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by Roving Reporter, ©2023 

(May 31, 2023) — “Woke Up This Morning” (4:30)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. We have had it with the Swamp, Deep State, Socialists, and Back-Stabbers, so we’ll not waste another word on lowlife scum such as Barry Soetoro, aka Obama, Biden, Dems, and 90% of the Republicans. Our country’s fiscal irresponsibility is a country mile beyond being halfway responsible about an on-time payment to any wholesale double-dealing deal; forget about the kickbacks paid via ‘K’ Street. With us to explain it all is undercover agent Sam. Welcome to the show, Sam.”

“Thank you, Roving. Longtime listener.”

“Thank you. So you’re some kind of ‘agent.’ What kind of agent are you?”

“Secretive; manila envelopes stuffed with Benjamins. No return address.”

“How long you been doing this?”

“Back in the day we used to count the money; now we weigh it.”

“Times have changed.”

“Change is the everlasting constant of our universe.”

“A philosopher bag man?”

“Why not? I’m out of here. Later.”

“Excuse us, please, while we take a short break.”

Big Boss Man” (2:50)

“And we’re back with Sandy who works with our last guest, Sam. Welcome to ‘Pulse,’ the most-watched information show in its time slot.”

“Ever see the ‘scales of justice’ in a congressman’s office? Now you know it’s not just for show. You’ve heard about all the parties in ‘The Beltway,’ I’m sure. Parties every night; multiple parties, and at each one there are envelopes filled with cash to be handed out.”

“I suppose.”

“Listen: ‘If you hire a RINO you must expect RINO behavior.’ You knew Kevin McCarthy was a RINO and he sells the country down the river; you aren’t allowed to act surprised. If you ask a question of former FBI Director Comey you have to expect a lie, okay?”

“Okay. So McCarthy was a mistake?”

“Almost 20 years from the Socialist State of California. End of story. Goodnight.”

“Thanks for being on the show. And that’ll do it for us; goodnight.

“Another mighty depressing show, wouldn’t you say? Our country is imploding right before our eyes. Burger time: my treat.”

Shot Glass Back Porch Slide” (4:50)

Roving Reporter

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Mad Celt
Thursday, June 1, 2023 1:05 PM

The republican membership voted for him. Why not abandon the republican party and stop waiting for them to rescue our republic?