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by OPOVV, ©2017

(Aug. 26,, 2017) — “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the ‘Pulse of the Nation,’ the news show that tells the truth about the insanity that is gripping our nation today. What we do is stand on the corner across the street from the railroad depot and ask morning commuters what’s bugging them. Excuse me, sir, Roving Reporter for ‘”Pulse.’”

“Oh, hello, Roving and crew; watch you all of the time. I like that Mr. Turtle and your fortuneteller, what’s her name, Madam Shylock?”

“You got it. Here’s the question: what bugs you these days?”

“You ever see that commercial where the grandmother is holding the baby and she turns into a wolf because of whooping cough?  We have illegal immigrants to thank for that, and TB running rampant in our public schools and prisons, all because of bad people doing bad things to our country. And I’ll tell you something else: I’m getting fed up to here about it. Obama, Holder, Lynch and Hillary all belong in prison: let them get the TB that they didn’t give a hoot about letting others get infected. And that’s my train. Bye.”

“Thanks for talking with us. Next? Oh, hello. What’s bugging you these days?”

“I’ll tell you what’s bugging me: McConnell and Ryan are at it again, trying to derail our country, as if Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren weren’t enough of a handicap to our freedoms. Have to run: bye.

“Oh, wait. Here’s a joke for you: a van pulls up in the center of South Side Chicago with a sign that reads, ‘Will pay $100 for valid photo I.D.’ Bye.”

“Pretty funny, since you can’t do any financial transactions without a photo ID, yet they seem to get bent out of shape when it comes to voting. Of course it makes it pretty much impossible to have dead people vote, illegal immigrants vote, and people voting twice if you have to show a ID, which would wipe out Hillary’s popular vote margin.

“By the way, why doesn’t Hillary just get out of our lives once and for all. I mean, she still doesn’t get why she lost. I mean, how obvious does it have to be that we don’t want ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS in our country? Hey, here comes my train: nice talking with you.”

“Next in line, please. Hello; your question is will any of the lawbreakers in Washington ever see the inside of a jail cell?”

“Are you talking about Clapper? Hillary, Lois Lerner and all the others, including Obama? No, they ALL walk, just as Comey and all the other lawbreakers in Congress walk. Each time they get convicted that’ll land you and me in the slammer faster than you can say ‘Jackie Robinson.’ Got to run: Bye.”

“And off he goes. Do we have time to read a letter? We do? Okay, may I? Thank you.

Dear Roving:

Why don’t you get off your high horse and stop complaining about Muslim atrocities. For the last 1,400 years Muslims have been creating mayhem and slaughter wherever they go so it’s not news any more, okay?

You often reference the school massacre in Beslan, Russia as if it’s something out of the ordinary when, in complete reality, it’s just your everyday normal behavior by the followers of Islam.

Longtime satisfied viewer,



Dear Susan:

You’re right. And let’s keep quiet about the insanity in destroying the statues that point to the past. I’m sorry, but if you can’t accept the past then you’re not going to be able to handle the present, and if you can’t handle the here and now then, I’m sorry to be the one that has to tell you, but you’re going to have a very hard life in not being able to accept disappointment and failure, because that’s where you are in life: in the gutter, figuratively and literally, forevermore until your last dying breath.




Interlude: “Theme from a Summer Place

“We’re back. For those of you reading the transcript of this program, the ‘interlude’ is our commercial break. Oh, look, it’s Igor, the brother of Zork. Hey, Igor, how you doin’? I hear that Professor Zorkophsky moved to Washington, is that right?”

“Oh, yes, and he, as he says, “Saw the light.’ He’s going around to the flaming idiots:  you know the ones, the statue-destroyers, and asking them if they are without sin; if they’ve led a perfect life without sin or breaking the law or violating any of the Ten Commandments even to the point of destroying public property.”

“Does it penetrate? Do the idiots even know what he’s talking about?”

“Haven’t a clue. First off, they think the Bible is pure evil, the same they say about the Constitution.”

“It seems as if CAIR is doing a pretty good job of controlling the narrative.”

“Bingo. The ignorant are easily swayed, and the dumber they are, then you have a murderer driving around with a weapon. It looks as if the car and truck are the weapons of choice these days. Heck, it’s happening all over the world; insane people using vehicles as weapons of torture and death, as happened in Germany, France, England and right here in the USA, Charlottesville just being the latest.

“Few years ago there was a taxi in San Diego that caused mayhem and, even though the driver was a Muslim, it wasn’t ruled a terrorist attack. Well, do I have news for you: every time a Muslim goes on a rampage it’s a terrorist attack, okay? Our government covers up for the Muslims, you know that? Remember that they called Fort Hood ‘workplace violence’ for years, if you don’t believe me. And that’s my train to the museum to check out that German submarine. Bye.”

“Give our regards to your brother, Zork.”

“I see we have time for one more. Excuse me, care to be on ‘Pulse?’”

“Okay, but that’s my train pulling in so let’s make it fast.”

“What’s your take on Sebastian Gorka leaving the White House?”

“There goes the last voice of reason, as far as the Islamic takeover of Western Civilization goes. You better believe that CAIR, Hamas, ISIS and every other Muslim terrorist organization, and every Muslim, for that matter, is celebrating big-time.

“You see, Gorka was the last remaining truth spoken about Islam left in the White House; all the others think that Islam is a religion. However, Gorka knows that Islam is a political philosophy that rules by intimidation, fear, torture and death, besides treating women as if they were not worthy of any consideration whatsoever. In short, Gorka’s voice was the only one who gave fair warning of what the truth is about Islam; he knows there’s no conceivable way to ‘negotiate’ with the Taliban* in Afghanistan**, and to even imagine such a scenario is the epitome of delusion: let’s act civilized and maybe our enemy will do likewise. Sorry: it doesn’t work like that.

“Gorka knows that Islam has been conducting this war for 1,400 years.  We’ve been in Afghanistan for only 16 years and we’re already tired of it, especially since there’s no possible method by which to ‘win,’ is there?

“What are we going to do, replace their Sharia Law with our Constitution? I don’t think so and they don’t, either. Gorka leaving is very bad for our side; Trump is fighting a war that he can’t win and he needed Gorka to tell him that. I’d be surprised if Trump watches ‘Pulse of the Nation’. Bye.”

“Bye. Well, I see that our time is up, so without further adieu, on behalf of the crew, I’ll be wishing all of you dedicated viewers (and readers) a goodnight: Goodnight.

“Good show. You know what? I think we ought to see if we can go to Washington and interview Zork. I’d like to see his digs and how he’s getting along being some kind of advisor to the government. We can ask him to tell our president that he needs someone in his cabinet who isn’t afraid to tell him the truth about Islam. Burger time: my treat.”

[*’negotiate’ with the Taliban: I’m sorry, but there’s stupid and then there’s really missed the boat. Is that like the Jews and the PLO ‘negotiating’? Is that like anyone ever negotiating with people who don’t negotiate? All they ever do is kill and then take. Gorka leaving the White House leaves a huge vacuum that the lovers of Islam will exploit to the nth degree. This is very bad for the future of humanity, because there’s no one left who understands the enemy as Gorka does, and now he’s gone. It makes one wonder about the power of The Swamp.]

[**Afghanistan: So what does a “win” for the USA look like in Afghanistan? Can anyone imagine that the girls who went to school and learned to read and write won’t have their heads cut off by the Taliban? I don’t think so. What, we’re going to bring Democracy to the Muslims and win hearts and minds? Or is Afghanistan the new Vietnam where young Americans go to get maimed and die? What’s the point, other than to protect the poppy fields, which means it all  comes down to money, doesn’t it? Pathetic, if you ask me. No wonder everyone is going bonkers.]

The Thrill is Gone


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