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by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet, ©2012, Presidential Candidate

Franz Kafka's writings are associated with a sense of surreality or impending danger

(Apr. 15, 2012) — We’re living in a Kafkaesque land, where a lie is the truth and the truth has no worth. Judges have ruled in favor of political expediency over honesty and integrity. Law enforcement has deafly followed illegal orders. Government employees scrutinizing the candidate’s vetting process failed miserably in fulfilling their basic job requirements. The mainstream media makes jokes of “Birthers” as if the takeover of a country is a joke. We’ve dumbed down our citizens by lowering the standards of acceptability to be hired for any government employment and political slot. We are paying the price for complacency, for taking the easy road, for affirmative action, for putting the teachers’ desires over the students’ needs.

There is no reason why there’s a National Debt, other than greed, corruption and theft. There’s no excuse to extend a debt before the first debt is paid. The way the system is designed from its inception is to render the American people in debt perpetually, which leaves us all slaves to the bankers who represent the Federal Reserve Bank, a private industry whose product is the fleecing of Americans. Compound interest is a killer of any budget, but what if the budget is flawed to start? What hope is there of solvency then?

Absolutely none. We have no control over our own money. We have no control over our courts. We the people have lost the control over our elections from who runs to the outcome. There’s but one political party in the United States; two parts, but each of them dance to the same tune, and that tune says, “Don’t question the Federal Reserve Bank and don’t question Obama’s eligibility.”

We’ve been taken to the cleaners. We understand the moral corruptness of our Congressmen; after all, what do you expect from a group of egomaniacs? But what surprised me were the judges ruling in Obama’s favor when clearly the facts stated otherwise. That was a surprise for me, but the shock was when LTC Terry Lakin was railroaded in a military kangaroo court, with the support from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. That threw me. So everyone got on board the Obama bandwagon except the Patriots. Interesting.

History is repeating itself before our very eyes.  Some of us see it; others are so far removed from reality that their world outlook consists of additional government intrusion in the lives. True, each of us is dependent upon others to a certain extent, but at least we can make an effort to be free of dependency as much as possible. Free from the Water Works, the Electric Company, from OPEC, from the taxman. Free from your nearest neighbor living eight feet above and below you, twenty feet side to side. Well, as long as us humans breed as rats, what do you expect?

There need not be madness ruling our lives, but there is. We take Combat Zones in big cities as a given, where the inhabitants prey upon one another, where violence is the preferred problem-solving method. We have Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton protesting all kinds of things, but not the result of affirmative action’s LOWERING standards rather than educating the applicants to a higher level. No wonder that Obama not only got elected but has also managed to live at Public Housing Unit #1 for the past three and a half years: his constituents are as dumb as they voted.

And, if we’re not careful, the inmates will destroy America to the point where the wish to restore the Republic will be but an empty dream. Talking about burning your own house; this is it.

Can’t let it happen. What you think the chances are that the architects and puppets of “Yes We Can” and “Stimulus” will voluntarily march off to prison? Are we on the same page here?


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  1. We are living in a world of “IF”~IF the People would hav been able to find any Honest Politicians-(there are NONE)-or there had been a NEW “Speaker of the House”, with GUTS and Devotion to the Constitution-(either party)-and performed his Duty as “Speaker” and made his FIRST order given to the “Sergent-at-Arms of the Senate”, and IF he would have ordered him to “Go forth, construct Affidavits and Warrants of Arrest agains Obama and his Minions for “Misprison of Treason and High Crimes and Misdemeanors against “The United States of America, Her Constitution and ALL of the Inhabitants, thereof” and Incarcerate until Trial, those perpetrators of these Crimes and Misdemeanors, IF, this would have happened~THEN “WE the People” would
    NOT be bearing the weight of possible “Civil War” in an attempt to RESTORE our “Constitutional Republic” to that which it ONCE WAS!!
    “IF”, however is always conjecture and as such about as useless as this 1871 Illegal, De Facto CABAL that is now “RULING and RUINING America!!