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by One Pissed-off Vietnam Vet

Will faux Attorney General Eric Holder be brought up on charges for covering up Obama's ineligibility?

(Aug. 16, 2011) — The thirty Seals was my last straw. I’m beyond the edge, over the wall, through the woods, and I’m sitting on top of a Main Battle tank and I’ve got the barrel pointed at every member of Congress and at every judge in America. Now, you may rightfully say, impossible and then I say to you, “Oops! Sorry. I meant to say that I’m just one of millions of patriotic Americans who have had it, and if you don’t like it, if you want to whine about it, go somewhere where I can’t see you or hear you, because if I do, you’ll be standing side by side with the likes of our Democrat and Republican traitors who have refused to kick the sorry de facto fake lying bum Obama out of the White House. Don’t worry, all that will happen to Obama, or whatever he’s calling himself today, is life in Gitmo.”

Eric Holder is our worthless Attorney General, the person who is supposed to see that the Department of Justice does the job for which it was designed but hasn’t done anything remotely suggestive of upholding the law in any way, shape, or form. He is, even more than Janet Napolitano, the most worthless city, county, state or federal employee of them all. There is absolutely no doubt that he is the modern-day joke about the city workers all leaning on a shovel: if you want to show an example of a goldbricking government employee, it would be one of Eric Holder sitting behind a desk. Think about it:  my wife and I have known that Obama has had numerous Social Security numbers even before the election and Holder hasn’t done one little thing about it. So much for doing your job, Eric. The Justice Department protecting the criminal. At least you’ll have a lot to think about while you rot away in prison for the rest of your life. No idle talk, since OPOVV doesn’t make threats.

If I were an illegal immigrant, or a Muslim, I’d be making plans on leaving America real soon. Now I know some of you will say, “But what about U.S. citizens who are Muslim?” Well, what’s wrong? Can’t read? I don’t personally care if you came over on the Mayflower; if you are a Muslim, you are out of here. Go do your stoning and “honor killings” somewhere else, but not ever in America. And if you want to pretend that Islam is a religion, go tell it to the scorpions and the horned toads; we really don’t want anymore of your “peaceful” and “misunderstood” nonsense.  We’ve had it.

I’m usually a very calm and collected guy, and even when I’m over the edge, I’m still calm and collected. Obama must go, like now.  No staying around to have his non-vetted name on yet another ballot approved by worthless secretaries of state and all the others, every one of the scum who are in his administration, and those in Congress who have kept quiet about his being a de facto usurper, those who have kept quiet about the fake birth certificates, those who have done NOTHING about Obama’s multiple Social Security numbers, you best pack your bags. And that includes Cokie Roberts and Bill O’Reilly, two sorry excuses for American citizenship, and all you others who’ve laughed at birthers. Leave.