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by Ron Ewart, ©2012

(Jan. 22, 2012) — “People are a great deal like electrons.  When they get too close to each other, they are repelled by each other’s negative charge and can never come together, except in times of immense heat and pressure …. like in a Black Hole, or a world war ….. or the rise of tyranny.”  —  Ron Ewart

When the attack comes, whether foreign or domestic, people that are divided will run in all directions in a panic, just like the people did on the cruise ship that ran aground off the West Coast of Italy a week ago and sent the passengers scurrying in all directions, looking for any way they could to exit the sinking cruise liner and save their lives.  There was no guidance and no plan; there was just pandemonium, an irrational human response that can lead to death.

Americans today are not much different than the passengers on that stricken ship.  We are running in all directions with no guidance and no plan.  America is more divided now than it ever was and it will be our undoing if we allow it to continue.  Without a course correction resulting from conservative unification, America will sink deeper into the quicksand of apathy, indifference and wholly desperate ideologies, with no chance of escape.

We are divided, even within our own ideologies.  Conservatives or liberals cannot agree between themselves on their ideas or visions of what America should be.   To make matters worse, politicians in either party are more interested in the reins of power than they are in the heavy responsibility of guiding this nation in accordance with the blueprint laid out for us by the Founding Fathers in our constitution, a constitution for which millions of brave men and women gave their lives in its defense over these last 235 years since freedom was born, when a “shot was heard ’round the world.”

The difficulties we face as Americans come from the differences in those two ideologies and the direction that either ideology will take America.  One ideology is steeped in enabling weakness and dependency ….. for votes.   The other is founded on individual strength, self-reliance and independence.  In all respects of the two opposing ideologies, the former must be funded by the latter, as the strong among us always have the responsibility of supporting the weak among us, whether we would like to or not, if government has its way.  The serious flaw in the former ideology (Progressivism) is that weakness and dependency will grow within it to a point at which there are more dependent people than there are independent people.  The flawed system breaks down when it reaches that point and maybe even before.  Those who are dependent on the system will fail with it, and there will be no one to help them since the country will be broke.  It is already happening in Greece.

The strength of the latter ideology (Conservatism) is that it breeds independence and self-reliance.  The attributes of independence and self-reliance are the foundation of individual freedom.  Freedom cannot exist without them.  History has proven that a weak nation will eventually succumb to a stronger nation or collapse from within.  A nation that becomes corrupt by fostering weakness and dependency for votes will disintegrate into bankruptcy and chaos or will be conquered by a stronger, more determined force, or unwillingly merged into another nation (think the one-world-order). Europe’s model of socialism and rampant dependency has shown us that it never works and will always fail.  Is America destined to follow Europe into the same pit of despair?

If America is to be restored to the vision of the Founding Fathers as a free and prosperous nation, the only ideology that can accomplish it is the one that has in its foundation the principles of self-reliance, independence, free choice, free markets and individual freedom.  Any other ideology is doomed to failure, national bankruptcy and eventually, enslavement.

However, in order for that one ideology to prevail, those who believe in that ideology must unite around the simple principles of self-reliance, independence, free choice and individual freedom.  Any other course will divide the ideology and render it impotent.

If we as Americans can’t agree on the basic principles that we are sovereign, free Americans who have declared our independence from all foreign nations and dictates and are governed by a blueprint called the Constitution, and that the land we now occupy is sovereign land for all legal Americans subject to our laws, we have no hope whatsoever of solving the problems we face today.  Remember!  Our domestic enemies are those people in power or those who lobby those people in power, who attempt to manipulate us like puppets and divert our attention away from the fact that we are sovereign, free citizens of this great and exceptional country called the United States of America.  We cannot expect to defeat a foreign enemy if we cannot vanquish a domestic enemy.

Our problems and our divisions exist because of the human failing that makes us focus on one single issue, while ignoring all the other very important issues that secure our freedom and liberty.  Many times that single issue has a great deal to do with what we are receiving in the form of government assistance.  Sometimes that single focus has to do with religious beliefs, or the abhorrence of war, or perceived unfair treatment, or discrimination due to race, creed, national origin, or the color of our skin.  Although these issues may seem very real to those involved, they tend to overshadow why we are Americans, why we are exceptional and why we have built the most powerful and most generous nation on earth.  It is because we are free, but we won’t be free much longer if we do not unite on some absolutely fundamental principles.

Divisions within any group can be overcome by first determining the issues upon which most of the group can agree and cast aside for the moment those issues upon which they do not agree.  Since most people have good hearts and fair minds, the group can then form a strong bond around the agreed-upon issues.

“But,” you ask, “what does the group do about those issues for which there is no agreement?”  That’s the tricky part.  If we lose sight of that which unites us and only focus on those issues which divide us, there is no hope of coming together and we are like the electron with a negative charge that repels all other electrons.

"covalent bonding" occurs when atoms and electrons adhere to each other

In the hope of uniting more of us on those simple principles, we have created a survey for groups of people to determine where they agree and how to forge a bond within the group over those agreed-upon issues.  We then discuss how to deal with those issues over which we do not agree.  That survey is part of a group of documents we have created which we call the “20 Documents to Freedom,” or as we also call it, our “S-O-S Kit.”  It is a useful exercise for groups of 10 or more.   It grows even more useful if the results are shared with other groups that have taken the survey.

One might ask, “Why does it take a disaster to bring Americans together?”  Why was it that America rallied in solidarity after Pearl Harbor, to take on a World War and defeat two enemies on two different continents and in two separate oceans?  Why was it that after 9/11 America came together in common purpose to “get” the culprits that would dare attack us?  Why was it that that coming together only lasted for about 4 to 6 months before we split up into thousands of fractions of self-interest and started attacking each other again?  Why is it that so many Americans are ignorant of the problems we have created for ourselves and the foreign and domestic enemies and our so-called benevolent friends such as the United Nations, that are taking huge bites out of our freedom and sovereignty?  Ignorance is not bliss; it is suicidal.

Are we not Americans?  Then why is it we have been played like pawns by our government and special interests such that we now fight with each other instead of challenging the enemy which we allowed to make us what we are?  Why is it we have allowed outside forces to manipulate us so that we look more like immature elementary-school children fighting in a school yard than mature, clear-thinking, informed adults?  Why is it we have forgotten that the foundation of freedom is unalienable individual rights, free choice, free markets, independence, self-reliance and personal responsibility, which are supposed to be PROTECTED by government under the framework of our Constitutional Republic, not ERODED by government as it has been doing for 100 years or more under Progressivism?

But take heart!  There is a shift in the winds of politics and there still may be hope for America.  Since the 2009 town hall meetings turned ugly against Obamacare, and since the 2010 election when several Tea Party candidates were swept into the U.S. House of Representatives by the voters, the other side senses a movement in this country that is contrary to Progressivism, a false ideology that has been growing in America for over 100 years.  In this power struggle of ideologies, Progressives will pull out all of the stops to defeat Conservatives.  They will lie, cheat and manipulate elections to remain in power.  Propaganda advertising to sway the naive among us will be unrelenting.  Half the American population, which has been bought off for its votes, is behind and supports them.  The mainstream media idolizes and promotes them.  Our public schools and colleges indoctrinate our children with Progressivism, multiculturalism and Collectivism with a vengeance.  It’s everywhere.  How on Earth can we stop them?

Ladies and gentlemen, “The Parallax Prophecies” predicts that if the conservative movement in America does not unite, en masse, behind the principles of freedom upon which they can agree and set aside those issues upon which they cannot agree, this protracted ideological battle that is raging throughout the land will continue indefinitely until what is left of America will be totally unrecognizable from the vision of those who planted the seeds of freedom in a diverse people, on a new continent, 11 score and 15 years ago.   We either unite in freedom, or unconditionally surrender and sink ever deeper into a bottomless pit of shifting, oozing quicksand ….. never to rise again.

Rest assured, this writer will never surrender and we will keep pumping out words of freedom, hope and inspiration until our life ends or we are silenced by those with whom we take issue.  Until then, watch for our informational and inspirational messages that emanate each week from ….. “The Parallax Prophecies.”

Ron Ewart, President


P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA  98027

425 837-5365 or 1 800 682-7848




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Robert Laity
12 years ago

If one remains calm one can float in quicksand and paddle gently toward the solid ground.