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by Andy Martin, ©2010

Andy Martin has filed two lawsuits in Hawaii and will be hosting a conference on Obama's eligibility next month

(Oct. 7, 2010) — The 2012 presidential campaign begins in Honolulu on November 9, 2010. Barack Obama fooled a lot of voters in 2007-2008. He won’t fool the American People again in 2012.

Our November 9-16, 2010 Honolulu meeting is titled:  Obamacon 2012.

The “Third National Conference on Barack Obama’s Missing Birth Certificate, College Records and Religion” will be a landmark in American political history. Never before have ordinary Americans prepared in advance to legally remove an occupant of the White House due to serious questions about his eligibility to serve as president.

Because I have always limited myself to searching for the truth and finding the facts about Barack Obama, I enjoy worldwide credibility as the first investigative scholar on Barack Obama’s early years. I believe it is inappropriate to attack Obama with anything less than the facts and truth. My book on Barack Obama, “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” continues to sell through the publisher [OrangeStatePress.com] because it is an attempt to get at the truth behind Barack Obama.

As a result of the efforts which I began in 2004 to shed light on Barack Obama’s family history, nearly 100 millions have eventually come to have doubts about Obama’s credibility.

We are the most spontaneous political movement in American history.

All of you want to discuss and review developments in 2010 concerning Obama’s birth, high school/college/law school records and religion. That’s why we organized the Third National Conference for November 9-16 in Honolulu, the supposed “birthplace” of Obama, although Hawai’i officials continue to refuse to release his original 1961 birth certificate.

Why does Obama persist in refusing to release his original typewritten 1961 Hawai’i birth certificate? Why does he refuse to release any of his Punahou School (Honolulu private school) records, his Occidental College records, his Columbia University records or his Harvard Law School records? Obama’s says “trust me.” Nearly 100 million Americans do not.

1. Location

The conference will be held in Honolulu November 9-16, 2010. We plan a number of sessions over that period, as well as ample opportunity for you to conduct your own investigative activity and familiarize yourself with the Obama myth.

Obama saboteurs stole the tapes of our first National Conference in Washington, DC. We will ensure they do not steal the tape of Obamacon 2012. For some reason, Obama and his associates are terrified of the investigative work we do on his personal history. What is he hiding? What doesn’t he want us to find out?

2. Hawai’i freedom of information materials

We  are still fighting in court to release Obama’s birth records and Hawai’i state records on the political cover-up orchestrated by Hawai’i Democrats.

3. Conference Registration fee and ID requirement

As always, we need some advance indication of how large the attending group could be to make space-planning decisions. Therefore, we have added a nominal $50 advance registration fee which covers all sessions. Please fill out the attendance form and mail it back with the $50 to arrive in New York before November 8th. Please include a copy of a photo ID so we can confirm your identity when you arrive at the conference. (In order to enhance security there will not be any “at the door” registration.) Once we know how many to plan for, we can work out how formal or informal to be.

We are currently scouting meeting options in Honolulu. We will notify you by e-mail as to the locations. You can also follow developments on our blog.

We will be using our original blog for the third time.

4. Conference agenda

In the near future you will be receiving the first draft of our proposed agenda. You are invited to begin submitting suggestions, comments and proposals for any future revisions.

5. All are welcome-but please bring evidence, not illusions

Anyone is welcome to register and attend our conference. But please, if you want to express a theory, bring some rational, tangible evidence to support your claims about Mr. Obama. Those of you who know me know I am committed to working only with accurate information and, as we lawyers say, “reasonable inferences drawn from the available facts or available documentation.”

Pie-in-the-sky will not fly. Hucksters who use bogus documents to obtain anti-Obama publicity only undermine legitimate inquiries into Obama’s opaque past. We need to search for the truth and look for the facts.

6. Security

We will have adequate arrangements for security in case Obama’s desperate sycophants try to disrupt us again.

7. Media

Media are welcome to register. We will be providing twitter.com updates during the conference (twitter.com/AndyMartinUSA).

8. Visitors to Honolulu

We selected November 9-16, 2010 for the conference because the dates fall just before air fares dramatically increase for the holiday season. There are many accommodations options in Honolulu. Please avoid lavish or extravagant spending while attending because we are there on business. Otherwise, we encourage a tourist/vacation boycott of Hawai’i.

We will be issuing updates of this letter, so please feel free to make suggestions.

And please remember we operate on a shoestring, so contribute any shoestrings you can afford to help make Obamacon 2012 a success. We are going to be issuing separate fund raising letters. Please donate online at www.CommitteeofOneMilliontoDefeatBarackObama.com

There are two dimensions to the tragedy Obama has inflicted on the American people. After rigorous study I have come to believe there is a compelling case that he is ineligible to serve as president. That’s the first tragedy: Americans were lulled into voting for a man who was not eligible to serve as president because they were betrayed by the mainstream media and Democratic Party.

But even if it is ultimately held that Obama is eligible, he is unfit to serve as president. His socialist agenda is undermining our national security and destroying our economy. I was the first person to “out” Obama as a socialist on national television  in 2008; go to the tape:

You will receive a separate email with the Obamacon 2012 conference registration form.

God Bless the United States, and God protect us from Barack Obama until the day he is removed from the White House.

With best wishes,








Honolulu 2010 blog for Obamacon 2012:


EMAIL: contact@StopObamaCoalition.com

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