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by Sharon Rondeau

(Nov. 15, 2017) — On Wednesday evening, and perhaps in response to an on-air ultimatum announced by FNC host Sean Hannity on Tuesday night, U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore tweeted the “open letter” to Hannity shown below.

Its first page is shown at right.

Earlier on Wednesday, an attorney for Moore,  Phillip L. Jauregui, held a press conference in which he challenged the authenticity of the handwriting in a yearbook of one of five accusers claiming that Moore sexually abused them when they were teenagers.

The signature, date and place appearing in the yearbook were claimed by Beverly Young Nelson on Monday to have been Moore’s prior to his alleged sexual assault of her in 1977 when she was 16.

During Wednesday’s presser, Jauregui revealed that Young Nelson’s divorce had been handled by Moore while he was a judge, a detail she did not divulge in her emotional press conference of Monday with her attorney, well-known California civil-rights lawyer Glorida Allred.

In his letter to Hannity, Moore provided details as to why he and his attorney are questioning the alleged signature.  “I believe tampering has occurred,” Moore wrote on page 2 of his tweeted letter.

In a response to Young Nelson’s claim on Monday, Moore said that he did not know her.  He called all of the allegations, four of which arose from a Washington Post story last Thursday, “false” and claimed to be “innocent.”

On Tuesday night, Young Nelson’s stepson, Darrel Nelson, claimed that his stepmother was untruthful during Monday’s presser.

On page 3, Moore remarked, “When allegations of events occurring 40 years ago — and never before mentioned during a 40-year career of public service — are brought out and taken seriously only 30 days before a critical election, we may be in trouble as a country.”

He then said that his attorneys are preparing a defamation lawsuit, presumably against The Washington Post, one of whose accusers described a prosecutable crime committed by Moore, according to Alabama law.

On Tuesday night, Hannity acknowledged the observations made on the internet that Moore’s signature in the yearbook could be a forgery.

On his program on Monday night, former judge and prosecutoro and current FNC host Jeanine Pirro adamantly exclaimed that Young Nelson’s account, along with the yearbook signature, proved that the evidence against Moore is “all there.”

While claiming to be outside of the “mainstream media,” FNC contributors Gregg Jarrett and several trial attorneys have accepted the women’s accounts as accurate without conducting any independent investigating of dates, witnesses, and any corroborative evidence.

Following Jauregui’s presser, FNC commentator Jesse Watters smugly stated from his perch on “The Five,” “Read the room, Roy – your time’s over.”

As The Post & Email reported earlier on Wednesday, there is no statute of limitations on the crime of forgery in the state of Alabama.

Update, 8:08 p.m. EST:  Shortly after this article went to press, Hannity tweeted a promo to his upcoming show, to which The Post & Email responded:


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