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by OPOVV, ©2013

Did the colonials realize the brilliance of our founding documents and the men who wrote them?

(Feb. 20, 2013) — Did you ever wonder how life would be if OPOVV had been your President? Live in a country that is energy self-sufficient? Your homeland would be on an equal trade footing with all of its trading partners; there would be no country favored over any other and no import tariffs (or so ridiculously low as to be worthless) for a country (China?), thereby making an unfair market for all the other countries in the world. But then, just maybe the kickbacks wouldn’t be forthcoming to certain former and current politicians and CEOs of unnamed tobacco, airline, auto, and soft drink manufacturers, just to name a few.

Since the de facto Clown Cheap Suit Obama was allegedly sworn in on Jan 20, 2009, the price of a gallon of gasoline has more than doubled. Let’s see now:  if transportation costs have doubled, that means that the price of everything else has skyrocketed. Imagine that, but that’s not the worse of it. The worst is that the mainstream media doesn’t report the facts.

Okay, just what are the facts? Everybody now, say out loud the word “inflation.” Here’s one for you: you have everything Nancy Pelosi knows on a sheet of paper, and the page is blank.

How many illegal immigrants would be within our borders in the year 2015? How about none? Muslims? None. U.S. troops in any Muslim country? Money dished out by the State Department for “protection” to any Muslim country? Anchor babies? National Debt? How many Federal Reserve Banks would there be? How many gays in the military?

What do you think the chances are that ANY Muslim country would have nuclear weapons in the year 2015? On the plus side, I vision full employment (work programs, like the WPA) while at the same time cutting government in half, and more. No IRS: a National Flat Sales Tax. That’s right, no income tax and stupid tax codes, laws. No “Death Tax.”

Only American citizens would be the owners of property in America. Oh, sure, foreign investors would be appreciated, but they’d still need an American citizen to sign on the dotted line.

No Muslim-owned Hollywood studios, television, radio, and advertising companies.

No teachers’ union.

But I could go on and on. Suffice it to say, you had a savior in your hand, and you didn’t even think to vote for me. So what? Well, it is a big “What?” because America is sliding down the slopes of a Civil War that’s not even of our making. There is no Ft. Sumter, but there are plenty of bigots, people who voted 95% for Obama just because he’s half black.

On second thought, I was going to end this little editorial with an “I told you so” but, instead, all I got to say is that, well, it’s really a shame that there are some people, real citizens, who just don’t understand the concept of a democracy and our Republic, have no real comprehension of the sacrifices others have made so others could vote freely in an honest election.  They have no idea of the responsibilities each of us have, irrespective of our political party, to the continuing health of the Constitution. Some of these misinformed, intellectually-challenged individuals have actually gone public with “I voted six times for Obama!”

All you can do is shake your head and walk away. But, golly, you’ve got to hand it to our Founding Fathers for the Second Amendment. One smart group, they were. Question is, are we as smart?


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Thursday, February 21, 2013 2:06 AM

I have no doubt that things would have been far better if you had somehow managed to gain the presidency OPOVV.

Unfortunately, the whole system is corrupt and the only way it will be remedied is a second revolution, which I have no doubt would ultimately result in a worldwide conflagration. As for now, either THEY have to go – OR – WE and our republic, which so many of us labored under the (apparently false) belief that we had in this country, shall perish from the face of the earth. Time will march on and maybe at some point in the distant future people will finally have had enough of the evil and corruption and put a stop to it. Maybe then they will again raise up the standard of freedom and life on planet earth will be just and good again. For a time. Until future tyrants gain control. And then the cycle will begin anew. And so it is ever turning.

In the meantime, all we can do is prepare! prepare! prepare! for what is surely coming in our lifetimes. I wonder how many people are truly prepared to actually die for what they profess to believe in? We have been so inundated with the Godless ones’ fruitless and dark ideas that many people simply do not comprehend the enormity of God’s universe and the life contained therein.