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by OPOVV, ©2016

(Aug. 25, 2016) — “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the show of shows: ‘Pulse of the Nation.’ Hello, I’m Chief New Leaf and we’re going to interview Professor Zorkophsky.

“How you doing, Zork. Thank you for agreeing to be on our show and answering a question for us.”

“No problem. So what’s on your mind? How can I be of assistance?”

“Why is the human race going downhill? How come we’re not improving our species?”

“Well, now, for one, it’s human nature to take the easy way out, and for another, if humans aren’t taught basic survival skills, they just blunder along, just as we’re doing. The amazing part of it is that any of us are left.

“In a way it’s our own brain that is at fault. I don’t know for sure, but let’s say that gnats have never imagined going to the stars, let alone Mars. But we do; I mean, the possibilities of our imagination know only the bounds that we put upon it.

“Did humans wonder about colonizing the planets when the Great Pyramid was built? Who knows; probably not, but it doesn’t make any difference since we can’t go back, only forward. We age; everything ages or, as a particle physicist might say: we decay; everything decays, only to build and then decay again.

“Our individual atoms, and their individual protons and electrons, are forever whirling at astronomical speeds within each of us. That they came together to form a molecule is a story that’s as fascinating as they come. Yet with all of this scientific knowledge, we humans have a distinct propensity to act like complete idiots.

“We are breeding like undisciplined rodents. We acquire beliefs that make killing one another ‘logical. We pollute our own cage.* Instead of being as self-sufficient as possible, our pendulum swings toward more and more dependency on systems — government — that don’t protect us; rather, they make our lives easier, with no consideration that if just one part fails,** the whole house of cards will come tumbling down upon us.

“And then what: the survival of the fittest? Shooting our neighbor for that last can of soup? We humans have determined that cooperation is beneficial for all concerned. ‘Honor killings’ may stroke self-‘short-changed’-esteemed males who imagine being admired by their peers for murdering their daughter for ‘looking at a boy.’ It’s nuts; everything is haywire, this I tell you.

“And then America pays for people to not work and then pays them more to have babies. Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds? Of course they’re going to sit around – if they don’t work — and have babies. Americans have babies so they can collect more welfare while Muslims have babies so when they grow up they’ll be the majority and get to vote thusly: all Jews and Christians to the ovens.

“There’s only one word left to save ourselves: ‘deport.’*** I personally don’t believe we have what it takes to save ourselves, but I may be wrong about Trump. He says he’ll protect us, so let’s give him the benefit of the doubt. I mean, as he says: ‘What do we have to lose?’**** Look, you asked me and I told you; at least I told you the truth. Do with it as you will. Me? Now I’m depressed so I’ll take my nap now. Thank you for letting me be on your most popular show.”

“Have a pleasant nap. Well, that was our show. Dependency leaves us all vulnerable: that’s true. I wonder if we’ll ever get it together before we kill ourselves off. Who knows, and with that positive note, along with my crew, I’ll be wishing you all a goodnight: Goodnight.

“Look, I’m depressed, too, so I think we need a ‘pick-me-up’ burger: my treat.”

[*I mean, you got to be nuts to pollute fresh water, since fresh water is arguably our most important natural resource (reference our Great Lakes, rivers and marshes). But not to be outdone, those who live on the Mediterranean are doing an equally bang-up job in contaminating and killing their valuable resources from the sea.]

[**The dreaded EMP.]

[***When I ran for president in 2012, a major part of my platform was to deport ALL illegal immigrants and Muslims from the USA. After that, I said I’d send our troops into Canada and assist them to get rid of their Muslims and then over to the United Kingdom and Europe and assist them. And I said I’d do all that within four years. And I would’ve, if given half a chance. Perhaps somewhere in this great universe there’s a parallel dimension that has a USA without any illegal immigrant and Muslim murders, because it sure isn’t here, is it?]

[****The formula is as simple as can be: with Trump we have a chance to survive; with Hillary we have absolutely no chance whatsoever. Trump wants to curtail Muslim immigration by placing a moratorium on it while Hillary actually is acting as Huma Abedin’s puppet by increasing Muslim immigration, otherwise known as Islamic Invasion.]

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