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by Roving Reporter, ©2023 

(Mar. 29, 2023) — “Trump Won” (3:30)

The mistakes in the past will haunt us in the future. If good behavior, beneficial behavior, isn’t taught and learned, we’ll just keep on reverting to square one. When we went to the moon, Muslims were murdering Christians and Jews just because they were Christians and Jews; 1,400 years ago, Muslims were murdering Christians and Jews just because they were Christian and Jews: today Muslims are murdering Christians and Jews for the same sorry excuse that doesn’t wash now just as it didn’t wash then. 

During the 2012 presidential election, one candidate stood tall by proclaiming, if elected, he would deport every Muslim from the United States, and then do the same in Canada. After all the Muslims were deported from North, Central and South America, he said he would go to the British Isles and do the same, then on to Europe, sending ALL Muslims back to the cesspool from which they came.

He was serious, and it was one of the cornerstones of his platform, the other being the deportation of illegal immigrants/guest workers/invaders, including Chinese “students.” He should have been invited to the debates, where he would have brought up Barry Soetoro’s BIRTH CERTIFICATE, but he was never asked. He was also an advocate for all teachers to be armed, preferably teachers who served in the military.

So, what do a Muslim and a nutcase in Nashville have in common? And therein lies the answer in the question.

We’re done. Just too bad it took so long for the cavalry to come to save the kids at that Christian school in Nashville, but once the cops got there, they did a good job of neutralizing the “suspect.”

Three adults died. Too bad the custodian wasn’t armed. And the three kids who died were all just nine years old. Please send a prayer to them all. Amen.

Justice for All” (:24)

Roving Reporter 

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    1. Dear Geraldine;

      I don’t know for sure, but I think the following:

      In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,

      Pray for the ones who have been deprived of the Golden Rule and
      Pray for us that we now must endure a life deprived of cherished intimate friends to whom we were devoted.


      Bishop Dunkin