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by Sharon Rondeau

(Oct. 2, 2016) — Veteran political strategist Roger Stone tweeted early Sunday afternoon that Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton will be “done” with a reference to “Wednesday” and the hashtag “#WikiLeaks.”

Over the last several weeks, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has promised that his information-gathering website will release damaging information about Clinton in what is commonly termed an “October surprise” the month before a presidential election.

Stone is the author of several books, one of which is titled “The Clintons’ War on Women,” the cover of which pictures both Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton.  Stone has also designed and marketed a T-shirt accusing Bill Clinton of rape.

Bill Clinton’s history with women is well-known and reportedly began when he was governor of Arkansas, if not before.  Stone and others have accused Hillary of enabling her husband to abuse women by threatening them afterward to remain silent.

According to one of Stone’s websites, stonecoldtruth.com, WorldNetDaily reported in late August that Assange’s October surprise is the tens of thousands of deleted emails not recovered by the FBI or any other agency which were received and sent by Hillary Clinton through her private email server.

The server became the focus of not only an FBI probe, but also several lawsuits filed by the government-watchdog law firm, Judicial Watch.  Clinton’s private server was set up by Clinton loyalists in her basement outside of State Department purview and protocols just before she took office as Obama’s secretary of state in 2009.

“As WND reported Aug. 15, unofficial Trump adviser Roger Stone, citing communication with Assange, believes the WikiLeaks founder has a complete set of Hillary Clinton’s 30,000 scrubbed ‘private emails’ and is preparing to release them to derail the Democratic Party nominee’s presidential campaign,” Stone’s website reported on August 26.

Many Americans believe that Clinton has not been truthful about the emails she deleted when she claimed that all of them were personal in nature.

In March, Wikileaks released emails “& email attachments sent to and from Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was Secretary of State.”  Later, emails hacked from the Democrat National Committee (DNC) server showed that Clinton was undoubtedly favored to win the Democrat primaries over challenger Bernie Sanders.

At a hearing last week in front of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, FBI director James Comey took issue when a number of Republican committee members were highly critical of the investigation his agency conducted into the Clinton email scandal. Several congressmen appeared incredulous that the FBI would allow Clinton to have legal counsel in the form of witnesses who had been granted immunity or partial immunity by the agency by her side as she was questioned on July 2.

A new revelation made during the hearing was that the U.S. Department of Justice had its own attorneys present while Clinton was questioned.  The FBI reports to Justice, and Justice said it would act upon the FBI’s recommendation as to whether or not Clinton should be prosecuted.

Three days after interviewing Clinton in an unrecorded session lasting approximately four hours, Comey announced publicly that the FBI would not recommend criminal prosecution for Hillary’s “extremely careless” handling of classified material, some of it deemed so secretive that it cannot be released to the public or to members of Congress even in redacted form.

Stone’s tweet also appears in the Twitter feed of Wikileaks.

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