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by OPOVV, ©2013

(Nov. 24, 2013) — Everything migrates. Maybe “migrate” isn’t the best choice of words when speaking of icebergs, but, nevertheless, icebergs do move with the current that, in itself, is traveling from one location to another. Electrons speed around a nucleus that, in turn, is also changing position. From the very large, like our Milky Way, galaxy, to the infinitesimal, everything is on the go. Nothing remains static; it’s a dynamic world.

Each of us has a zillion or so things whirling around inside us, objects that have been named and objects yet to be discovered. Some of us have parasites going for a ride wherever we go; maybe we call them viruses or cancer. Some of our clusters of atoms make up a molecule, and a bunch of molecules turns into a cell, and a gaggle of cells turns into you or me, but we’d all be just a heap of plasma unless there weren’t an electrical charge to get things moving along.

That’s right; we’re batteries, and when our batteries wear out, the mechanism that keeps everything whirling around, we stop charging up and become a drain, discharging whatever we charged up in the first place.

Little kids are charging up. When little kids play, they think nothing of getting down to the ground and then jumping up, and then down and up, all day long. We older folks must take the time to decide whether getting down in the first place is worth the trouble, and then plan logistically the mechanisms available to help us get back on our feet.

Moving along. Migrating. They say humans migrated across the Bering Sea Land Bridge many years ago. Humans migrated to The Promised Land and to America. The inhabitants of Easter Island migrated, and no one knows where they ended up.

Armies and Navies migrate, too. It’s a fact of life that the world comprises those who are with the program and those who haven’t a clue. George Washington said, “In times of peace prepare for war,” which is darn good advice.

Treaties are another thing that change, although they’re not really supposed to. Really? When everything else in the universe is forever different, what makes treaties any different? Ask the American Indian about treaties if you really want to know.

So the United States is about to embark upon treaties with Muslims, the Taliban and Iran, to name just two. Why? What’s the point? Take it from one who knows:  you can’t trust the Muslim, for Muslim treaties are born with a forked tongue. If America really wants a treaty with those two groups, the Taliban and Iran, we ought to send a couple of our Indians over to make the deal.

Migration. Let’s think of the migration of Islam as a putrid devastating moving plasma gangrene mass that infects and then kills if allowed to spread unchecked. The death of each individual country in Europe. Look at the Jews and Christians fleeing the Middle East, and then Europe, and England, and then look what’s happening in our country: can’t fly Old Glory because “someone” might be “offended;” can’t say “Merry Christmas” because “someone might be “offended;” can’t play Christmas music (just the music, no words) at the grocery store or the mall because “someone” might be “offended.”

Guess what? Muslims in my country offend me. Bring our troops home from every Muslim country and employ them to deport each and every Muslim from our borders, for if we do not, if we do not stop the spread of this festering ganglia virus within us, it will be the death of America.


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  1. Pull up “Winston Churchill on islam”. No one has so far dialed in his correct summation of islam and the destruction that follows that ideology. Islam is anti everything that is America. Their ideology prevents freedom that made a free people. Europe is again being swept in the sordid grip if islam through liberal fools and the same is occurring here in the US. We need to adopt reciprocity with regard to islam. No Christian churches in islamic countries then no mosques here and those that are here must be torn down.