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by Joseph DeMaio, ©2022

(Jul. 8, 2022) — The unadulterated lunacy that accompanied liberal and Democrat “thought” following the insertion – not to be confused with a legitimate election – of Brandon the Goofball into the presidency has now metastasized, much like a cancerous tumor.  And when you lose the backing of the Gray Trollop, formerly known as The New York Times, you know…, or should know…, it is time to exit, stage left.

Stated otherwise, and as is appropriate when battling cancer, the tumor must be attacked and either killed or removed.  Aggressively.  Now…, not later.

No, Virginia, we are not talking about the assassination or poisoning of Brandon, liberals or Democrats.  Instead, we are talking about metaphorically cutting a tumor out of the Republic’s brain in order to save the patient. 

The goal is to vote out of governmental office – any office, from the presidency down to the village dog catcher – any person of any gender or “orientation” representing liberal, progressive or contemporary Democrat leadership thought.  The thought process of those creatures is itself toxic because these folks hate America and everything it stands for.

Presently, the prime example of all that is poisonous to the Republic and constitutes a malignant threat to its survival exists in the Goofball.  Apart from (1) his decimation of the nation’s energy independence that he and his cabal inherited from President Trump; (2) his penchant for engineering the worst bout of inflation in nearly half a century; (3) his serial lying to the electorate about his ne’er-do-well crack-head son, the “smartest guy” he knows; (4) his “diary-documented” showers – plural – with his daughter Ashley; and (5) his being accused of “penetrating” one of his female staff assistants in his prior existence as a U.S. Senator, his treasonous policy of eradicating the nation’s southern border with Mexico and importing millions of illegal aliens ultimately may prove to be the worst crime of all.

And when the states take action to protect the integrity of their elections against the potential coming tsunami of illegal alien “voters” possessed of driver’s licenses doled out like candy on Halloween by requiring proof of citizenship, they get sued by the Department of “Justice” [sic].

Specifically, Attorney Corporal (no, Virginia, not a typo) Merrick Garland, through his minions, has sued the State of Arizona over a new state law seeking to confirm that which federal law already requires: that only U.S. citizens are eligible to vote for president, vice-president and members of Congress. 

Under 18 U.S.C. § 611(a), with miniscule exceptions, foreign aliens – without regard to whether they have completed a federal “mail voter registration form” prescribed by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (called the “Federal Form”) – are forbidden by congressionally-passed and executive-enacted law from voting for president, vice-president and members of Congress.

The present DOJ lawsuit thus seeks to forbid Arizona from seeking, under state law, that which is specifically mandated under federal law: confirmation that persons claiming the right to vote for president, vice-president and/or members of Congress are in fact – the veracity of which assertion would never in a millennium be questioned or investigated by the Goofball regime or Garland – possessed of lawful and actual U.S. citizenship.

Corporal Garland’s minions contend in their new lawsuit that the same “proof of citizenship” issue was presented in another case involving Arizona – Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc., 570 U.S. 1 (2013) – and decided against Arizona.  The 7-2 decision, written by Justice Scalia, with dissents by Justices Thomas and Alito, concluded that federal law preempted application of state law requiring proof of citizenship.

Significantly, however, that case addressed and resolved the question in that case on the basis of federal preemption and did not address the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 611.  Indeed, the opinion does not cite or even mention 18 U.S.C. § 611.  Moreover, federal preemption applies when a state law conflicts with and is inconsistent with federal law.  That is the core premise of the Constitution’s “Supremacy Clause,” Art. 6, ¶ 2.  

The Arizona law now challenged in the Corporal’s suit is consistent – not inconsistent – with a federal law enacted by Congress, 18 U.S.C. § 611, but which law the DOJ is loath to enforce, much as it is reluctant to enforce congressionally-enacted laws prohibiting the unlawful entry into the country by unauthorized foreign aliens. 

Furthermore, the bromide leftists cough up that all of these unlawful border crossers are potential asylum seekers entitled to special treatment as persons legitimately entitled to asylum – against the reality that virtually all of them are economically motivated rather than persecuted in their “home” countries – is just that: a deflecting trope. 

Preemption – the basis upon which the Inter Tribal Council case was decided – would thus appear to be distinguishable from the new DOJ effort to incentivize and facilitate the casting of votes for president, vice-president and members of Congress by persons who cannot empirically prove that they are U.S. citizens.  And the states are to be precluded from interfering with the regime’s incentivizing and facilitating efforts to allow aliens to vote in U.S. elections.    

At minimum, because the composition of the Court has changed since 2013, when Inter Tribal Council was decided – and noting that Justices Thomas and Alito remain on the Court – the current case might well present an opportunity for the Court to reject the argument that federal preemption precludes states from taking steps to protect the integrity of their elections against a federal pogrom waged against such efforts.

Memo to anyone who “actually” voted for this dangerous clown or still supports his stupidity: you are an accessory, both before and after the fact, to all of Brandon’s crimes.  You have enabled the worst – by far – malignant tumor infecting the Republic to continue the process of “fundamentally transforming” the United States from the “shining city on the hill” described by President Reagan – and perpetuated by President Trump – into a quasi-landfill governed by a dangerous incompetent and his apparatchiks.   

Recall as well that you were warned by the Second Usurper in Chief (the “SUC,” also known as Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.) that people should never “underestimate [Brandon’s] ability to “%!#* things up.”

Finally, your talent for underestimating his incompetency and ability to “%!#* things up” is now legendary.  Are you happy now?


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