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by OPOVV, ©2017

(May 13, 2017) — “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the last airing of ‘The Pulse of the Nation.’ Due to the mental strain of dealing with idiots (Obots; Hillary supporters who can’t understand why Edward Snowden ran for his life and the thousand-and-one reasons why Hillary lost the election; all those out there who have yet to figure out that Islam isn’t a religion but a sick political philosophy that allows old men to fondle young girls; Socialists/Communists/Gov. Jerry Brown/anti-American/anti-Constitutionalist/Amnesty/open border and Obamacare lovers; ‘Who is Terry Lakin?’ out-to-lunchers; and like ‘Hey, there, the train has left the station’; people standing around, mimicking the Occupiers, and that includes our Men-in-Blue who never served in the United States military and, seemingly, have no problem with the major problem of following, if not outright illegal orders, certainly stupid orders, as in let Baltimore burn (or any town, USA) while the Sloths – yes, you heard me: the ‘Nation of Islamers’, who can take their warped belief system out of our country, forthwith – trash and burn the very nest in which they live: Watts; Ferguson; Baltimore and all of the others, way too many to list here), this is my last day, on the corner, under the awning, across from the railroad station.

“As you can see, the Corner Gang is here, along with many of the people who we’ve interviewed over the years; we’ve even Madam Shylock and the Talking Dog with us on this momentous occasion. We say goodbye to the plays and those who man the gates of our Republic, the men and women who stand guard, and the conversations that have been the cornerstone of those who’ve stood guard for millennia.

“We say goodbye to some of the best music ever performed, from Mozart to Elvis.

“This time we say fare-thee-well to the sometimes-whimsical rants and raves and good-riddance to the really off-the-wall rants and raves, which, really now, were the meat-and-potatoes of the political philosophy of ‘The Pulse of the Nation’: the Constitution; nothing else matters.”

“Excuse me, but I’ve been waiting in line.”

“Why not? You’ll be the last person to be interviewed, did you know that?”

“I just want to say that I’m in the dog house, but it’s not my fault.”

“It never is, but go on with your story.”

“You see, I was mowing the lawn and I started thinking about the bees and mowing, right? And what was I mowing but the wild flowers that bees love, so I decided that I would no longer mow dandelions. I guess that makes me a ‘Dandelion-Hugger.’ So what if I am?  I finished mowing and the wife says, ‘Let’s hear it.’”

“I said, ‘Think “bee,” as in honey bee, and that’s all there is to it.’

“And then she says, ‘So you’re, what, a metaphorical bee?’

“You got it. For now on I’m thinking ‘Bee.’”

“So you’re a bee that leaves dandelions growing all over the yard?”

“Think of a dandelion as a bee’s ‘Mom’s Home Cooking Truck Stop.'”

“Out. You are officially in the dog house. Go and visit the museum with all those model ships and that train layout. Just leave me in peace and quiet and when you come back I don’t want to hear about your latest soapbox speech. What are we going to number your ‘Bee Speech,’ number eight hundred and nine? Maybe it’s an even thousand, you’ve so many.

“That may be, but it doesn’t diminish the importance of bees in our lives, not one bit. I’m for young girls making necklaces and bracelets out of dandelions, so there. After all, I’m on the side of the bee and their importance in the flow of life on the planet which we call home.”

“You said that to her?”

“I sure did.”

“And she placed you in the dog house?”

“All day.”

“It is all too right and fitting that I would have you as my last guest. The good reverend of the church on Hawthorn Street would say somebody has a sense of humor, I’m sure. And while we talk, some developer, maybe a small-time developer who builds a house or 30 houses at a time, is clear-cutting the land where the current habitat is wiped off the face of the planet in order to maximize the profit margin.

“Goodbye, dandelion-lover, and, on behalf of the crew, goodbye, sweet audience: Goodbye.”

Bottom line? Just got sick and tired of wailing into the wind, warning Western Civilization about Islam’s takeover. So go ahead, go to any of our open-border airports and count how many Muslims enter by the hour.

Got tired of explaining the philosophy of the EU: open borders for Muslim invasion. Just look at Sweden, Germany, England, France and all of the others falling into the depravity that is Sharia Law.

Hey, that’s it, isn’t it?

Just got sick and tired.

Nobody listens anyway.

I’m going fishing.

I’ve gone fishing.



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