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by Joseph DeMaio, ©2019

(Jun. 22, 2019) — OK, for those of you out there who still labor under the naïve and foolish belief that the Democrats care at all about border security or intend to place the interests of the United States and its lawful citizens (and lawful non-citizen residents) over the interests of illegal aliens; “families” with fraudulent “asylum” claims;  human smugglers; and flat-out open border radicals, look no farther than their recent proposal to “address” the border crisis:      https://appropriations.house.gov/sites/democrats.appropriations.house.gov/files/LOWEY_018_xml%202019.6.21.0952.pdf.

As correctly noted here, this proposal would “functionally nullify [existing] federal immigration law.”  Indeed, to call the provisions of this proposal “very extreme” and “very radical” is to exponentially understate the case.  The bill was introduced by Representative Nita Lowey (D-NY), Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, a committed Democrat and BFF (hence, the chairmanship) of The Wretch of San Francisco.  Mercifully, even if it made it out of the Senate (fat chance), President Trump would veto it in two nanoseconds.

On the other hand, the introduction of the bill in and of itself gives a useful and sobering glimpse – in black and white English words, no less, for all to see – into the truly radical minds of those who seek the obliteration of the nation’s borders, the elevation of the “rights” of illegal alien border invaders over those of Americans and the crippling of President Trump’s efforts to stem the tide of those who would knowingly and deliberately violate our immigration laws while simultaneously demanding that we pay billions in consequential costs occasioned by their defalcations.

Aside from the substantive outrages of the bill – discussed hereafter – one of the more egregious mistakes made in Lowey’s proposal is her use throughout of the terms “alien” and “aliens” in connection with the need for emergency appropriations to address the “significant rise in aliens at the southwest border…”  See p. 3, l. 8.   What!!?  Aliens??  Shame… shame!!   Off with her head!!  Impeach Lowey!  How dare she refer to these good folks as “aliens,” when in fact, on the global stage, they are only undocumented, proto-Democrat migrant voters seeking asylum?   Words are important, so why does Lowey use them so carelessly?   Memo to AOC: where is the outrage?

Turning to substance, the title of the proposed law is “The Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Humanitarian Assistance and Security [sic] at the Southern Border Act, 2019.”  While there are lots of “earmarks” for billions to be spent for the benefit of the illegal aliens who have invaded the nation, one searches the bill in vain for a single provision appropriating so much as one dollar for “security” at the southern border.  Indeed, there is a provision in the bill which would “undo” the “reprogramming” of funds President Trump was forced to invoke to help provide actual “security” at the southern border, also known as “The Wall the D’s Refuse to Fund.”

Moreover, while there are no references in the bill to “walls,” there are numerous requirements for “hard-sided dormitories” and “hard-sided facilities,” referencing the “migrant processing facilities” – i.e., not tents – otherwise authorized under the bill.  So, here we have a bill mandating hard-sided “dormitories” and “migrant processing facilities” built with…, cough…, cough…, ahem…, walls…, but nothing to keep the illegal aliens out in the first place.  If your faithful servant has said it once, it now becomes even more appropriate and urgent: you cannot fix stupid, but you can vote it out of office.

Seriously, faithful P&E readers, if this bill proves anything, it is that the talent possessed by Democrats for selecting misleading and deceitful words for use in their proposals continues unabated.   We have not seen anything this patently misleading and dumb since the vaunted “Affordable Care Act” – “Obamacare” – popped onto the scene.

Another particularly deceitful manipulation of the language occurs in that portion of the bill which now characterizes the illegal-alien invaders as being the intended beneficiaries of nearly $2.9 billion in “Refugee and Entrant Assistance.”  Really?  They are no longer “illegal aliens,” “unlawful border crossers” or “migrants,” but instead are either “refugees” just seeking “asylum” or are merely “entrants” who have somehow been magically teleported north of the U.S/Mexico border.  Slick.

Under another section labeled “Procurement, Construction and Improvements,” one finds $85 million appropriated for “migrant processing facilities.”   That sum, of course, is in addition to the “earmarked” $702.5 million dedicated earlier in the bill to “migrant processing facilities.”

Soooo…, while exactly zero dollars (actually, minus dollars if the “undoing” of the “reprogrammed” funds takes place) are proposed for actual security at the southern border, nearly eight-tenths of a billion dollars (out of a total of $4.5 billion under the bill) must be used for “migrant processing facilities” designed to assist in the handling of the illegal aliens’ “asylum” claims.  And as for the shopworn narrative the Democrats always fall back on – it is Trump’s fault that the asylum program is not more streamlined – we now know that a recent pilot program by the Department of Homeland Security revealed that out of approximately 7,000 “family units” that were monitored for appearance at their asylum hearings following their “OR” (“own recognizance”) release after apprehension, approximately 6,300 failed to show up.

Ummmm… that’s a 90% “no show” ratio.  Where are they?  Who knows?  The Wretch?  AOC?  Bernie?  Anyone?  If these “no shows” are smart – a debatable proposition, given their willingness to violate both (a) our immigration laws and (b) their “OR” promise to show up – they will relocate to a “sanctuary” state or city, where the Democrats will shelter and protect them.  Oh, yeah, bear in mind as well that the “OR” release provision would be cemented in law under Lowey’s bill, too.

Rest assured, faithful P&E readers, Lowey’s bill is nothing more than a passport to make it less arduous and far easier for illegal aliens to be more quickly released into the interior of the nation, never to be seen again… until they place their children in school; or they show up destitute at the emergency room; or they kill a cop in a wrong-way DUI crash on a freeway; or they murder a 7-11 clerk in a botched robbery; or they rape your sister.  All on the American taxpayers’ tab.

Next thing you know, the Democrats will propose an amendment requiring that the Witness Protection Program under the Justice Department provide all new “entrants” into the nation with new identities, social security numbers and condos on the beach at Malibu.  The amendment will also promise that the Volvos and Teslas will come after Trump is defeated in 2020.  Vote GOP in 2020, because if you don’t, goofy anti-American “proposals” like Lowey’s could well become “law.”

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