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by OPOVV, ©2013

Was “Hope and Change” just an expensive political ploy?

(Aug. 27, 2013) — If you ever want to know what’s really bothering people, run for President, have yourself a political rally, make your speech and then, at the end, act like a preacher man and stand at the door thanking folks for attending.

I had a shindig last year and I had a blast. I really had a whole lot of fun, and I can understand why some people’s egos feed off the smiles, good wishes, and money in the plate/box/jar. But I didn’t collect any money. I told the good folks if they wanted to give me any money or support, donate to the ASPCA.

I explained my theory on money and politics, why it’s like oil and water: they don’t mix. I said let’s say Candidate A has a great idea, maybe drill a well in the center of town rather than the idea of Candidate B, which is to drill the well outside of town and then have everybody pay a toll for using B’s toll road.

The mainstream media backs Candidate B, and they get away with it because they fail to explain Candidate’s A’s position. If anyone brings up Candidate’s A’s position, they call “Racist!” and “Bigot!”  But why would normally rational people go berserk over Candidate B’s position in the first place?  After all, the well outside of town would force everyone to pay the toll, including the backers of Candidate B.

Money, pure and simple, M-O-N-E-Y. Candidate B advertises, buys millions and perhaps billions, of dollars’ worth of advertising from advertising agencies that, in turn, buys advert space in newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, radio, television, and even in the movies, skewing the background and even the script to support the agenda of their candidate, which, in this case, is to drill the well outside of town so everyone will be forced to use the toll road to transport fresh water from the well to your home.

No mention of who owns the toll road. No mention of the increase in the tolls that will be forced on everyone once B is elected. The mainstream media is silent on the repercussions and ignores the truth of what is about to happen, to everyone’s detriment, even their own.

It is discovered that Candidate B is ineligible to be president: he isn’t Constitutionally qualified. The media ignores the facts because Candidate B owns not only the advertising agencies, but all the mainstream media.

New Law: zero, none, no, nada money for political candidates. Just list their platform. Period. No stupid debates. No “campaigning.”  No “donations.” One candidate is for the well in the center of town; the other proposes the well to be miles away, outside the city limits.

Your choice. Just as in the last election, OPOVV laid out a coherent and logical platform, while candidate “Obama” imported millions of Muslims, kept us in the UN, let the Mid-East boil over, allowed Muslims to be in our military (the Ft. Hood murders NEVER would have happened under my watch because there wouldn’t be any Muslims in our military!), increased unemployment, borrowed money from China, Obamacare, and so on. It was your choice, but you didn’t vote for OPOVV; you voted for a nothing of a candidate, Romney, who has no idea how the world works, and we’re ALL paying for it, plus the crooked election of Obama in the first place.

We got the well outside of town, unfortunately, and the dumb and ignorant like paying the tolls. Well, I don’t like it one bit. Obama’s laws sure as heck ain’t my laws. At least I have a valid Birth Certificate, am a US citizen, have a valid Social Security number, a valid Selective Service Registration number, and an HONORABLE DISCHARGE from our military. I trump Obama in every conceivable category, and for you to learn this didn’t require one penny of political campaign donations.


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