’t it passed down to the general public that obviously wanted to know. I’m still waiting for an answer.

Rob Laity
Reply to  yogiman
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 3:43 AM


Biden,Obama,Pelosi and Harris should all be in Guantanamo Bay Military Prison facing charges for treason and espionage against the U.S. Pelosi helped Obama usurp the Presidency, by fraud, during time of war. Biden was complicit. Now, Biden helped our newest usurper, Kamala Harris, usurp the vice-presidency. Again, Biden is complicit. They are ALL traitors.

Reply to  Rob Laity
Tuesday, April 13, 2021 9:55 AM

I fully agree, but who is the real blame? Congress, for letting it happen without question.

Monday, November 23, 2020 5:48 AM

thank you oh so much for this wonderful article. i had a blog page called obamatrons.blogspot.com but google yanked it for violating terms of their service which actually means they violated my freedom of speech. go figure.

i would like to make it clear as a comment here for the record i believe frank marshall davis the black communist is barry soetoro’s aka barack hussein obama’s father… we still have no official long form birth certificate. ann dunham and her cia psyop as a pornographic model and barry’s alleged mother… well only occidental college and larry sinclair know.

i really appreciated your article and was completely surprised to find this almost 10 years too late but moonbattery and my general investigative prowess kept me up to date on the ‘shroom gang’.

thank you,
great work.

Robert Laity
Sunday, August 2, 2020 7:11 AM

Twelve years now passed since Obama usurped the Presidency by fraud,during time of war. An act that constitutes both treason and espionage against the United States.

Joseph Biden, Obama’s illegitimate Vice-President, illegitimate because Obama was not the bona-fide President, is now running to be President himself. Biden is complicit with Obama’s treason and espionage during a time of war. Biden is guilty of misprision of treason and treason.

Biden,if convicted, would be prohibited by law from holding “any office under the U.S.” and face the death penalty under UCMJ Sec.103-spies.

With this in mind, Biden is considering two or more Vice-President candidates that are not “Natural Born Citizens” of the U.S. They are Tammy Duckworth and Kamala Harris and Tulsi Gabbard. He is also considering a pro-Fidel Castro candidate named Karen Bass.

Biden,the phony VP to a phony President is now seeking to empower a phony VP to himself, an accomplice to Obama’s treason and espionage against the U.S. This illustrates to me that the government has indeed been or in the process of being overthrown by the treasonous subterfuge of Obama and his malicious and treasonous cabal of anti American miscreants.

Reply to  Robert Laity
Saturday, January 23, 2021 9:40 AM

Congress is elected to serve the people and should be an investigating factor on any issue. But Congress does nothing but set on their posteriors and collect their unearned pay.

Question: How many in Congress supported President Trump even though we citizens elected him to the Oval Office?

Robert C Laity
Thursday, May 21, 2020 5:54 AM

Again! It happened again! Facebook just sent me another notice that THIS very article goes against “community standards” and that only I can see my post. One thing is for sure. Facebook IS an Obama sychophant!! They do not tolerate any criticism of Islam either. #StopTheHijrah

Wednesday, May 20, 2020 12:59 PM

Hey! I’m still keeping the battle going forward too! See: https://www.facebook.com/ObamaChallenge/
Obama is still not GONE, and there is something daily that needs to be brought into the light about this illegal alien that became a US POTUS!

Robert C Laity
Wednesday, April 22, 2020 9:04 AM

The subterfuge continues. Joe Biden faux VP to a faux President now is considering faux President Obama’s faux “First Lady” to be HIS VP.

“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive”- Sir Walter Scott

Reply to  Robert C Laity
Monday, July 12, 2021 4:40 PM

Can you imagine there are millions of people in the communist (Democrat) party that would knowingly vote for someone like Biden who can’t put two words together to complete a sentence? It looks like Obama is still in office with his unofficial office a couple of blocks down the street.

Robert C Laity
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 5:06 AM

Obama must be brought to Justice. President Trump must be petitioned to act on this longstanding threat to National Security. Where IS Obama now? He belongs in the Brig at Ft. Leavenworth, Guantanamo Bay or other appropriate Federal Penitentiary. Obama is a fraud,traitor,usurper and spy.

Reply to  Robert C Laity
Wednesday, November 17, 2021 4:27 PM

Obama will never be brought to order because our government is in his usurpation with him all the way to a one world government… pure treason.

Question: Why did no one in our government raise a question when it was known he was a British subject who became a citizen of Indonesia as a child… and it has never been noted he has ever become a citizen of the USA?

Robert Laity
Sunday, July 14, 2019 4:27 AM

Thinkwell, Furthermore, Obama had access to our nation’s secrets, was privy to them and classified and sealed his own records. He was not legally authorized to be ANYWHERE wherein the conduct of war was being engaged in, including the Pentagon, the War room, any U.S. military base or ship. You get the point. Of course Obama is a fraud and an enemy of the U.S. As you said, since no one knows from whence he really came, he is either a domestic or a foreign enemy. But, he IS indeed, an enemy of the U.S.

Reply to  Robert Laity
Saturday, January 23, 2021 9:44 AM

All with Congress’ blessings.

Robert Laity
Sunday, July 14, 2019 4:20 AM

Thinkwell, we are in total agreement. Obama usurped the Presidency by fraud, during time of war, gave a false oath of office and entered confidential U.S. facilities without legal bona-fides. That makes Obama both a traitor and a spy, for which he could be tried by a military court martial or tribunal under 10USC, 906.106 – Spies and if convicted, executed by the military. See also 18USC, Part 115, Sec. 2381 -Treason.

Reply to  Robert Laity
Wednesday, November 17, 2021 4:36 PM

Obama didn’t usurp that office on his own, he had full agreement and acceptance by our government.

Have you ever heard anyone in our government make a negative comment about him… I haven’t.

Saturday, July 13, 2019 8:46 AM

Mr. Laity,

No knows who aka obama really is. All the purported facts about his nativity are likely fraudulent. All of his identity documents are forgeries. His birth parents, birthplace and birth date are unverified and likely fake. This makes him an unindicted criminal identity fraud, which, in turn, makes him an illegal, illegitimate putative president regardless of whatever the true facts about his nativity may be. The man is an evil, seditious anti-American subversive who, if justice were served, should be in prison or hanged.

Reply to  thinkwell
Saturday, January 23, 2021 9:53 AM

When I saw his father’s race as African on his [birth] certificate, and the letters and numbers not the same in shape or size nor on a level line… I was convinced it was a fake.

And when I heard his paternal grandmother and half-brother say he was born in Kenya, I believed them much more than him as he had proved himself to be one of the biggest liars on mankind.

Robert Laity
Saturday, July 13, 2019 3:17 AM

See my book “Imposters in the Oval Office” (iUniverse Publishing (c) 2017). Read a (6) page excerpt here: http://www.thepostemail.com/11/19/2017/imposters-oval-office

Robert Laity
Monday, November 19, 2018 12:35 AM

JM, You did a lot of research. Great! One point however, in arguendo, even if he were actually the son of two US Citizens out of wedlock and born in the US. Obama still attained to the office of the POTUS by fraudulent means by lying about his real background. In that BHO’s BC is a forgery, no one really knows for sure WHO BHO really is.

Robert Laity
Monday, November 19, 2018 12:04 AM

Yogiman, If one is born in the US to two US Citizen parents one is a “Natural-Born Citizen” with NO chance of losing that citizenship. All other “US citizens” are ineligible to be President or VP. Obama was never eligible to be President and can do nothing to make himself eligible under current law. Over (8) attempts to amend the Constitution in recent history to allow non-NBCs to be POTUS, have all failed. See: “Imposters in the Oval Office”-by me. (IUniverse Press, 2017).

Sunday, November 18, 2018 1:32 PM

There is no debate on Obama’s constitutional eligibility, his autobiography is accepted as factual. Thus he is the son of a British subject who become a naturalized citizen of Indonesia as a child. A British subject who becomes a citizen of Indonesia is not a natural born citizen of the USA.

Even if he had been, once you loose it, you cannot renew it.

Robert Laity
Friday, November 3, 2017 5:35 AM

Lame Bear, my argument is not negated. The fact still remains that Obama was NEVER eligible under our laws to be POTUS. See my book on the subject in bookstores near you. Soon.

Friday, July 28, 2017 7:30 PM

The Usurper Obama is, and has been since his adoption by Lolo Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia – therefore, ineligible to the Office of President of the United States.
Further, the fact of his adoption by Lolo Soetoro and his Indonesian citizenship by virtue of said adoption negates any, and all, arguments concerning his place of birth and his “parentage”.

Robert Laity
Friday, July 21, 2017 10:30 AM

Von, Trump is a 100% Natural Born American Citizen. Obama never was. Obama is a traitor and a spy.

Reply to  Robert Laity
Saturday, January 23, 2021 9:59 AM

You know it, and we know it, but Congress doesn’t seem to know it… or doesn’t give a damn.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017 3:05 PM

Obama aka barry soetoro was born in Kenya (per his paternal grandmother & his 1/2 brother that also showed the real birth certificate), moved to Indonesia where his mammy married soetoro, and where he started muslim schooling……….as a teenager he was sent to Hawaii to live with his grandparents……..then he started doing drugs, which he stated he is still doing today…………am sure he graduated to the hard stuff, and now we have a idiot with brain damage and a big mouth……….

Robert Laity
Monday, June 5, 2017 12:26 AM

Yancy, “Crazy”? You wish. Obama is as phony as a $3 bill.

Robert Yancey
Saturday, May 27, 2017 11:37 AM

You people are crazy.

Robert Laity
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 10:26 PM

McCain is also not eligible. Neither is Rubio,Jindal,Cruz and Swarzenegger. For those interested, the matter of Robert C. Laity v The State of New York, Rafael “Ted” Cruz, Marco Rubio and Piyash “Bobby” Jindal is scheduled for June 1, 2017 at 1 pm in the NY State Supreme Court Appellate Division, Third Department in Albany, NY.

Robert Laity
Saturday, January 14, 2017 11:24 PM

JM, A “Natural born citizen” is one born IN the United States to parents who are BOTH US Citizens themselves. Minor v Happersett, USSCt, (1874).

Reply to  Robert Laity
Saturday, January 23, 2021 10:08 AM

I believe it was altered in the First Session of Congress a ‘natural-born citizen’ is one who’s parents are both citizens of the same nation regardless of where they are born. That’s what made McCain a natural-born citizen born in Panama because his father was on duty there serving in the US Navy.