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by New York State Grassroots Groups, ©2016

How did American cities come to look like this?

(May 5, 2016) — My heart is heavy; I am so sad when thinking of how much Americans have lost. We have a government that has educated many of us into believing in warped principles. Look around:  “progressive” principles have led America into a place of depravity, despair and crumbling neighborhoods. Poverty reigns, and those not yet impoverished see a future with less hope every day. A key plank of Marxism is to create a society of helplessness and hopelessness – it’s working, isn’t it? The land we live in has slipped into a deep abyss – flooded with Marxist tyranny and political correctness with its laws and rules that have broken the spirit of our country.

Now that you are square in the reality of our situation and you are feeling a heavy heart, I want to tell we haven’t lost (yet). There’s still hope. We still have the people – people who know right from wrong – people who will stand up for Freedom, Liberty and the goodness that America once was – prosperity and happiness. Yes, there is hope – hope of rebuilding America –rebuilding her even greater than she once was. I know that’s true. I know the American spirit still lives in each one of you. Watch the nine-minute video click the link below and you, too, will believe we still have real Americans – and we still have hope.
Watch The Video And……..Keep Fighting – thanks – Al
Get ready for chills to run down your spine; Karen Bisso speaking in Gouveneur, NY
NOTE: I am blessed because I know tens of thousands of New Yorkers just like Karen.
UNITE – spread OUR words – Keep Fighting
Join US in Middleburgh at the Freedom Fair May 7
Friends, Neighbors, Countrymen: OUR Grassroots Coalition is on the move and ready to Rock OUR state. We motivate and inform through FREE Email only. We share inspiration, ideas, suggestions and worthy events – but NEVER YOUR email address.  Join US by emailing albel1@aol.com ….”Sign Me Up”

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