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by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

U.S. involvement in Vietnam did not stop the North from overtaking the South, rendering the entire country communist

(Dec. 3, 2011) — “Going to hell in a hand basket,” as my father would have put it, and he’d be right on target. “Too many pans in the fire” was how my grandmother would have described the current condition of America today. We are weak for many reasons, but the outcome is the same: Patriots are far and few between, just as Christmas decorations on houses are this year. Go ahead, take a drive in any residential neighborhood, and you’ll be saying “There’s one, over on your left. I think I see a wreath on the front door.”

Let’s look at the world as if we’re on the International Space Station and you’re tasked with evaluating the United States.  Tell me what you see. Do you see Iran spreading its influence through various Islamic groups throughout the Mediterranean, or do you see an “Islamic Spring,” as if calling the enslavement of poor ignorant souls something to celebrate? Do you see the one democratic country in the whole region, Israel, becoming surrounded by an enemy that, for once, looks as if it may be on the same page? And what is your gut feeling about if the Arabs attack Israel, the IDF won’t retaliate with nuclear weapons, with Mecca being one of the targets of opportunity, forever leaving the area a glass-covered radioactive wasteland?

Coming up next out the porthole we see China. Americans see an untapped market for American goods and services, but let’s look at the facts. One, the balance of trade that America has with China is so lopsided as to be criminal, and it is. Why does China have “Favorite Trade” status? How, pray tell, is China’s not paying tariffs helping Americans? Is selling American cancer sticks (cigarettes) and Buicks (from Government Motors) worth the kickbacks to a few members of Congress? Goods that Americans used to make are now made in China. And two, what’s even worse, graduates from Chinese high schools are head-over-heels smarter than American graduates, at least the ones that do. Today’s first two years of college are as yesterday’s last two years of high school; that’s how far we’ve sunk in the last 40 years.

And we finally see out the window the United States, starting with Hawaii, the state that is covering up the biggest crime in America: the ineligible president, a person who said he was born in that state but, for various reasons, has utterly failed to prove it and, by the way, enabling normally law-abiding government employees to commit acts of treason by not being forthcoming and honest about the non-existent birth certificate. And here’s the mainland, once the world’s beacon for freedom, but which is becoming a place to avoid, a place with internment camps, a place where they want to abolish the right to own weapons, a place where honorable veterans are considered terrorists by administrators who never served, never fired a gun at the enemy, never killed an enemy, never saluted the American flag while in uniform..

What America needs now, more so than at any time since Washington, is a warrior, a person who will tell it like it is, say it very clear and plain and make it stick. You cross that line, then you will suffer the consequences. Not “maybe.” You cross that line, and it’ll be the last line that you’ll ever cross. You stop your car on the road, get out and pray, because it’ll be the last time you’ll ever pray. You’re here illegally, well, you’re not. You deprive a citizen of their Constitutional Rights, you are going down for it.

Simple. Say it, mean it, back it up. And I am One Pissed-off Vietnam Veteran.


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  1. These people have had three years of prodding to do the right thing, yet they only
    dig themselves in deeper, widening the hole in hopes we will all fall in and find
    ourselves at the portals of hades right beside them. It is time to throw the dirt back
    over and forget about them.

  2. Pat Buchanan’s book “Suicide of a Super Power” is a must read for those who want to know how it “really is” and have a plentiful supply of SSRI’s to deal with what they learn.
    Buchanan spends a great deal of time on debunking the libtard myth that our diversity is our power. This is blatantly untrue and is just one more component of the politically correct B.S. However it is good news.
    Buchanan also quoted Howard Dean’s gaff when he referred to the GOP as the
    “white” party”. Guess what folk, that’s not a gaff. And that’s good news too, if the GOP will realize it and do something about it.
    Do not read this book if you are fascinated with P.C.
    So the Democrat party is falling apart. They are the party of diversity. They are so diverse that they can’t keep all their tribes together. Some want foreign law, some want citizenship privileges without being citizens, the list is endless and not doable. It is splintering the Dems in a hundred different directions and to what end? Very few of these hoards of primarily non-Americans vote, or only enough to assure the continuity of their entitlements.
    Americans, the white party of the GOP, do vote and will if they are motivated. But granting amnesty and raising taxes is not the way to an American’s heart. The gopers need to realize this. They need to appeal to the “white” folks. Catering to illegals who aren’t going to vote for them no matter what, is a waste of time. Catering to the LGBT’s offends Americans and won’t get votes either.
    Buchanan makes it sound easy. Let the Dems self destruct and get the gopers to appeal to their base and we start to take America back.