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Mark Levin's "Liberty and Tyranny" was a top bestseller in 2009

September 30, 2011


Mr. Mark Levin
Landmark Legal Foundation
19415 Deerfield Ave.
Ste. 312
Leesburg, VA 20176

Dear Mark,

Despite years of listening to you, learning from you, and being inspired by you, your recent comments about “birthers” and the Natural Born Citizen issue have been a huge disappointment.  You lashing out at us is at complete odds with your strident Originalist attitude about the U.S. Constitution.  So, forgive me if I find your words confusing to me.

The conflict over what defines a Natural Born Citizen comes down to three assertions about two criteria.  As you know, the criteria are “by blood” and “by soil.”  The first assertion is that both parents need to be citizens of the country in which a president is born.  The second assertion is that only one parent need be a citizen.  The third assertion is that the president must have been born on American soil.

One  set of arguments maintains you are considered Natural Born if you are born “by blood” OR “by soil.”  The other set maintains you are considered Natural Born if you are born “by blood” AND “by soil.”

I’m not writing to argue any of these views.  You have heard them all.  I long ago concluded that the more stringent AND criteria is the only right answer and is the one most in agreement with the thinking of our Framers.  While we could have that debate, I think it is clear you are not interested.  But I felt a pretty strong need to get this off my chest since I have been involved with this essentially from day one.

Besides my disappointment with you, I need to add that it is very clear any of the judges or justices could have taken any of the cases before them and used it to rule that Obama is a Natural Born Citizen.  That would have disposed of all us “goofballs.”  But you know full well that not a single case has been judged because they all know they cannot rule that Obama is a Natural Born Citizen.

As for the “birther” issue, you seem to want to turn a blind eye, for example, to the ten ex-CIA analysts who all agreed, UNANIMOUSLY, that the birth certificate image released on April 27, 2011 was a forgery, not to mention the several affidavits filed to that effect.  You also want to turn a blind eye to the issues surrounding his social security number.  Ironically, in Sen. Marco Rubio’s office, a test was run on E-Verify that showed no link exists between the name Obama and the 042-xx-xxxx number often cited.  He is clearly in felonious possession of a social security number.  But, to you, this is somehow irrelevant.

The “system” continues to avoid this.  You, oddly enough, have joined with the likes of the liberal media who only seek to avoid a real discussion.  Over the years, it has been remarkable how stupid they have made themselves appear to those who have studied the issue.  Why you are in this camp, I can only guess, and it is unfortunate.

There is a Birther Summit coming in March, which you will have ample opportunity to ridicule.  The last YouTube of your radio show where you simply asserted your position was disappointing because you chose not to spell your arguments supporting your belief.  Beyond that, there are all the other issues above which are now the subject of consideration of the legal counsel for four members of Congress (at least somebody is beginning to show some guts).  We persist.


Cort Wrotnowski
Greenwich, CT


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  1. I am disappointed, also, that Mark Levin apparently dismisses the potential unconstitutionality of Obama’s Presidency. To my knowledge, he hasn’t mentioned Obama’s felonious use of an unassigned Social Security number either. Even the blatant forgery involved in Obama’s purported long-form birth certificate, does not rate a comment. Perhaps, like too many others, Levin thinks that being labeled a “Birther” is a stigma to be avoided at all costs, instead of wearing the term as a “Badge of Honor!”

  2. I too, have been a devoted listener to Mark Levin, up until about a year ago. I bought and read his books. Now I am finished with him and Sean Hannity. These guys keep pushing Marko Rubio for VP. What a joke. I only wish he was a Natural Born Citizen.

    There is hope for these two Limbaugh puppies, though. Rush has decided that it is time to start talking about the fact that Obama was able to attain the highest office without any proof of his records.

    Let’s see where this all goes.