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Dr. James David Manning presided over a citizens' grand jury last May and produced a "guilty" verdict against Obama and Columbia University with no response from either defendant

Editor’s Note: The following editorial came in the form of an email to the Editor, hence the use of the second person  (you) throughout the piece.

(Dec. 1, 2010) — I just read your article called “Have We Become A Nation of Spectators?” The answer to that question is absolutely yes! This subject matter has been racking my brain for years! Not exactly your particular question but others that would lead us to similar conclusions.

Here is one of my experiences. I’m sure you are aware of Pastor James David Manning from the Atlah Ministry in Harlem, NY. You must know he is one of the most vocal and aggressive voices against Obama and his usurpation. You must also know that Pastor Manning held a Trial in New York  from May 14th through May 19th, 2010 called “The CIA COLUMBIA OBAMA SEDITION & TREASON TRIAL. Pastor Manning had started talking about the Trial many months in advance and the unfolding developments as the Trial date drew near.

He asked everyone who cared about America, our Constitution and our children, to be present at the Trial. This was a major sacrifice to commit to, according to today’s standards of having a rally and/or protest for just one day, especially if that one day was on opposite coasts. The commitment was to be present for six full days. Each day the Trial would proceed and we all would march around Columbia University, once on the first day and seven times on the last day.

The reason for the March around Columbia was that that institution was the weak link in the Obama fables! He had claimed in one of his books and in interviews that he attended Columbia from 1981-1983 earning a political science degree. Obama never went to Columbia, and they were part of the cover-up because from 1981-1985 he was in Afghanistan as a CIA operative.

Now what I am getting to is that if this Trial had gotten the exposure and thousands, if not tens of thousands, of participants, Obama would have been exposed in a big way that could not be ignored.

Pastor Manning knew that people all over the world knew about the Trial. Many people committed to going and also many well-known attorneys were to be there. However, only relatively few people, I would say about 50, plus Pastor Manning’s congregation, showed up at the Trial!

This was a golden opportunity that “The People” basically said to Pastor Manning by their actions or lack of actions, “We don’t care!”  There was a complete blackout of the Trial by the Entire “Conservative” movement!

So have we become a nation of “Spectators?” Actually, worse! Except for the very few who are fighting the Marxist/Islamic takeover, the American public has become liars, deceivers and cowards. And unfortunately some in the media have become Traitors!

As I am sure you also know, there is absolutely no unity on our side whatsoever! There never has been, which leads me to something else that might be written about and maybe I can have some input.

There are many questions I ask myself, such as:

  • The big one is How has America gotten to this place of almost certain destruction?
  • Why is the LEFT so successful at advancing its agenda?
  • Why are the Muslims so successful at advancing their agenda?
  • Why are the “Conservatives” an utter failure at advancing their agenda?

Here is one answer to America being at this place now. Since the Founding generation passed from the scene, there have been very very few “Soldiers” of Liberty! I am not talking about our Military. I am talking about here stateside and in civilian life.

If you notice, the LEFT and ISLAM have Soldiers advancing their cause. And they are aggressive and relentless! Our side is just the opposite. It is always follow the path of least resistance. Plus they do not have the commitment of Soldiers; it’s a part time thing!

Here are a few other questions I have been asking myself that completely relate to the current American crisis.

What is it that drives, motivates and inspires men to action?

Which is easier? To arouse the passions of men to action by tapping in to the emotion of hate? Or is it easier to arouse the passions of men by appealing to the emotion of love?

I use the difference of “tapping in to” vs. the “appealing to” because hate is part of our lower nature and it resides on the surface, whereas love, while having an emotional component, also appeals to the higher nature of man where a value judgment must be made which involves the intellect!

It was much easier to arouse the crowd to hate that called for Christ to be Crucified than it was for the Disciples to stand with their Master in His moments of need because said they Loved Him! They all deserted Him!

Herein may lie the answer:  The Disciples, like today’s Americans, must take stock of themselves and be accountable to themselves and count the cost! Because we know Liberty/Freedom comes with a price in a hostile world. And that price in its ultimate form is the shedding of one’s own blood even unto death if necessary! We see that with Walt and LTC Terry Lakin and Pastor Manning!

And as a final note, Sharon. You are one of America’s Patriots “In Country” doing a necessary work! What you do is needed! You must be a voice of comfort to Walt!

Staying on point here, courage is the rarest of human virtues along with Faithfulness!

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Peri McMillan
13 years ago

AuntieMadder, you are so right in all you said here, especially the second and third paragraph. It’s all so sad and outrageous for all of us who love our country. We do all we can do but it’s not easy due to what’s said in those two paragraphs. You are right, also, that ALL Americans should stand together in one gigantic rally, not two or three in the same time frame. Doesn’t make sense to me. We fight on!

13 years ago
Reply to  Peri McMillan

Thanks, Peri McMilan. I’m glad there are at least two of us who see that conservatives are currently split into at least three subgroups.

You’re right that all Americans should stand together. Unfortunately, that won’t happen until the mental illness we call “liberalism” (ironic name for the disease since there’s nothing liberal about the Socialism, Communism, Marxism, etc., they dream of and strive for) is eliminated. Until then, conservatives should stand together as Americans and rally for the Constitutional Republic.

ALL Americans, conservatives and liberals alike, whether they believe him to be eligible or not, should support the birthers’ demand for full disclosure of all of Prezdint Jackass’ personal documents and records, if for no other reason than to put the issue to rest for once and for all. And for the same reason(s), all should support a discussion by and defining statement from the SCOTUS on the meaning of “natural born citizen” as it is used in the US Constitution. Since liberals, however, oppose on principle most anything reasonable, right and good, conservatives should stick together on these issues instead of remaining divided due to worry about what “they” will say about us and what names “they” will call us. (“They,” after all, are nothing more than mentally diseased liberals. Their words are as crazy and nonsensical as their opinions are.)

So, Peri McMillan, how do we get Beck and the TEA Partiers on board?

13 years ago

“If you notice, the LEFT and ISLAM have Soldiers advancing their cause. And they are aggressive and relentless! Our side is just the opposite. It is always follow the path of least resistance. Plus they do not have the commitment of Soldiers; it’s a part time thing!”

BS. The left and Muslims have plenty of soldiers because there are many lefturds and Muslims who, with no other commitments like, say, working full time jobs and paying taxes!, have plenty of time on their hands. Give ’em a welfare check with which to feed the kiddies and a little something extra from Uncle Soros to make their trip worthwhile, and they’re good to go anywhere, hold up any protest sign and should any slogan. For an extra large crowd, throw in free lunch and a bus ride to and back. For a crowd of phenomenal size, set up a stage and call in a couple of stooges from Comedy Central to use it.

On the other hand, conservatives, for the most part, have full time jobs, families, bills and taxes to be paid. Their plates are full. Their money is spent and accounted for before their paychecks are deposited. The rest are retirees and gimps like me who, because we choose not to live off the rest of you, are poor, penniless, broke. This is why it IS a big deal when hundreds of thousands of TEA Partiers descend on the lawn of the Capitol, or when hundreds of thousands of Conservatives rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial with Glenn Beck while it’s just another day in America when 1, 10,000 or even 1,000,000 libtards choose to miss a day’s episode of Jerry Springer to assemble anywhere over anything.

As for Rev Manning’s trial, while his intentions and all of his hard work were admirable, the jury’s verdict was/is not enforceable. And even though the lamestream media’s refusal to acknowledge and report on the trial was disappointing, Prezdint Jackass’ ineligibility is no secret.

Did you know about and show up for Dr Kate’s ineligibility rally in DC this past fall? It took place in the week(s) between the TEA Party’s and Glenn Beck’s rallies in DC. Did you make it to all three rallies/protests? Did anyone make it to all three? Perhaps one of the problems lies there, in the fact that there were three rallies for Conservatives, Constitutionalists and TEA Partiers held in DC, all within four or six weeks of each other. I suspect the lack of organization between the groups on the right and what appears to be competition among them hurt all three rallies, with Dr Kate’s hurt the most, followed by the TEA Party rally. (Hey, if Dr Kate had a daily program on Fox News, maybe her ineligibility protest rally would have brought in hundreds of thousands of people. Oh, nevermind that as Fox News would never allow her to talk about that on her program.) Unless Beck chooses to blend his followers with the TEA Parties (fat chance of that happening) and unless the TEA Parties choose to stop shunning and silencing “the birthers” among them, the attendance at their respective rallies and protests will continue to reflect the divisions they’ve created. After all, the workers and producers who make up the larger group of conservatives only have so many vacation days each year and so much expendable income that they can spend. Should they give up working and paying the bills, choosing to devote their all to the cause as lefturds and Muslims do, the very Republic they’re trying to save would grind to a screeching stop.

Leonard Volodarsky
13 years ago

We’ll stand together till the end, and WILL prevail
God Bless Pastor Manning

California Birther/Dualer/Doubter
13 years ago

Hang in there. This long winter at Valley Forge is about to come to an end, and justice will prevail!

Miki Booth
13 years ago

Amen! Thank you Sharon for all you do!