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by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

Will we defenselessly follow Obama and his dictates just as the children followed the Pied Piper of Hamelin?

(Feb. 23, 2012) — I watch and listen with amusement at the Keystone Cop antics of the United Nations, from the various Human Rights Commissions to Inspections and Peacekeeping forces, and have yet to be disappointed in the blatant lies they expect the citizens of the world to swallow. I surmise that the UN and the Federal Reserve Bank use the same Madison Avenue public relations firm because the lies sound the same, year after year, decade after decade, and because the same results emerge: regressing of economic and political freedoms.

Just because the mentally challenged blindly follow a Pied Piper doesn’t mean the rest of us have to stay on the sinking ship: we’ll just transfer to a new and improved Ship of State, where at least immigration laws are upheld and everyone speaks English, and the Federal Reserve Bank is no more and its board members are enjoying the rest of their sorry and selfish lives in a federal prison, thank you very much.

Which leads us right smack in the middle of the new and improved definition of “It ain’t going to happen” or when h*** freezes over. When pigs fly. Chances are better drawing into an inside straight; at least there’s some chance of filling it. I’m talking about our worthless government employees; you know, the ones who don’t produce, who don’t contribute, who don’t add to the kitty. I’m talking about those expendable people who live as bloodsuckers, the vampires of our economy, the career politicians and government employees who blindly follow illegal orders, such as those who, once again, are putting an unvetted name on the 2012 ballot. I’m talking about idiots thinking that the citizens of America will even contemplate to give up their weapons, for any reason that the PR firms that spread the lies of the United Nations and the Fed can come up with.

I’m just thinking out loud here: “If guns were outlawed, only outlaws would have guns.” Nah, too childish. How ‘bout “Let the so-called justice system keep that revolving-door policy in effect; after all, it’s job security for them all, a billion-dollar industry.  The only thing is, instead of producing goods and services, all they produce is heartache and heartbreak.” You know what the sad part is? Even if, starting now, everyone followed the law, people would still be getting arrested and railroaded and kangarooed, just look at what happened to LTC Terry Lakin, as if wanting to know if his de facto president is eligible to hold the office were a crime.  Is Obama a cheap two-bit crook, a lowlife, right down in the gutter with those who want to trash our Constitution?  Yes, America, he is.

And he wants our guns. Nope, no, no way, take a hike, not today, not yesterday, not last year, not next year, not ever. Obama, Hillary, the United States government, along with the Islam Admiration Society, otherwise known as the United Nations, can all take a flying leap into the Hudson River for even thinking that any American citizen is going to give up his Second Amendment right.








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Saturday, February 25, 2012 4:52 AM

Security??? If anything I feel insecure. We have an administration wanting to start wars everywhere. They have nearly shredded the constitution. Passed patriot act, NDAA, and on and on. YOU WANT MY TAXES, come get them!!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012 5:34 PM

You ask “will American give up their liberty for the enticement of security?” And I say yes, yes and yes, they will and they have to a considerable degree. No, “they” (the bad guys) haven’t been able to take our guns away yet and that is the true challenge tyrants have for finally accomplishing the goal of complete subservience in our country.

Having not yet succeeded in taking our personal weapons what could they do next to remove liberty?? I believe it is the relentless harping on “terrorism”. If you listen to Rs and Ds (both!!), a terrorist is around every corner. The powers that be are trying to keep all of us on edge, always worried, always trying to get us to focus on some enemy out there. The constant beat of the war drum is beginning to make some of us tune out.

How willingly since 9-11 the American public has given up many liberties… forced on us by the DC crowds for “our” protection of course. Now with NDAA we can be rounded up and shoved in some hovel until the never ending “war on terror” has its denouement. An end that will never come. Personally I don’t go to bed at night in fear of Iran getting a nuclear weapon. But nearly all the politicians want you to fear it. The Bible says if God be for us, who can be against us? My hope is in the Lord, not DC.

And yet, for all the talk on protecting us from Iran…or Pakistan…or Afghanistan…or Iraq or the boogie man, DC has no intention of actually protecting our southern borders! No, DC arms the cartels so chaos can reign. The gun and drug running…it is benefitting somebody in a mighty way. Obama and friends (uh, Bush, Clinton) aren’t too worried about protecting us from mayhem and terror down that way. No, that kind of terror must be beneficial to us. But hey, we need to fear the guy on the other side of the world.

One good thing has come from the Obama regime…I started to see things in a new way. I began to see that the people that I *thought* were on my side, the Rs, really are not. There is barely anyone trustworthy. It really is a wakeup call, a slap in the face! I saw that “conservative” media anchors could not be trusted since they cover for Obama, I saw that the R leaders in Congress are leading the way for our country’s bankruptcy and they too, cover for Obama the usurper. I saw that Rs and media anchors like Hannity or Limbaugh or Levin have no qualms about pushing R senators who are not natural born citizens for VP or Pres, just like Obama…I see it ALL now and it all came about by the election of Obama. People revealed who they really are and it is not pretty! Maybe I was just naive or innocent or just stupid.

We have been played like a fine violin to surrender freedoms, especially after 9-11-2011. BTW, I used to think “truthers’ were insane. Until I started to investigate what made them suspicious. Oh dear, I am afraid I am not only a “birther” but now I am also a truther!!
It is amazing how easy it is to dismiss others views when one hasn’t even investigated a single thing on an issue. That was me 4 years ago pre Obama. Generally believed the stuff that was fed to us by those who are in the know, supposedly. No more. No, it’s a new day and I say, Lord come quickly.

Rule of Law
Friday, February 24, 2012 9:15 AM

Is it apathy? Or has the marketing and psychological manipulation been that sophisticated that most Americans cannot conceive the scenarios that we take for granted? You have to be willing to ask the hard questions before you can get at the truth. I am a Democrat and I voted for Obama the first time around because of the historical significance of the election and that he was, I thought at the time, about as far away from Bush as one could get.
I believed the hype and I was mislead and lied to by the Democratic Party. A party that up until 2010, I believed represented my best interests. It took me two years to question and then research what was going on. I at least entertained the probability of betrayal and then researched it. I chose to go against popular opinion and the BS that the party was putting out because what I saw going on in the White House made me uneasy.
I took that step and it was very hard to admit that I was lied to, and worse that I bought it.
It is the same in every scam. I should have known better.
In my case, I want to fix it. In most other cases, they want to ignore it hoping it will go away or someone else will fix it for them. I can’t blame people for not wanting to deal with this particular problem, because it means that BOTH parties have lied from the get go with the intention of manipulating the public’s opinion for their own purposes.
As long as both the Tea Party and the OWS believe they are on opposite sides of the argument, nothing will be done.
Once those two groups realize that they have more in common and can work cooperatively to fix the base issue, then things will move in the right direction.
I don’t see that happening because both groups are too mired in the noise to understand that they share a common enemy.
If they ever bridge that gap, then you will see movement. Until then the razor wire is built up a bit too high for any cooperation to take place in the general public.

Reply to  Rule of Law
Friday, February 24, 2012 11:38 AM

Sir, your courage is admirable and noteworthy~the divide and differences betwee the Citizens of this Republic must be controlled and dealt with and minimized to a controllable level IF, IF this Republic, and that for which She Stands is going to avoid becomming a Socialist/Communist Gulag! “WE the People”, regardless of Political-Stripe or Ideology MUST unite and perform the Edicts and Instructions contained in the “Founders Documents”. Citizens must look beyond “The Hood Ornament” and see further down this road that is leading to the Destruction of the Republic, and the Freedoms, Liberties and Pursuits of Happiness that are disappearing before our eyes.

Thursday, February 23, 2012 7:28 PM

OPOVV: I see some minds run in the same channel. My thoughts I posted in another article were for exactly the same reasons. I am amazed at the Apathy, and the Dedicated willingness for the Citizens of the Republic to just, as you say, and I said: Follow the Pied Piper to the river to be drowned! The Psyche of the “Pigs at the Trough” that feel that it is their Privilege to be receiving the FREEBIES that are costing them their Country, Freedoms, Liberties and Pursuits of Happiness, IS Unfortunately indescribable, how folks can place a higher value on “Their SUV, their Beer, their Gadget-DO-All Hand-Held Idiot Boxes and such certainly their Freebies as replacements for the Republic is beyond my comprehension!!